Fibrinogen Early In Severe Trauma StudY II
TraumaHaemorrhagic Shock1 moreAnnually over 7000 Australians are treated for severe trauma. Haemorrhage secondary to severe trauma is a major cause of potentially preventable death and poor outcomes in Australian adults. Severe trauma may trigger changes in blood clotting mechanisms and factor levels leading to inhibition of clot formation and reduced clot strength. This results in the inability of the severely injured trauma patient to form adequate clots to help stop bleeding. There is good evidence to suggest the loss of clotting factors during haemorrhage is associated with worse outcomes and it is thought the early replacement of these factors may reduce bleeding and improve patient outcomes. Fibrinogen is a key clotting factor that helps bind clots together and early fibrinogen replacement may improve outcomes. Currently fibrinogen is replaced using cryoprecipitate, a blood product made from blood donated by healthy donors which is a precious resource. It can take a significant amount of time to administer as it is frozen and stored in the blood bank. Timely administration of cryoprecipitate is difficult as it requires thawing prior to transfusion. The large doses of cryoprecipitate used in traumatic haemorrhage can put strain on local blood banks in supplying requested units in a timely manner. Additionally, the widely dispersed population of Australia introduces logistic challenges to the maintenance of adequate cryoprecipitate stocks to individual hospital blood banks, especially in remote regions. However, cryoprecipitate contains a number of other coagulation factors (not just fibrinogen) that may be instrumental in clot formation and resistance to fibrinolysis. Fibrinogen concentrate is an alternative product used to assist in blood clotting. It is a dry powder form of fibrinogen and can be reconstituted at the bedside and given quickly. The use of a fibrinogen factor concentrate with a long shelf life that is easy to use has significant implications for both large urban metropolitan areas and remote isolated communities. The timing and mode of fibrinogen replacement in traumatic haemorrhage has implications for patient outcomes, blood product availability, costs and the national blood supply. Despite the importance of fibrinogen replacement in traumatic haemorrhage, there have been no clinical trials powered for clinical outcomes directly comparing fibrinogen concentrate and cryoprecipitate. FEISTY II will evaluate the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of Fibrinogen Concentrate vs Cryoprecipitate in trauma patients with major haemorrhage. FEISTY II is a phase III randomised trial which will enrol 850 patients from Australian and New Zealand major trauma centres, with a primary patient outcome of days alive out of hospital at day 90 after injury. Severely injured trauma patients who require blood transfusion and have evidence of low fibrinogen levels will be randomised to receive either fibrinogen concentrate or standard care with cryoprecipitate

Type O Whole Blood and Assessment of Age During Prehospital Resuscitation Trial
Hemorrhagic ShockTraumatic InjuryOpen label, multi-center, pre-hospital randomized trial utilizing 10 level-1 trauma centers designed to determine the efficacy and safety of low titer whole blood resuscitation as compared to standard of care resuscitation in patients at risk of hemorrhagic shock and to appropriately characterize the hemostatic competency of whole blood relative to its age.

Trauma Resuscitation With Low-Titer Group O Whole Blood or Products
Wounds and InjuriesShock1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare the effectiveness of unseparated whole blood (referred to as Low-Titer Group O Whole Blood) and the separate components of whole blood (including red cells, plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate) in critically injured patients who require large-volume blood transfusions.

Low-Titer O Positive Whole Blood Versus Component Therapy for Emergent Transfusion in Trauma Patients...
Hemorrhagic ShockAcute Blood Loss Anemia1 moreAdult male patients brought to the emergency department as Level A trauma activations who are receiving emergency blood transfusion. Objectives Evaluate PRBC equivalents transfused in each group in the first 24 hours (Primary outcome) Evaluate total transfusion in each group in the first 24 hours (Secondary Outcome) including breakdown by FFP equivalents, platelet units, and cryoprecipitate Evaluate 6 hour, 24 hour, and hospital mortality (Secondary Outcome) Evaluate ICU outcomes in each group

Prehospital Kcentra for Hemorrhagic Shock
Trauma InjuryThis is a pilot trial being performed to evaluate the feasibility, to include the ability of EMS to identify patients in shock and the ability to package, store, and administer Kcentra in the field.

Cold Stored Platelet in Hemorrhagic Shock
TraumaHemorrhageThe Cold Stored Platelet Early Intervention in Hemorrhagic Shock (CriSP-HS) trial is a proposed 3 year, open label, multi-center, randomized trial designed to determine the feasibility, efficacy, and safety of urgent release cold stored platelets (CSP) in patients in hemorrhagic shock. Patients will be randomized to receive either standard care or early infusion of urgent release cold stored platelets (CSP). The proposed pilot study will utilize 5 level-1 trauma centers from within the LITES network and will enroll approximately 200 patients. The primary outcome for the pilot trial is feasibility, with principal secondary clinical outcome of 24 hour mortality.

REVIVE: Reducing Exsanguination Via In-Vivo Expandable Foam
Hemorrhagic ShockTrauma2 moreThe purpose of this study is to demonstrate safety, effectiveness and benefit-risk profile of ResQFoam for the inhospital treatment of exsanguinating, intraabdominal haemorrhage due to trauma in patients where emergent laparotomy is required.

Blood Transfusion by Boston MedFlight Registry
Hemorrhagic ShockThe primary aim of this observational registry is to study the outcomes of patients with hemorrhagic shock transported by Boston MedFlight receiving blood products during transport.

Empiric Calcium in Massive Transfusion
HemorrhageTrauma3 moreCalcium helps blood to clot and thereby stop bleeding. Trauma patients who experience large volume blood loss often require blood transfusions and bleeding is the most common cause of death. The purpose of this study is to see if giving intravenous calcium immediately to patients who require large volume blood transfusion will decrease transfusion requirements, vasopressor use and mortality in bleeding trauma patients.

Massive Transfusion in Children-2: A Trial Examining Life Threatening Hemorrhage in Children
Hemorrhagic ShockTrauma InjuryThe MATIC-2 is a multicenter clinical trial enrolling children who are less than 18 years of age with hemorrhagic shock potentially needing significant blood transfusion. The primary objective of the clinical trial is to determine the effectiveness of Low Titer Group O Whole Blood (LTOWB) compared to component therapy (CT), and Tranexamic Acid (TXA) compared to placebo in decreasing 24-hour all-cause mortality in children with traumatic life threatening hemorrhage.