Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Study of 2LHERP® in Orofacial Herpes Infections.
Herpes SimplexHerpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is very common, as most people will experience herpetic infection during their lifetime. The most common manifestation of HSV infection is sores which may appear at any age. No specific antiviral therapy is available to totally cure herpetic infections and today, there is no treatment that allows the definitive eradication of the virus. The 2LHERP® has been available for more than 20 years, and has received a marketing authorization in Belgium by the FAMHP. It is used as an immune regulator in the treatment of herpetic infections. Since 2LHERP® has been made available, clinical observational data collected on treated patients have shown the beneficial effect on the disappearance of herpetic recurrences. The purpose of this placebo-controlled trial is to evaluate the efficacy of 2LHERP® on the treatment of herpetic infections in adults.

A Study of mRNA-1608, a Herpes Simplex Virus -2 (HSV-2) Therapeutic Candidate Vaccine, in Healthy...
Genital HerpesThe purpose of this study is to generate safety and immunogenicity data and establish a proof-of-concept of clinical benefit of the mRNA-1608 vaccine candidate.

A First-in-Human Study to Evaluate JCXH-105, an srRNA-based Herpes Zoster Vaccine
Herpes Zoster (HZ)Shingles1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess the safety and immunogenicity of a self-replicating (sr) RNA-based vaccine, JCXH-105, in the prevention of Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Participant will be randomized to receive either JCXH-105 or Shingrix.

The Efficacy and Safety of Intradermal Acupuncture for Acute Herpes Zoster
Herpes ZosterHerpes zoster (HZ), also commonly known as shingles, is characterized by a bandlike rash in the dermatome that corresponds to the affected nerve. Pain is prevalent in HZ patients, which may be provoked by light touch. Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is one of the most common complications of HZ and it is generally intractable to treat. At present, common treatment methods for HZ include anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic, and neuroleptic regimens. Nevertheless, the application of these therapies can sometimes be limited by side effects. In this scenario, it is urgent to seek alternative non-pharmacological therapies for treating HZ. Intradermal acupuncture (IDA) is a common type of acupuncture. By retaining the needles for a much longer duration than other common modalities of acupuncture, IDA can prolong the sustained effect of acupuncture. In addition, characterized by mild pain during the insertion of intradermal needles, IDA is more suitable for patients who fear conventional acupuncture and it is also easy to operate by practitioners. Therefore, concerning the treatment of pain conditions, such as acute HZ, it may have certain advantages over conventional acupuncture. Thus, The aim of this trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of IDA for acute HZ.

Trial on Efficacy and Safety of Pritelivir Tablets for Treatment of Acyclovir-resistant Mucocutaneous...
HSV InfectionRandomized, open-label, multi-center, comparative trial to assess the efficacy and safety in immunocompromised subjects with acyclovir resistant or acyclovir susceptible mucocutaneous HSV infection, treated with pritelivir 100 mg once daily (following a loading dose of 400 mg as first dose to rapidly reach steady-state plasma concentration) or foscarnet 40 mg/kg every 8 hours or 60 mg/kg every 12 hours.

A Study on the Reactogenicity, Safety and Immune Response of a Targeted Immunotherapy Against HSV...
Herpes SimplexThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of 2 formulations of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-Targeted Immunotherapy (HSVTI) in HSV-2 seronegative ethnic Japanese adults aged 18-40 years.

Valacyclovir for Mild Cognitive Impairment
Mild Cognitive ImpairmentHerpes Simplex 11 moreAnti-viral treatment in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a Phase II, placebo-controlled, 52-week trial using oral valacyclovir 4 g/day in 50 HSV seropositive, AD biomarker-positive, amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients (eMCI and lMCI). The trial will directly address the long-standing viral etiology hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) which posits that viruses, particularly the very common herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV1) and herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV2), may be etiologic or contribute to the pathology of AD. This trial will intervene at an earlier stage (MCI). We will compare the repurposed drug valacyclovir to placebo in patients with amnestic MCI (eMCI and lMCI) in a randomized, double-blind, two-arm parallel group 52-week pilot trial. Our Phase II trial will be the first antiviral drug trial conducted in MCI.

Neonatal Phase 1 Valacyclovir Study
Herpes SimplexA Phase 1 study that will determine the valacyclovir dose that results in a systemic acyclovir exposure comparable to 10 mg/kg of parenterally administered acyclovir, which is an AUC0-12 of 24,000 ngxhr/mL to 48,000 ngxhr/mL. Neonates at risk of acquiring neonatal HSV will be enrolled in one of 2 cohorts. Cohort 1 will be comprised of eight subjects who will receive an initial dose of 10ml/kg of oral valacyclovir. Samples for PK assessments will be obtained to assess the exposure concentration. If the safety profile and the drug exposure concentrations in Cohort 1 are acceptable, eight new subjects will be enrolled in Cohort 2. The dose that these subjects will receive will be predicated upon the pharmacokinetic data from Cohort 1.

A Clinical Trial in Healthy Volunteers to Study the Safety, Tolerability, and Immune Responses After...
Genital Herpes Simplex Type 2This exploratory trial will have two parts. Part A will focus on the safety evaluations, but vaccine-induced immune responses (specifically neutralizing antibodies) will also be analyzed to assess if there is a dose-response. Part B of the trial will expand the safety characterization for a BNT163 dose selected based on Part A data and also enable a more comprehensive assessment of the impact of pre-existing immunity to Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-1 and -2 on the safety and BNT163-induced immune responses than could be assessed in Part A.

A Study on the Long-term Efficacy, Safety and Persistence of Immune Response of a Vaccine Against...
Herpes ZosterThe purpose of the current ZOSTER-101 long-term follow-up (LTFU) study of ZOSTER-049 (NCT02723773) study, an extension of ZOSTER-006 (NCT01165177) and ZOSTER-022 (NCT01165229) primary studies, is to assess the long-term vaccine efficacy (VE) against Herpes Zoster (HZ) (approximately 11-15 years post primary vaccination in ZOSTER-006/022 studies), persistence of immunogenicity and safety of GSK's Herpes Zoster subunit (HZ/su) vaccine in older adults. The persistence of immunogenicity and safety of 1 or 2 additional doses (0, 2-month schedule) of HZ/su vaccine administered to a small group of participants in ZOSTER-049 study (approximately 5 years after the initial vaccination in ZOSTER-006/022 studies) will also be assessed.