Irrigation of Chronic Subdural Hematomas - is More Better?
HematomaSubdural1 moreThere are numerous reported ways to treat chronic subdural hematomas (CSDH) and practice is still differing considerably between departments. Except for a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) that found that postoperative subdural drainage was better than no drain, there is no higher level evidence. Another recent RCT did not replicate these findings, but the study was severely underpowered. Aim of this population based study is to compare clinical results (reoperation rates, complications, perioperative death, and survival) between neurosurgical departments treating CSDH with different treatment policies.
Effect of Different Intravenous Fluids on Post-operative Chronic Subdural Hematoma Size and Recurrence...
Chronic Subdural HematomaThis study aims to reduce the recurrence rate of chronic subdural hematomas (CSDH) by manipulating the post-operative intravenous fluid use. The hypothesis relies on the relationship between osmolality and volume changes related to osmolality. We will be administering dextrose 5% in 1/4 normal saline (D5 1/4NS) post-operatively to induce brain expansion which can take up the residual CSDH space, to help reduce recurrence rate.