
Active clinical trials for "HIV Infections"

Results 4031-4040 of 4182

A Medication Adherence Intervention for HIV Infected Veterans

HIV Infection

It is estimated that the VHA is caring for nearly 40 percent of all HIV-infected veterans. To benefit from recent improvements in anti-HIV therapy, patients need to take their medications consistently.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Influences on HIV Infected Subjects' Willingness to Participate in Research and Ability to Give...

HIV Infections

This protocol seeks to better understand the various factors which influence an HIV infected individual's decision to participate in clinical research, and especially how the offer of payment influences the decision to participate and understanding of the risks, benefits and purpose of the research. Subjects will be HIV infected individuals participating in or being screened for participation in intramural HIV studies being conducted by the NIAID, CCMD, and NCI. Willing subjects will be recruited from studies that offer payment and comparable studies that do not pay. The primary methodology is an interview via a survey schedule. Use of the interview schedule will be preceded by a focus group of about 7-10 individuals and pretesting of the survey instrument. Paid and unpaid subjects will be compared with respect to motivations, understanding, willingness to withdraw, and sociodemographics.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

A "Pre-Enrollment" Protocol for HIV-Infected Adolescents

HIV Infections

PRIMARY: To identify, characterize, and co-enroll HIV-infected adolescents into existing and future ACTG (or other NIH-sponsored) HIV treatment protocols through the systematic and recurrent assessment of eligibility. To assess the ability of adolescents enrolled in ACTG 220 to adhere to ACTG (or other NIH-sponsored) HIV treatment protocols; and to define factors that influence the adolescent's ability to enter or adhere to study protocols. SECONDARY: To describe the nature, stage, and progression of HIV infection in adolescents. Little is known about HIV-infected adolescents as a group and, as a result, small numbers of them are currently enrolled in ACTG drug studies. Creative approaches are needed to encourage enrollment of HIV-infected adolescents whose socio-demographic profile has made access to NIH-sponsored research unlikely.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Study of Perinatal Transmission of Zidovudine-Resistant HIV Among Pregnant Women Treated With Zidovudine...

HIV InfectionsPregnancy

To identify patterns of zidovudine ( AZT ) susceptibility among mother/infant pairs with perinatal HIV transmission. Most HIV-infected infants acquire their disease via perinatal transmission. Since transmission of HIV-resistant strains to infants could alter the course of disease and response to currently recommended treatment, a study to assess the patterns of AZT susceptibility among mother/infant pairs with perinatal transmission is essential to delineate future therapeutic strategies.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Incidence and Prevalence of Cancer in People Living With HIV/AIDS at Cancer Centers in Latin America...

HIV InfectionHuman Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Positive2 more

This trial studies the frequency of incident and prevalent of cancer in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) at cancer centers in Latin America. By counting how many people living with HIV/AIDS have cancer at these specific centers, researchers may better understand how they are being treated and cared for. This may help researchers to understand what new studies may be helpful for those areas in the future.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

HIV, Buprenorphine, and the Criminal Justice System (STRIDE2)

Human Immunodeficiency VirusAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome2 more

STRIDE2 is a longitudinal, non-randomized study of individuals living with HIV who are dependent on opioids. This study is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01DA030768, Altice, PI; Taxman & Lawson, Co-PIs) and is being conducted by George Mason University, Yale University, and Howard University.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

The Compartmental Biology of HIV in the Male Genital Tract

Human Immunodeficiency VirusVirus Shedding

Male participants taking tenofovir-emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) will provide semen and blood samples which will be analyzed to better understand the pharmacology of antiretroviral therapy in the male genital tract.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Risk of CV Events With EFV vs. EFV-free Regimens


The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an increased risk of cardiovascular events (CV) with regimens containing efavirenz (EFV) versus other regimens in patients with HIV.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Regional Differences in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing

HIV SeropositivityCD4+ T Lymphocytopenia

This retrospective observational study aims at the examination of regional differences in the procedure of referral for serological HIV testing between eastern (new) and western (old) German federal states.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

New Strategies to Assess Anal Cancer Risk In Women

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

The purpose of this research is to study different strategies to identify women at highest risk for anal cancer. Primarily, investigators want to study a risk assessment called the Anal Cancer Risk Index; it gives women an overall number score based on risk factors that they may have for anal cancer, such as age, number of sexual partners, or smoking. Investigators seek to understand whether women with higher Anal Cancer Risk Index scores are more likely to have abnormal results on anal pap smears, HPV tests, or anal biopsies. The study team will collect swabs of the cervix and the anus to study different laboratory tests that could identify women at highest risk of cervical and anal cancer. These laboratory tests include an anal pap smear, tests for markers of disease and tests that detect the HPV types most likely to cause cancer. The study team would like to see which of these laboratory tests do the best job at predicting precancerous lesions in the anus and are better indicators of risk for cancer. After collecting these swabs, women will have a procedure called high resolution anoscopy where investigators look closely at the anus and biopsy any suspicious areas. Finally, the study team will look for HPV proteins and changes that HPV can make in cells to see if these tests predict anal lesions.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

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