Antaitavir Hasophate Capsules Combined With Yiqibuvir Tablets in Treatment Adult Patients With Chronic...
Chronic HCV InfectionThe safety, tolerability and antiviral activity of Antaitavir Hasophate in Combination With Yiqibuvir in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection

Transplanting Hepatitis C Positive Organs
Hepatitis CAwaiting Organ TransplantThis is an open-label, pilot safety and efficacy trial for adults who are active on the heart, lung, or kidney transplantation lists and are eligible to receive an organ from an increased risk donor who has evidence of active or prior hepatitis C infection (HCV).

Pharmacist-led Hepatitis C Management
Hepatitis C Virus InfectionHepatitis C virus (HCV) continues to disproportionately affect vulnerable and marginalized persons in Canada. During the interferon treatment era, certain circumstances precluded individuals from receiving treatment, most notably mental health concerns or active substance use. In addition to the tolerability and efficacy of all-oral direct acting antivirals (DAAs), novel diagnostic strategies have also increased engagement in the care cascade. Point-of care and/or dried blood spot antibody as well as RNA testing allow for diagnosis without the need for phlebotomy, a major barrier for those with a history of past or current injection drug use. Despite these advances in diagnostic streamlining and increased cure rates, engagement post-diagnosis continues to be a major gap. Although the exact mechanism of HCV acquisition may not be clear - people who inject drugs, persons who are street-involved or low-income, or persons who are difficult-to-reach for other reasons, often experience both structural and geographic challenges to obtaining care. Community pharmacists may be the first point of contact for higher risk populations and may avoid testing and/or treatment for fear of judgement or poor treatment in hospital/specialist settings. While studies have demonstrated the feasibility of treating people receiving opioid against therapy (OAT), it remains unclear whether Canadian pharmacists can safely and effectively screen, and/or confirm HCV, work-up patients for HCV treatment, and prescribe with minimal oversight. If this model proves successful, it may have global utility especially in areas of the world where pharmacists are the initial point of contact for healthcare issues. The aim of this study is to determine whether being tested and linked care and treatment will be more effective in a community pharmacy than a referral to a tertiary care hospital for management of HCV among people on stable OAT, or other populations who experience barriers to care but use community pharmacy services.

Transplantation Using Hepatitis C Positive Donors, A Safety Trial
Lung Transplant InfectionHeart Transplant Infection3 moreThe success of transplantation is significantly hindered by the lack of sufficient number of available donors. Many potential donor organs cannot be utilized in clinical transplantation because donors have chronic viral infections such as hepatitis C (HCV) infection. This study will test the possibility of safely transplanting organs from HCV-infected donors into HCV-uninfected recipients. Prior to transplantation, recipients will receive an initial dose of highly effective antiviral prophylaxis using approved direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir (G/P) and they will also receive ezetimibe, a cholesterol-lowering medication that also blocks entry of HCV into liver cells. They will then receive daily dosing of the same medications for 7 days after transplant. The aim of the study is to show that transplantation of organs from HCV+ donors is safe in the era of DAAs. The investigators hypothesize that rates of HCV transmission to recipients will be prevented by the use of DAA prophylaxis and any HCV transmission that does occur will be readily treatable and curable. If successful, the knowledge from this study can have a large impact to patients with end stage organ diseases by providing a large novel source of donors for organ transplantations.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Daclatasvir/Sofosbuvir in Adolescents With Hepatitis C Virus
Chronic HCV InfectionThis is an interventional Phase II/III, single center, single arm clinical trial to assess the pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety and tolerance of daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir in treatment-naïve, non-cirrhotic adolescents with chronic HCV GT-4 infection. A single-arm evaluation of daclatasvir/sofosbuvir will focus on the pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety All enrolled patients will receive daclatasvir 60 mg orally once daily plus sofosbuvir at a dose of 400 mg orally once daily for 12 weeks.

Advanced Care Coordination and Enhanced Linkage and Retention Among Transitional Re-Entrants
Hepatitis CThe overarching goal of this study is to develop a peer-based care coordination intervention for individuals with HCV who were recently released from correctional settings to promote linkage to and retention in HCV care. The investigators will assess the existing barriers and facilitators of HCV treatment initiation, HCV treatment completion, and sustained virologic response among individuals recently released from a U.S. jail or prisons in a randomized control trial. This study will assess the feasibility and process measures of a peer-enhanced HCV care coordination intervention among recently incarcerated individuals.

Outcomes Mandate National Integration With Cannabis as Medicine
Chronic PainChronic Pain Syndrome31 moreThis will be a multistate, multicenter clinical study to determine the efficacy and safety of medical cannabis for a wide variety of chronic medical conditions.

Strategic Treatment Reduction in Very Early Liver Disease With 4 Weeks Sofosbuvir Plus Glecepravir-pibrentasvir...
Hepatitis CThis study aims to evaluate the efficacy, safety and feasibility of four weeks of sofosbuvir plus glecaprevir-pibrentasvir, followed by immediate retreatment of virological relapse with glecepravir-pibrentasvir for 12 weeks, in treatment-naïve participants with chronic HCV infection and early liver disease (F0-F2).

Link Hepatitis C Notifications to Treatment in Tasmania
Hepatitis CThis project will utilise the notification process as a point of intervention to work with primary practitioners (GP) by contacting them directly when a notification of hepatitis C exposure is received by the Tasmanian department of Health (DoH). A designated role will exist within DoH of a specialist HCV health worker to contact GPs to provide supported assistance in the process of the follow up hepatitis C diagnoses with patients. The study will evaluate whether active follow up of providers with enhanced case management is effective in having patients linked to hepatitis C treatment compared to current standard of care of surveillance for new notifications. The study will also compare the cost-effectiveness of this approach compared to current standard of care after one of their patients is notified with a positive hepatitis C antibody result.

Study to Evaluate Adverse Events and Change in Disease Activity in Adult and Adolescent Participants...
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a global health problem. HCV mainly affects liver cells and causes the liver to become inflamed and damaged. This study will evaluate how safe and effective glecaprevir/pibrentasvir (GLE/PIB) is in adult and adolescent participants with acute HCV infection. GLE/PIB is an approved drug for the treatment of chronic HCV. Around 283 participants at least 12 years of age with acute HCV Infection will be enrolled in approximately 70 sites worldwide. Participants will receive oral tablets of GLE/PIB once daily (QD) for 8 weeks and will be followed for 12 weeks after the end of treatment. There may be higher treatment burden for participants in this trial compared to their standard of care. Participants will attend regular visits during the study at a hospital or clinic. The effect of the treatment will be checked by medical assessments, blood tests, monitoring for side effects and completing questionnaires.