Non-Myeloablative Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation With Matched Unrelated Donors for Treatment...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaMyelodysplasia9 moreThe primary objective of this study is to examine transplant related mortality (TRM) at 100 days <30%. A TRM of >50% is considered unacceptable. This study also seeks a TRM at 12 months that is <50%, engraftment >90% (defined as donor cells >80% at 6 months), and 1 year overall survival >50%.

Fungemia in Hematologic Malignancies
Acute LeukemiaChronic Leukemia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors for fungemia in a population of patients diagnosed with hematologic malignancies and eligible for chemotherapy.

Molecular Disease Profile of Hematological Malignancies
Hematological MalignanciesIn this prospective multicentric study, the University of Pavia together with the Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia and the IRCCS Fondazione Maugeri, Pavia, Italy will provide a systematic analysis of gene mutations in hematological malignancies by using NGS techniques. Patients with a conclusive diagnosis of haematological malignancies according to WHO criteria referred to the Rete Ematologica Lombarda clinical network (REL, www.rel-lombardia.net) will be enrolled. The investigators will analyse genomic DNA extracted from hematopoietic cells at different time points of patient disease. The study contemplates the use of molecular platforms (Next Generation Sequencing, NGS) aimed at the identification of recurrent mutations in myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms, respectively. Screening of gene mutations by NGS will be prospectively implemented in the context of REL clinical network. Patient samples will be analyzed at diagnosis and sequentially during the course of the disease at specific timepoints. The researchers will analyze the correlations between somatic mutations, specific clinical phenotypes (according to the WHO classification) and disease evolution. This will allow to: 1) identify new recurrent genetic mutations involved in the molecular pathogenesis of hematological malignancies; 2) define the role of mutated genes, distinguishing between genes which induce a clonal proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells, and genes which determine the clinical phenotype of the disease; 3) identify mutations which are responsible for disease evolution; 4) define the diagnostic/prognostic role of the identified mutations, and update the current disease classifications and prognostic scores by including molecular parameters. A systematic biobanking of biological material will be provided.

Impact of a Monitoring Device for Patients With Cancer Treated Using Oral Therapeutics
Metastatic CancerHematological MalignancyThe emergence of oral delivery in cancer therapeutics is expected to result in an increased need for better coordination between all treatment stakeholders, mainly to ensure adequate treatment delivery to the patient. There is significant interest in the nurse navigation program's potential to improve transitions of care by improving communication between treatment stakeholders and by providing personalized organizational assistance to patients. The use of health information technology is another strategy aimed at improving cancer care coordination that can be combined with the NN program to improve remote patient follow-up. However, the potential of these two strategies combined to improve oral treatment delivery is limited by a lack of rigorous evidence of actual impact. The investigators are conducting a large scale randomized controlled trial designed to assess the impact of a navigation program denoted CAPRI that is based on two Nurse Navigators and a web portal ensuring coordination between community and hospital as well as between patients and navigators, versus routine delivery of oral anticancer therapy. The primary research aim is to assess the impact of the program on treatment delivery for patients with metastatic cancer, as measured by Relative Dose Intensity. The trial involves a number of other outcomes, including toxic side effects, patient quality of life and patient experience . An economic evaluation adopting a societal perspective will be conducted, in order to estimate those health care resources' used. A parallel process evaluation will be conducted to describe implementation of the intervention

Assistance Program for Outpatients Following an Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-cell Transplant
Hematologic NeoplasmsAfter the initial monitoring period during hospitalization and isolation, patients with recent transplants are regularly monitored in monthly consultations but are still fragile, immunosuppressed and undergoing many treatments. The implementation of an outpatient assistance program for transplant patients should be feasible and allow for the improvement in medical-psycho-social care for the patients during this fragile and risky period, improve the satisfaction and quality of life for these transplant patients and assist in their socio-professional and familial reintegration.

Optimal Dosing of Vancomycin in an Adult Population of Hemato-oncology
VancomycinHematologic Malignancies1 moreThis is a single-center prospective pharmacokinetic study. The principal objective is to collect new data among patients with hematologic cancer to develop a Bayesian population pharmacokinetic model and to improve dose adjustment of intravenous vancomycin. Approximately 40 subjects meeting the inclusion and no exclusion criteria will be enrolled in the study. Vancomycin blood concentration will be measured at steady-state at three different moment for each participant : immediately before the infusion, 1 hour after the infusion and during the elimination phase (at 3, 4 or 5 hours after the infusion). This additional vancomycin serum concentration in the elimination phase will be used to estimate more precisely the vancomycin pharmacokinetic parameters in this specific population including the distribution volume and the elimination of the molecule. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to create a nomogram to predict the optimal initial vancomycin dosing in adult patients with a hematologic cancer.

COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy in Patients With Malignant Pathologies
Solid TumorHematologic Malignancy4 moreIn the context of malignant disease, it is likely that vaccine efficacy and immunogenicity depends on the type of pathology, stage of the disease, immunosuppression induced by the treatments, in addition to more classic factors such as age, general condition and possibly the type of vaccine used. There are very little data on the efficacy and immunogenicity of anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines in patients with malignant disease in the active phase of treatment. This multicenter observational study aims to assess the efficacy and the immunogenicity of anti-Sars-CoV-2 vaccines in the cohort of patients treated for malignant pathology (solid or hematological tumors) at Saint Louis Hospital and in thoracic oncology patients at Bichat Hospital.

Immunogenicity of Covid-19 Vaccination for Patients With Hematological Malignancies
ImmunogenicityHematological Malignancies2 moreCovid-19 is associated with a mortality rate of 33-37% in patients with hematological malignancies. At present, the anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination represents the most effective strategy for the prevention of Covid-19. Patients with malignancies were excluded from the trials leading to the approval of Comirnaty, Moderna, Vaxzevria and Janssen vaccines. The immunogenicity of these vaccines in immunocompromised patients or with hematological malignancies is an unmet clinical need. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of vaccination in adult patients with hematological malignancies, who received vaccination according to Italian rules and were in treatment at the Hematology Unit of Varese, Italy Efficacy will be evaluated in terms of serological response, cellular-mediated immune response and prevention of Covid-19. The duration of the study will be 24 months.

An Evaluation of Patients Access to Their Electronic Medical Records Via the IPC Connect Application...
Solid TumorHematologic MalignancyThe aim of our study is to investigate the effect of providing patients access to their electronic medical records Via the IPC Connect Application on their A Survey will be proposed to all outpatients with a solid or hematologic malignancy who will attend an appointement at Institut Paoli Calmettes clinic. Data will be collected during a 1-month period. The auto-questionnaire will be composed of 31 questions addressed to all patients, 17 questions will be specifically addressed to patients using IPC connect application and 7 questions will be addressed to patients who do not use the application.

Allo After Allo Stem Cell Transplantation Following Relapse After Allogeneic Transplant in Haematological...
Allogeneic Stem Cell TransplantationThe allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell marrow is the only curative treatment for many hematologic malignancies. However, many patients relapse in these situations to be therapeutic possibilities scarce and mixed. Chemotherapy in these situations does not show good results and new drugs have not yet demonstrated the effectiveness desired. Another therapeutic approach after relapse post allogeneic transplant is to resubmit the allogeneic transplant patient to patient. In this clinical situation is little known. All previous studies are retrospective, the data provided are of little statistical value and heterogeneous patient samples. The GETH (Grupo Espanol de trasplantes hematopoyeticos y terapia celular) has included in its database a figure around 350 seconds allogeneic transplants. Comparing this with the studies published so far, this would be the largest retrospective series published size compared to second allogeneic transplants.