The Effect of Eplerenone and Atorvastatin on Markers of Collagen Turnover in Diastolic Heart Failure...
Diastolic Heart FailureTo investigate whether the medicines eplerenone or atorvastatin have a favourable effect on diastolic heart failure. Eplerenone is a drug that has been shown to be beneficial in Chronic Heart Failure due to pump failure. It can increase life expectancy and improve symptoms in these patients. It is not known whether or not eplerenone might be beneficial in heart failure with normal pump function (diastolic heart failure). Atorvastatin is one of a group of cholesterol lowering medicines called statins, which have been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease in patients irrespective of whether cholesterol levels are high or normal. It is not known whether atorvastatin also reduces fibrosis of the heart which is one of the causes of diastolic heart failure. Study hypothesis To investigate the impact of aldosterone antagonism or statin therapy on markers of collagen turnover in patients with diastolic heart failure. To assess the impact of aldosterone antagonism or statin therapy on markers of diastolic dysfunction and indices of clinical well being in patients with diastolic heart failure.

Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells in the Combined Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease
Ischemic Heart DiseaseBone Marrow Cells3 moreThe purpose of this study evaluate the effect of the method of administration of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells for the duration of of functioning aorto-coronary bypass grafts in the surgical treatment of coronary heart disease, to assess the degree of effectiveness depending on the method of transplantation (intramyocardial, intracoronary, combined).

Inhaled Nitrite in Subjects With Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary HypertensionHeart Failure1 moreThis is a single-center, open label phase II study to evaluate the effect of inhaled nitrite delivered in a dose escalation manner on the change in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in subjects with pulmonary hypertension undergoing right heart catheterization. A total of 50 subjects with a confirmed diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and meet all inclusion/exclusion criteria will be enrolled in the study which will entail a single right heart catheterization and nebulized nitrite dose of 45mg with one subsequent dosage of 90 mg.

Effects of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension(DASH) Sodium-restricted Diet in Diastolic...
Diastolic Heart FailureHypertensive Heart DiseaseHeart failure with preserved systolic function (HF-PSF, or 'diastolic heart failure') accounts for half of hospitalizations for heart failure in patients over the age of 65. Most HF-PSF patients have systemic hypertension (HTN), and characteristic HTN-induced cardiovascular changes contribute to HF-PSF. However, it is unclear why most patients with HTN never develop HF-PSF or which specific aspects of HTN predispose to HF-PSF. In the Dahl S rat, the primary animal model of HF-PSF, high dietary sodium intake suppresses the systemic renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, but upregulates renal and cardiac renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system by inducing oxidative stress. In humans, the magnitude of blood pressure response to sodium ingestion and depletion can categorize subjects as "salt-resistant" and "salt-sensitive." Human salt sensitivity is associated with structural and loading conditions that increase the risk for HF-PSF, including HTN, ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction, arterial stiffening, and increased plasma volume. High dietary sodium intake induces oxidative stress in salt-sensitive humans. In humans with HTN and normal ventricular systolic function that do not have heart failure, increased oxidative stress predicts impaired exercise capacity, ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction, arterial stiffening, and vascular endothelial dysfunction. The investigators have proposed that "salt sensitivity" and the accompanying oxidative stress on the typical high-sodium Western diet may contribute to the initiation and progression of HF-PSF. In patients with HF-PSF, the investigators will relate dietary changes to biochemical and cardiovascular functional measures. The investigators will study subjects on ad-lib diet and and following three weeks of rigorous dietary modification with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)/sodium-restricted diet (SRD). This diet is richer in natural antioxidants and lower in sodium than the usual American diet. The DASH/SRD is recommended to lower blood pressure in patients with HTN, and is particularly effective in elderly, obese, and salt-sensitive hypertensives. Dietary sodium restriction is recommended for all HF patients including those with HF-PSF. The investigators hypothesize that the DASH/SRD will have favorable effects on oxidative stress, ventricular and vascular function, and blood pressure control in patients with hypertensive HF-PSF.

Aldosterone Antagonism in Diastolic Heart Failure
Congestive Heart FailureDiastoleThe primary purpose of this study is to determine whether eplerenone has a beneficial effect on improving exercise ability in patients with diastolic heart failure.

Balance, Aerobic Capacity, Mobility and Strength in Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure (BAMS-HF)...
Heart FailureHeart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction8 moreThis is a pilot randomized trial of the BAMS-HF (Balance, Aerobic capacity, Mobility and Strength in patients hospitalized for Heart Failure) Program versus usual care. The BAMS-HF Program pilot study is an initial step in eventually creating a comprehensive, patient-centered, primarily home-based rehabilitation intervention aimed at preventing worsening disability and dependence among older adults hospitalized for HF. The BAMS-HF Program will enroll patients hospitalized for HF (or with HF as an active problem during hospitalization) within the past 4 weeks and will engage patients during the vulnerable post-discharged period. The objective of this pilot study is to test the feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effect of the BAMS-HF Program in older (>/= 65 years) adults hospitalized for HF. The BAMS-HF Program will begin within 4 week of hospital discharge and be administered 3 times weekly for 12 weeks in the patient's home upon discharge. Patients who are able to safely complete the program without in-person assistance will transition to telehealth (aka telerehabilitation) visits. The BAMS-HF Program is innovative because it is home-based, and will utilize rigorous, progressive exercises across multiple domains of physical function. The estimated preliminary effect size will be measured with the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), a well-validated measure that predicts incident mobility/disability and falls in the geriatric population. Aim #1: To assess the feasibility of the BAMS-HF Program by measuring 1) study enrollment rate, 2) proportion of prescribed sessions that were actually performed, 3) proportion of patients completing full baseline assessment and outcome measures Aim #2: To assess the acceptability of the BAMS-HF Program with qualitative interviews of participants in the intervention arm that will ask about their experience in the program, any aspects of the intervention they recommend changing and whether patients would recommend the program to others. Reason for declining or stopping participation in the study will also be recorded and considered in adjusting the study protocol. Aim #3: To estimate the preliminary intervention effect by investigating the difference in change in SPPB between the BAMS-HF Program arm and the usual care arm.

Hemodynamic-GUIDEd Management of Heart Failure
Heart FailureHeart Failure10 moreThe GUIDE-HF IDE clinical trial is intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of the CardioMEMS™ HF System in an expanded patient population including heart failure (HF) patients outside of the present indication, but at risk for future HF events or mortality.

High Intensity Interval Training Versus Moderate Continuous Training in Heart Failure With Preserved...
Heart FailureDiastolic Heart FailureThe purpose of this study is to determine whether high intensity interval training (HIIT) is superior to moderate continuous training in increasing cardiopulmonary capacity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction patients.

Sildenafil in HFpEF (Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction) and PH
Heart FailureDiastolic1 moreAim of the study is to investigate whether Sildenafil treatment results in a reduction of pulmonary artery pressure without decrease of cardiac output (CO) and in improvement of exercise capacity in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) with pulmonary hypertension ( PH).

Safety and Efficacy of Bosentan in Patients With Diastolic Heart Failure and Secondary Pulmonary...
Heart FailureDiastolic2 moreHeart failure is a major medical and socioeconomic problem in western industrial countries, especially with aging populations. Heart failure with normal left ventricle systolic function (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, HFPEF, heart failure with normal ejection fraction, HFNEF) are common causes of hospitalization mainly in the elderly population and are frequently associated with pulmonary hypertension. It is commonly seen, that patients with left heart disease and pulmonary hypertension with right ventricle dysfunction have a worse prognosis. The investigators hypothesize, that an additional treatment with Bosentan in this patients will improve their exercise capacity, symptoms, hemodynamics and quality of life.