Real-life Management and Therapeutic Outcome of Patients With Chronic Rhinitis and Chronic Urticaria...
Allergic RhinitisNon-allergic Rhinitis1 moreObservation study of patients with chronic rhinitis or chronic urticaria in Thailand

Study to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of Alesion® in Japanese Paediatric Patients With Urticaria...
UrticariaStudy to investigate the safety and efficacy of Alesion® Dry Syrup under the proper use in daily clinical practice in Japanese paediatric patients with urticaria

Observation of Use of Claritin (Loratadine) Tablet, RediTabs, and Dry Syrup in Children (Study P05834)(COMPLETED)...
RhinitisAllergic6 moreThe purpose of this study is to collect information on unexpected adverse reactions (ADRs), how often ADRs occur, and factors that can affect the safety and effectiveness of Claritin (loratadine) when used in children. Patients will be observed while they are taking Claritin, and ADRs and symptom scores will be recorded. At the end of treatment, improvement in symptoms will be recorded. Post-marketing surveys are not considered applicable clinical trials and thus the results of this survey will not be posted at its conclusion. The results will be submitted to public health officials as required by applicable national and international laws.

Induction of Suction Blisters in Patients With Urticaria, Blistering Diseases, Inflammatory Dermatoses...
DermatitisHealthy3 moreThe use of a suction blister apparatus has facilitated study of the immunologic capacity of human epidermal cells. We have been able to prepare purified populations of these cells after blister formation. Specifically, using the blister tops, we are able to enrich for epidermal Langerhans cells which are very potent stimulators in antigen presenting assays. Thus, this normal volunteer study provides an important source of fresh epidermal tissue from which we can study normal epidermal Langerhans cell function. In addition, we have recently used blister roofs in important experimental models of HIV-1 transmission. There is no other method available for assessing the biologic function of freshly isolated Langerhans cells without altering their milieu. It is a very safe and effective way to obtain human epidermal samples.

Food-specific IgG4-guided Elimination Diets Improve Allergy Symptoms in Children
RhinitisAllergic6 moreAllergic diseases in children are major public health concerns due to their widespread and rising prevalence. The most classic pathway to trigger allergy is type I allergy mediated by immunoglobulin E(IgE), but the role of immunoglobulin G4(IgG4) in allergic diseases is still worth exploring.we have collected the data of allergic patients aged 0-14 years for retrospective cross-sectional analysis to evaluate the positive rates of total IgE, HDM IgE, FS-IgE and FS-IgG4. Meanwhile, investigators screened out patients who were treated with FS-IgG4-guided elimination diets with/without probiotics for more than 3 months to clarify the role of FS-IgG4 in childhood allergic diseases by assessing the improvement of clinical symptoms before and after treatment.

A Long-Term Examination of Asthma From Childhood Through Adolescence
AsthmaDermatitis3 moreAsthma is a common disease that is often diagnosed in childhood. In some teenagers, asthma symptoms disappear and treatment can be stopped; however, for some of these people, asthma symptoms return in adulthood. This study will examine data collected over the lifetime of 18-year olds to identify factors that may increase a person's chance of having recurrent asthma as an adult.

Role of Circulating Innate Lymphoid Cells in Allergic Disorders
AllergyAsthma1 moreThis study evaluates blood type 2 innate lymphoid cells in participants with mild to moderate asthma and participants with chronic urticaria as compared to healthy adult participants.

Monitoring Chronic Urticaria Basophil Irritability by Cytometry
UrticariaA biological tool for quantitative assessment of Chronic Urticaria (CU) is still in need for monitoring biotherapies. CU is considered as a sudden degranulation of Mast cells / basophils without any identified cause. It is considered that Mast cell/basophil have an abnormally high sensitivity in CU and can be triggered with almost nothing (high irritability). In allergy, basophils degranulation can be reproduced in vitro with allergens. Anti-IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibody mimics allergen triggering of basophils in a dose dependent manner. If basophils are abnormally sensitive in CU, it should be reproduced in vitro at very low stimulation. The main objective of this project is to set up a method to evidence abnormal basophil irritability and look for clinical significance. As many markers characterize basophils in different states, researchers shall also look for a profile possibly associated with CU basophile irritability. Such tests could be useful in CU monitoring.

Cutaneous Mastocytosis in Children: Analysis of Somatic and Germline Mutations
Urticaria PigmentosaCutaneous MastocytosisPediatric mastocytosis is an orphan disease, which encompasses several clinically distinct entities including solitary mastocytoma, urticaria pigmentosa, diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis and the newly recognized mast cell activation syndrome. The most common form of pediatric mastocytosis is cutaneous maculopapular mastocytosis (CMPM), also known as urticaria pigmentosa (UP). There are significant knowledge gaps regarding the genetic basis of pediatric mastocytosis and the functional activity of mast cells in this condition. The Pediatric Dermatology and Pediatric Oncology services at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital are seeing significant growth in clinical volumes of pediatric mastocytosis, including rare, familial cases. The aims of this study are to prospectively explore germline risk for UP and to perform a mutational analysis to identify somatic mutations, beyond those currently identified, in pediatric patients with UP.

Animal Allergy in Korean Pet Owners, Pet-related Industry Workers, and Laboratory Animal Reseachers...
Allergic RhinitisAllergic Conjunctivitis2 moreThe investigators surveyed the prevalence of animal allergy and sensitization to animal allergen among participants in international symposium of Korean association for laboratory science (laboratory animal researchers) and companion animal exhibition (pet owner and pet-related industry workers).