Use of Non Invasive Hemodynamic Cardiovascular Monitoring to Evaluate Emergency Department Patients...
COPDCongestive Heart Failure3 moreThis study is an observational prospective pilot trial that utilizes finger cuff non invasive hemodynamic monitoring (NexfinHD Monitor) to assess 4 different groups (CHF/COPD, Trauma, Sepsis, Stroke) of patients on arrival to the Emergency Department and to document the changes seen in these hemodynamics with acute therapies.

Heart FailureDetektion and Registration of Atrial Tachyarrhythmias at Patients with Heart Failure; What proportion of patients with CRT-therapy are affected at least temporarily by Atrial Arrhythmia?

PANORAMA Observational Study
ArrhythmiaSinus Node Disease2 moreTo construct a computerized database of national profiles and epidemiological data on patients wearing Medtronic implantable pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators (both with or without cardiac resynchronization therapy), implantable loop recorders and leads used within their intended use. Clinical variables will be analyzed in relation to device-based data and diagnostics.

Peripheral Venous Oxygen Saturation and Biomarkers to Estimate Cardiac Output and Filling Pressures...
Congestive Heart FailureThe relationship between peripheral venous saturation and central hemodynamics (including right and left heart filling pressures and cardiac output), mixed venous oxygen saturation, and contemporary biomarkers of heart failure is not clear. We aim to determine the relationship between mixed venous, central venous, and peripheral venous oxygen saturation in patients with advanced (class III or IV) heart failure. We will determine the relationship between cardiac output measured via thermodilution and the Fick equation calculated using concurrent oxygen saturations from the distal PA, central vein, and peripheral vein. We also aim to examine the relationship of selected cardiac biomarkers with cardiac filling pressures and cardiac output over time in patients with decompensated heart failure.

Left Ventricular Lead Position in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Heart FailureLeft ventricular (LV) lead position has crucial impact on cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) success. This study will compare fluoroscopy and myocardial deformation imaging for optimal definition of LV lead position.

PROSPECT: Predictors of Response to Cardiac Re-Synchronization Therapy
Heart FailureCongestive Heart Failure1 moreHeart failure is a progressive disease that decreases the pumping action of the heart. This may cause a backup of fluid in the heart and may result in heart beat changes. Using a medical device like a pacemaker or a defibrillator can help the heart to pump in regular beats. However, not all patients do better with a device. Currently, there is not a way to identify which patients will benefit from the device. The purpose of this study is to determine if using medical tests, Echocardiogram, can help in predicting which patients will improve. The types of patients needed for this study are those who have been diagnosed with moderate or severe heart failure.

Optimizing Cardiac Resynchronization
Heart FailureCardiac resynchronization therapy shows great promise as a method to improve ventricular function in heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy. It is applied to patients with class III and IV symptomatic heart failure on optimal therapy. Typical entry criteria in the trials testing resynchronization have used the electrocardiogram and a prolonged electrocardiogram (ECG) QRS interval as criteria for dyssynchrony. This is recognized to be quite limited as a tool for identifying patients. Several new echocardiographic methods for identifying dyssynchrony have been proposed. The purpose of this study is to systematically examine these multiple echocardiographic measurement techniques in three conditions: in the patient's native rhythm simulated by changing the pacing system to atrial pacing only; in conventional dual chamber pacing (DDD mode); and during biventricular pacing. All patients entered into this study will already have had a biventricular pacemaker placed.

Prospective Evaluation of the StatusFirst™ CHF NT-proBNP Device in Human Whole Blood and Plasma...
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)The primary objective of the study is to establish the correlation between NT-proBNP measurements in fresh human whole blood samples and those in plasma samples from the same study subjects, where said samples are collected in EDTA and Li-Hep anticoagulant tubes and measured by the StatusFirst™ CHF NT-proBNP device in conjunction with the DXpressTM Reader in a laboratory setting.

Evaluation of Patients With Known or Suspected Heart Disease
Peripheral Artery DiseaseCoronary Disease5 moreIn this study researchers will admit and evaluate patients with known or suspected heart disease referred to the Cardiology Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Patients participating in this study will undergo a general medical evaluation, including blood tests, urine, examination, chest x-ray and electrocardiogram (EKG). In addition, patients may be asked to have an echocardiogram (ultrasound scan of the heart) and to perform an exercise stress test. These tests are designed to assess the types and causes of patient's heart diseases and to determine if they can participate in other, specific research studies.

Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Acute Heart Failure Patients With Cognitive Impairment
Heart FailureSystolic2 moreIn heart failure patients, neuropsychological disorders have been prospectively linked to frequent hospitalizations, recurrent cardiac events, and mortality. Cognitive dysfunction is also a frequent comorbidity in heart failure (HF) patients. The benefit of cardiac rehabilitation between patients with cognitive dysfunction and patients without cognitive dysfunction is unknown. Investigators hypothesize that patients with cognitive dysfunction benefit more from cardiac rehabilitation programs than patients without cognitive dysfunction.