Reduced-Intensity Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Malignant Hematological...
Hematological NeoplasmsHematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantationTo evaluate engraftment and toxicity of a reduced intensity preparative regimen for patients who receive a matched related or unrelated donor allogeneic stem cell transplant (ASCT) for malignant hematological diseases

Safety and Efficacy of Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation for Adult Patients With Hematologic...
Acute Myelogenous LeukemiaAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia2 moreThe primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of cord blood transplantation for adult patients with hematologic malignancies including refractory acute leukemia. The transplant procedure was determined in detail according to the previously published report showing a high survival, so that the investigators could expect a similar result.

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation With Matched Unrelated Donors for Patients With Hematologic...
Hematologic MalignanciesPatients who have cancer of the bone marrow (leukemia) or lymph gland (lymphomas) are being asked to take part in this study. This study uses a new chemotherapy regimen and matched volunteer stem cell transplant to treat patients with cancers of this kind.

Allogeneic Cell Therapy for Adults With Hematologic Malignancies
Hematologic DiseasesThis is a research study involving the treatment of leukemia or lymphoma (lymph gland cancer) in adults who have leukemia or lymphoma that is unlikely to be cured with regular anticancer drugs or radiation treatments.

Study of AP23573 in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Hematologic Malignancies (8669-024)(COMPLETED)...
Hematologic MalignanciesLeukemia3 moreThe purpose of this phase II study is to assess the efficacy of AP23573 in patients with specified relapsed or refractory hematological malignancies.

Ultraviolet-B Light Therapy and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Treating Patients With Hematologic...
Chronic Myeloproliferative DisordersLeukemia4 moreRATIONALE: Peripheral stem cell transplantation may be able to replace immune cells that were destroyed by chemotherapy. Sometimes the transplanted cells from a donor are rejected by the body's normal cells. Ultraviolet-B light therapy given before and after allogeneic stem cell transplantation may help prevent this from happening. PURPOSE: Clinical trial to study the effectiveness of combining ultraviolet-B light therapy with allogeneic stem cell transplantation in treating patients who have hematologic malignancies.

Immunoablative Mini Transplant (Hematopoietic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant [HPBSC])
TumorsMalignant Melanoma6 moreThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effectiveness of transplantation of high doses of peripheral blood stem cells (stem cells are special cells found in the blood and bone marrow that produce new blood cells) after treatment with non-myeloablative chemotherapy (not toxic to the bone marrow). In addition, this study will assess the side effects of the transplant.

3-AP and High-Dose Cytarabine in Treating Patients With Advanced Hematologic Malignancies
Accelerated Phase Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaAdult Acute Myeloid Leukemia With 11q23 (MLL) Abnormalities9 moreDrugs used in chemotherapy, such as cytarabine, work in different ways to stop cancer cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. 3-AP may help cytarabine kill more cancer cells by making them more sensitive to the drug. This phase I trial is studying the side effects and best dose of 3-AP when given with high-dose cytarabine in treating patients with advanced hematologic malignancies

The Role of Cyclosporine in Blood Cell Transplants With T-Cell Add-Back for Blood Cancers
Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaGraft vs Host Disease3 moreCancers of the blood, sometimes referred to as hematologic malignancies, are disorders of bone marrow cells that lead to the failure of the normal function of bone marrow and the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells in the bone marrow. These cancerous cells can spill over into the bloodstream and affect other organs causing widespread symptoms. The disease is life threatening because it blocks the normal function of the marrow, which is to produce red cells (preventing anemia), white cells (preventing infection), and platelets (preventing progression). Bone marrow transplants are a potential form of therapy for patients with hematologic malignancies. However, BMT is a complicated procedure and can be associated with dangerous side effects. In this study researchers are attempting to find ways to reduce the complications of BMT, so that it would be possible to use it more safely and can be offered more patients. In order to do this, researchers are developing new techniques to make BMT safer. It requires making small changes to the standard procedure, which may improve the outcome. The experimental procedures researchers are evaluating are: <TAB>T-cell depleted peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) transplantation <TAB> Cyclosporine given immediately after the transplant <TAB>Add-back of donor lymphocytes Patients undergoing these experimental techniques must be monitored closely to see if any benefit or harmful effects will occur. Information gathered from this study can be used to develop further research studies and potential new therapies for hematologic malignancies.

RD13-01 for Patients With r/r CD7+ T/NK Cell Hematologic Malignancies
Hematologic MalignanciesThis study is designed to explore the safety of RD13-01 for patients with CD7+ relapsed and/or refractory T/NK-cell hematologic malignancies. And to evaluate the efficacy and pharmacokinetics of RD13-01 in patients.