HIV Antiretroviral Drugs and Metabolism
HIV InfectionsHypothesis 1: Ritonavir-based regimens increase triglycerides and VLDL by both increasing VLDL production and decreasing VLDL clearance. Specific Aim 1A: To quantify the effect of ritonavir on VLDL production and clearance using stable isotope turnover and other clearance methods. Specific Aim 1B: To determine the composition of the triglyceride rich particles. Protocol 1: The effects of ritonavir-based regimens on VLDL production, VLDL clearance and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein composition in healthy normal volunteers. HIV-seronegative volunteers will be studied before and at the end of four weeks of taking ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir or atazanavir/ritonavir. Hypothesis 2: NNRTI drugs do not increase HDL by increasing apo AI production, but rather by decreasing apo AI clearance, prolonging time in circulation. Specific Aim 2A: To determine the composition of HDL before and after NNRTI and assess its function. Specific Aim 2B: To quantify the effect of NNRTI on apo AI production and clearance using stable isotopes. Specific Aim 2C: To determine if the NNRTI induced increase in HDL is accompanied by improvement in flow mediated vasodilation and circulating markers of endothelial function Protocol 2A: The effects of efavirenz on HDL composition, HDL function, apo AI production, apo AI clearance, flow mediated vasodilation and circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction in healthy normal volunteers. HIV-seronegative volunteers will be studied before and at the end of six weeks of taking efavirenz. Protocol 2B: The effects of starting an efavirenz-based regimen on HDL composition, HDL function, apo AI production, apo AI clearance, flow mediated vasodilation and circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with HIV infection. HIV-infected patients whose care providers have prescribed an efavirenz-based regimen will be studied before and after six weeks of starting efavirenz. Hypothesis 3: Ritonavir-based PI regimens impair insulin secretion. Specific Aim 3: To determine which ritonavir-based PI regimens alter insulin secretion. Protocol 3: The effects of ritonavir-based regimens on insulin secretion in healthy normal volunteers. HIV-seronegative volunteers will be studied before and at the end of four weeks of taking ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir or atazanavir/ritonavir.
Development of an Intervention to Reduce Heavy Drinking and Improve HIV Care Engagement Among Fisherfolk...
Alcohol Use DisorderHIV-infection/AidsFisherfolk are a high risk population for HIV and are prioritized to receive antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Uganda, but risky alcohol use among fisherfolk is a barrier to HIV care engagement; multilevel factors influence alcohol use and poor access to HIV care in fishing villages, including a lack of motivation, social support, access to savings accounts, and access to HIV clinics. This project aims to address these barriers, and subsequently reduce heavy alcohol use and increase engagement in HIV care, through an intervention in which counselors provide individual and group counseling to increase motivation, while also addressing structural barriers to care through increased opportunities for savings and increased social support. This may be a feasible approach to help this hard-to-reach population reduce drinking and increase access care, which could ultimately reduce mortality rates, improve treatment outcomes, and through its effect on HIV viral load, decrease the likelihood of transmitting HIV to others.
Study of Immune Responses Induced by a HIV Vaccine
HIV InfectionsThe purpose of this study is to define the immune responses induced by a HIV vaccine, AIDSVAX B/E. Blood and mucosal samples will be collected to assess immune responses.
Facilitating HIV/AIDS and HIV Testing Literacy for Emergency Department Patients
HIV Health LiteracyThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all patients should receive information about HIV/AIDS and HIV testing orally or in writing at every HIV testing encounter. However, for busy emergency departments (EDs), delivering information orally is a barrier to HIV testing, and written brochures likely are not useful for those with lower health or general literacy. Videos might be as or more efficacious than orally-delivered information in improving HIV/AIDS and HIV testing knowledge, particularly for those with lower health literacy skills. However, the resources required to show videos might limit their use in EDs. Pictorial brochures are a promising alternative, but are of unknown efficacy. The objectives of this study are to: (1) determine if HIV/AIDS and HIV testing information should be delivered by a video or pictorial brochure to emergency department (ED) patients to improve short-term (in the ED) knowledge about HIV/AIDS and HIV testing; (2) determine if longer-term retention (over 12 months) of HIV/AIDS and HIV testing knowledge is greater for those who watch a video or review a pictorial brochure; (3) determine if short-term improvement and longer-term retention in HIV/AIDS and HIV testing knowledge is better after watching a video or reviewing a pictorial brochure for those with lower health literacy, and if improvement and retention also varies by language spoken (English or Spanish); and (4) if willingness to be tested again in one year is greater for those who watch the video or review the pictorial brochure, and if this willingness also varies by health literacy level and language spoken.
The Wise App Trial for Improving Health Outcomes in PLWH
HIV/AIDSThe overall goal of this study is to design a user-centered design app linked to a smart pill box for people living with HIV (PLWH) and evaluate its effects in a randomized controlled trial. The proposed trial is scientifically significant in representing a principled and systematic effort to test the efficacy of a smartphone intervention linked to a smart pill box for antiretroviral (ART) adherence in PLWH in the United States (US). Guided by a strong theoretical framework building on earlier user-centered design work and integrating a real-time monitoring device, this work has the potential to improve ART adherence in PLWH and have a sustainable public health impact.
Evaluation of a Smart Phone App-based Case Management Model Among ART-naive HIV-infected MSM
HIV/AIDSThis is a randomized controlled trial about an app-based case management intervention. The intervention is a comprehensive case management approach consisting of the following aspects: articles delivery, online communication with case managers, supportive service information and hospital visits reminders. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention among HIV-positive men who have sex with men compared to standard-of-care service.
Assessing the Effectiveness and Feasibility of Voluntary Assisted Partner Notification Services...
HIV InfectionsTo evaluate effectiveness of voluntary assisted partner notification (VAPN) in real-world programmatic settings, a non-randomized, stepped wedge study in high volume facilities in 6 high HIV burden focus districts (Blantyre, Zomba, Chikwawa, Machinga, Mangochi and Lilongwe urban) is proposed. The primary objective is to compare the percentage of contacts tested during the standard of care (SOC) phase (i.e., using passive family referral services (FRS) index testing methodology) with the percentage of contacts tested during the SOC plus VAPN phase, by 1, 2, and 3 months after the initial contact with the index client. Assessment of feasibility will be achieved through documentation of operational lessons learned during implementation. Findings will contribute to ongoing policy discussions whether Malawi should adopt VAPN in its national HIV testing guidelines
Switching to a Fixed Dose Combination of Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (B/F/TAF)...
Human Immunodeficiency Virus I InfectionDrug UseIn an effort to engage more HIV-infected PWUD into care, and ensure treatment adherence and efficacy, simplification of older, multi-tablet regimens is required. Newer, more potent molecules can also overcome resistant that has persisted with previous regimens, while simultaneously providing a high barrier to resistance. The co-formulation of B/F/TAF is a viable switch-option for patients who have experienced lower adherence with previous regimens due to high pill burden, or for those requiring a more potent regimen due to emergent resistances. The formal evaluation of B/F/TAF in this context will allow us to optimize care for HIV-infected PWUD.
Adolescent Coordinated Transition Nigerian HIV+ Youth
HIV/AIDSThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of a comprehensive, coordinated transition protocol which includes an early introduction to the adult provider, an integrated case management team and a peer-facilitated organized support group on retention in care, viral suppression and psychosocial wellbeing among adolescents living with HIV.
Validation Study of mHealth Technology in HIV to Improve Empowerment and Healthcare Utilisation:...
HIV InfectionsA large (3900 patients) cohort study, undertaken in five European sites to validate in a mHealth platform to enable self-management of HIV in patients with stable disease using a tailored HTA process, Model for Assessment of Telemedicine Applications (MAST), specifically developed for the assessment of mHealth solutions. As site recruitment will be sequential and the recruitment period will last 18 months, a maximum follow-up of 35 Months will be undertaken. Study visits will take place at baseline defined as the time of mHealth introduction, months 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30.