A Clinical Study on the Efficacy and Safety of VEC Intravenous Chemotherapy Combined With Conbercept...
RetinoblastomaThis prospective, multi-center, open single-arm Phase II clinical trial is designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of intravenous chemotherapy combined with Conbercept intravitreal injection in the treatment of retinoblastoma.

Intra-arterial Chemotherapy for Children With Retinoblastoma
RetinoblastomaRetinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye that occurs exclusively in children. The treatment for retinoblastoma may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and local treatments to the eye such as freezing (cryotherapy) and local radiation (brachytherapy). In some cases, a child with retinoblastoma will have active cancer in a single remaining eye with useful vision. In such cases, it is sometimes necessary to remove this eye. In such cases, the injection of chemotherapy directly into the artery that supplies the eye and the tumor may lead to regression of the tumor without the need to remove the eye. This form of treatment was pioneered by a group in New York (Abramson et al). In this study the investigators will assess the efficacy and safety of the technique in a group of children with retinoblastoma.

RCT of Ballon Technique VS Selective Ophthalmic Artery Infusion For the Retinoblastoma Patients...
RetinoblastomaIAC2 moreRetinoblastoma is the most common intraocular tumor in children..IAC--Targeted Treatment for Intraocular Retinoblastoma,Is minimally invasive procedure that infuse chemotherapy select into the ophthalmic artery, its can increasing the drug concentration reaching the tumor and reducing systemic toxicity compared with traditional intravenous treatment.: one is Ballon technique , another is selective ophthalmic artery infusion.This study evaluates the difference of Ballon technique and selective ophthalmic artery infusion effect in the treatment of retinoblastoma. Half of participants will receive, Ballon technique while the other half will receive selective ophthalmic artery infusion

Trial Comparing Two Carboplatin Doses in Groups C and D Intraocular Retinoblastoma
Intraocular RetinoblastomaThe purpose of this study is to determine whether an increase in the dose of carboplatin in treatment of advanced intraocular (group C and D) retinoblastoma helps in avoiding radiotherapy and improves the rate of globe salvage.

Efficacy Study of Lucentis in the Treatment of Retinoblastoma
RetinoblastomaThis study will evaluate the clinical efficacy of intravitreal injections of Ranibizumab (Lucentis) together with chemotherapy in the treatment of Retinoblastoma as compared to chemotherapy alone.

Molecular Analysis of Retinoblastoma
RetinoblastomaRetinoblastoma is a childhood tumor of the retina that affects approximately 1 in 18,000 children. Retinoblastoma is more prevalent in Central America, where most patients present with advanced intraocular and extraocular disease. Therefore, we have formed collaboration with Central American investigators to provide us with frozen retinoblastoma tumors from patients undergoing routine enucleation. The objective of this protocol is to begin to identify the mutations and gene expression changes that occur in retinoblastoma cells following RB1 gene inactivation in order to more effectively target chemotherapy for treating bilateral retinoblastoma.

Genetic Mutations and Environmental Exposure in Young Patients With Retinoblastoma and in Their...
Extraocular RetinoblastomaIntraocular Retinoblastoma1 moreThis laboratory study is looking at genetic mutations and environmental exposure in young patients with retinoblastoma and in their parents and young healthy unrelated volunteers. Gathering information about gene mutations and environmental exposure may help doctors learn more about the causes of retinoblastoma in young patients.

Topical Anesthesia and Intra-arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma
Hemodynamic InstabilityThe objective of this study is to use local topical anesthesia to numb the sensory input, captured by branches of the Trigeminal nerve found on the skin in and around the eye, to decrease a hemodynamic reflex seen during placement of a catheter for intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) for eye tumors in children. This Trigeminal-cardiac reflex brings about hemodynamic instability during general anesthesia. Normally, one could block this sensorial input with ophthalmic peribulbar placement of local anesthetics, but these eyes have malignant growth and invasive procedures may cause more harm. The investigators are aiming to numb the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve non-invasively and observe for any decrease in these events.

Cancer Biology of Retinoblastoma
RetinoblastomaMany children with the childhood cancer, Retinoblastoma, have surgery to remove the tumor and sometimes the entire eye. The purpose of this study is to collect the extra tissue from patients who undergo tumor removal for laboratory experiments that will help us understand not only what occurs in retinoblastoma cells but also how cells normally function. Some of these studies will include an evaluation of how cells control the way that genes are expressed, how cells "know" to become retinal cells, how cells remain retinal cells, how cells lose their identity as retinal cells, what changes make retinoblastoma cells different from normal retinal cells, and what changes make some retinoblastomas worse than others.

Performance of a Photoscreener for Vision Screening in a Haitian Pediatric Population
AmblyopiaMyopia8 moreScreening of haitian children between the ages of 3 and 6 years old for amblyogenic risk factors with the use of the Spot photoscreener. The photoscreener results will be compared to the complete ophthalmologic evaluation. Primarily, this will allow evaluation of the performance of the spot photoscreener in the haitian children population. Secondarily, this study will gather epidemiological information on vision problems in the haitian children population.