Mode of Action Study of Omalizumab in Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU) Who Fail...
Chronic Idiopathic UrticariaThe study is designed to explore the mode of action for omalizumab therapy in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria.

Significance of an Elimination and Provocation Diet in Patients With Chronic Urticaria
UrticariaAngioedemaPatients with chronic urticaria undertake a five week elimination diet (pseudoallergen free diet). The efficacy of the diet will be determined by symptom score, by the use of rescue medication (oral antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids) and by a Quality of Life Questionnaire on week 0 and week 5. All patients with sufficient response (regarding the urticaria score) enter a second dietary part over six weeks, whereas a provocation diet is carried out. Each diet week a choice of pseudoallergen rich food is added, sorted by the type of pseudoallergens (e.g. biogenic amines, organic acids, flavours, additives). This study is conducted to investigate if the provocation diet could be a new diagnostic intervention to elucidate clinical relevant pseudoallergens.

Prospective Double-blind Placebo-controlled Study of the Effect of Xolair (Omalizumab) in Chronic...
Chronic UrticariaChronic Idiopathic Urticaria1 moreThe aim of this study is to investigate the pathophysiological mechanism of omalizumab in patients with documented chronic urticaria who have complaints under standard antihistamine treatment. With this study the investigators will assess the correlation between Fc-IgE receptor downregulation as well as functionality and clinical response to omalizumab treatment in patients with chronic urticaria. This may be an approach for other diseases as well, where Fc-IgE receptor crosslinking are essential. The treatment time is set for a total of 4 monthly applications of omalizumab. According to the dosage recommendations of recent studies, fixed doses of 300 mg omalizumab are administered subcutaneously.

Shotblocker® Use in Subcutaneous Injection
Chronic Spontaneous UrticariaAim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of subcutaneous injection with ShotBlocker® on patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Background: In chronic diseases such as CSU, after subcutaneous injection, problems such as pain, ecchymosis and hematoma may arise due to the injection technique. This may lead to tissue loss at the injection site subsequent injections of subcutaneously administered omalizumab every twenty-eight days and increase the stress level. Design: Randomized placebo controlled. Methods: Data were collected between June-November 2018 by including 90 patients out of 125 patients with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria in Dermatology Clinic, Sultan Abdulhamid Han Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. Patients were divided into three groups as intervention, control and shotblocker group. Patients in the placebo group were administered with the reverse side of ShotBlocker® during subcutaneous injection, and no intervention was performed in the control group. The group using ShotBlocker® for subcutaneous injection was compared with the placebo and control groups.

Evaluation of the Protection Activity of Microfine Titanium Dioxide (Ti02), Pigmentary Ti02 and...
Idiopathic Solar UrticariaCommercially available external photoprotectors (EP) do not provide adequate protection against ultraviolet A (UVA) and visible wavelengths. The proposed medicinal product V0096 CR (formula RV3131A-MV1166) is a broad spectrum EP (bsEP). The rationale for the use of V0096 CR (formula RV3131A-MV1166) in the proposed condition is based on its ability to broadly block the UVA radiations and visible light that are known to trigger solar urticaria (SU).

Effects of Bilastine on F1 Simulator Driving Performance in Patients Affected by Allergic Rhinitis...
Allergic RhinitisUrticariaThe aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of Bilastine on patients' attention and reactivity levels by measuring psychophysical performance at a F1-high speed simulator driving test.

Three-month, Single-center Study to Identify Biomarkers/Response to Xolair Therapy in Chronic Idiopathic...
Chronic Idiopathic UrticariaThis is a single center, non-comparative exploratory study, to investigate the effect of omalizumab over a 3-month treatment period in adult (≥18 years) patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria who had remained symptomatic despite the use of high dose H1-antihistamines.

Tranexamic Acid and Spontaneous Chronic Urticaria
Chronic Spontaneous UrticariaSpontaneous chronic urticaria (UCS) is a disease that affects 1% of the general population with a potentially severe impact on quality of life. Most patients respond favorably to long-term antihistamine treatment, but sometimes it is necessary to give a high dose (4 times the formal dose, Berlin consensus 2016). These high doses are often accompanied by side effects requiring cessation of treatment. The therapeutic alternative is then omalizumab, an expensive biotherapy. UCS is secondary to non-specific mast cell activation. It has been shown to be associated with activation of fibrinolysis that correlates with the severity of symptoms. Patients with UCS resistant to levocetirizine were shown to have higher D-dimer levels than patients who responded to antihistamines. Tranexamic acid is a molecule with antifibrinolytic propertiesSeveral cases of severe chronic urticaria responding favorably to treatment with tranexamic acid have been reported. In our department, Investigators also noticed the improvement of some of their patients on tranexamic acid. The combination of these two treatments appears to be synergistic: action on histamine receptors and control of fibrinolysis. The investigators propose to evaluate the association of tranexamic acid and levocetirizine for the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria.

A Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation in Patients With Chronic Urticaria
UrticariaVitamin D DeficiencyThis study will be an assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial in patients with CSU. The investigators will compared Vit D level in patients with Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) and controls. Enrolled CSU patients with Vit D level <30ng/ml will be then randomized into three intervention arms in the ratio of 1:1:1. Patients belonging to intervention group A will be treated with low dose Vit D (2000 IU/day) for 12 weeks according to the Indian council of medical research (ICMR) guidelines. Intervention group B patients will be treated with high dose Vit D (60,000 IU/week) for 12 weeks and group C will not be given any Vit D supplements. All patients will be evaluated after 12 weeks. The urticaria activity score over 4 days (UAS4) will be used to assess the disease severity using the number of wheals and pruritus intensity based on the EAACI/GA2LEN/EDF guidelines. The patient's disease severity levels will be graded as mild (0-8), moderate (9-16), and severe (17-24).

Efficacy and Safety of Omalizumab in Patients With Severe Acute Urticaria
UrticariaEfficacy of omalizumab in chronic spontaneous urticaria had been demonstrated in phase II and phase III studies. Clinical symptoms and signs had been significantly reduced with omalizumab as doses of 150 mg and 300 mg at 4-week intervals in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria who remained symptomatic despite antihistamine treatment. Omalizumab had an onset of effect within a week after initiation. Thus, the investigators hypothesize that omalizumab will be effective in the treatment of severe acute urticaria as add on therapy with a fast onset of action. Objective:To investigate the efficacy and safety of omalizumab in the treatment of severe acute urticaria Study design: This prospective, interventional, single-arm open label study will recruit patients with severe acute urticaria from emergency departments, hospitalized and outpatient departments. The included patients will receive a single subcutaneous dose of 300mg omalizumab therapy. The efficacy of omalizumab will be evaluated by physical examination and assessed by Urticaria Activity Score (UAS) at baseline, 1 hour, Day 1, Day3, Day 7, and 6 weeks after omalizumab therapy. The frequency and severity of treatment-emergent adverse events will also be evaluated