Protecting Brains and Saving Futures - the PBSF Protocol
Brain InjuriesCongenital Heart Disease15 moreBackground: Multiple neonatal disorders are associated with risks of neurological injury. Thus, management of these infants should involve a coordinated approach to permit early diagnosis with improved clinical care. Such initiative involves the use of standardized protocols, continuous and specialized brain monitoring with electroencephalography (EEG), amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), neuroimaging and training. Brazil is a very large country with disparities in health care assessment; some neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are not well structured and trained to provide adequate neurocritical care. However, the development and implementation of these neurocritical care units requires high expertise and significant investment of time, manpower and equipment. In order to reduce the existing gap, a unique advanced telemedicine model of neurocritical care called Protecting Brains and Saving Futures (PBSF) protocol was developed and implemented in some Brazilian NICUs. Methods: A prospective observational cohort study will be conducted in 20 Brazilian NICUs that have adopted the PBSF protocol. All infants receiving the protocol during January 2021 to December 2023 will be eligible. Ethical approval will be obtained from the participating institutions. The primary objective is to describe the use of the PBSF protocol and clinical outcomes, by center and over a 3 years period. The use of the PBSF protocol will be measured by quantification of neuromonitoring, neuroimaging exams and sub-specialties consultation. Clinical outcomes of interest after the protocol implementation are length of hospital stay, detection of EEG seizures during hospitalization, use of anticonvulsants, inotropes, and fluid resuscitation, death before hospital discharge, and referral of patients to high-risk infant follow-up. These data will be also compared between infants with primarily neurologic and primarily clinical diagnosis. Discussion: The implementation of the PBSF protocol may provide adequate remote neurocritical care in high-risk infants with optimization of clinical management and improved outcomes. Data from this large, prospective, multicenter study are essential to determine whether neonatal neurocritical units can improve outcomes. Finally, it may offer the necessary framework for larger scale implementation and help in the development of studies of remote neuromonitoring.

Clinical Trial Evaluating Chlorine e6 Derivative-mediated Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy as...
Health Care Associated InfectionObjective: This randomized clinical trial assessed antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT) mediated by Photodithazine (PDZ) to treat patients with denture stomatitis (DS). Methodologies: Patients with DS were randomly assigned to the groups: aPDT (n=30) and nystatin (NYS, n=35). aPDT patients received 6 aPDT sessions, three times a week for 15 days, which involved PDZ (200 mg/L) topical application (20 min) on the palate and upper denture, followed by light emitting diode (LED) illumination (660 nm, 50 J/cm²). NYS patients were instructed to rinse one dropper of this medication for one minute, four times a day, for 15 days. Microbiological collections of dentures and palates were performed and cultured on blood agar and CHROMAgar Candida. Microbial viability was determined, and photographs of the palates were taken for clinical evaluation. Data were analyzed by Repeated Measure Linear Model and Bonferroni (p≤0.05).

Pilot Study of the Utility of Empiric Antibiotic Therapy for Suspected ICU-Acquired Infection
Nosocomial InfectionPneumonia3 moreInfection developing in the intensive care unit is a common complication of critical illness, but notoriously difficult to diagnose. A definite diagnosis based on the most reliable tests usually is not possible for at least two days. It is unclear what the optimal management approach should be while awaiting the results of diagnostic tests. In some circumstances, broad spectrum antibiotics are started with a plan to adjust them once the results of cultures are available. Observational studies show that this results in greater antibiotic use, and the risk of superinfection and resistance. In other circumstances, antibiotics may be withheld pending the results of cultures, a strategy that leads to a delay in therapy when cultures are positive, and that may be associated with a worse clinical outcome. We undertook a randomized pilot study to address the question: "In a critically ill patient for whom clinicians are uncertain whether infection may be present, and in whom potential sites of infection have been managed by removing or changing invasive devices, can a policy of delaying antibiotic treatment until cultures are available reduce the risks of excessive antibiotic use, without increasing the risks associated with delayed therapy?" Recognizing that the question has not been formally addressed before, and that approaches to clinical management are both widely divergent and passionately held, our pilot study tested the feasibility and acceptability of undertaking a larger trial with sufficient power to determine equivalence.

Study Comparing Tigecycline to Imipenem/Cilastatin in Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections in...
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsCross InfectionPurpose: To provide a mechanism for the emergency use of tigecycline in the appropriate clinical situations.

Indwelling Device-associated Biofilms
OncologyCritical Illness2 moreHealthcare associated infections linked to the use of indwelling medical devices increase hospital morbidity, mortality and the Intensive Care treatment costs. The essential strategy for mitigating these consequences are prompt source identifcation and control, with appropriate antimicrobial therapy initiation as soon as possible. Removing the source is one of the golden rule for infection control. Early identification of the responsible germs is the other major guiding element for the appropriate anti-infectious treatment. Despite multiple detection/identification methods, there are no clear recommendations for biofilm identification in clinical practice. The gold standard method is bacterial/fungal culturing, with disadvantages related to late results, especially for slow growing, fastidious germs or related to the existence of uncultivable strains. In order to obtain more sensitive, specific results and to increase the chances of better biofilm characterization, in the present study the investigators compare biofilm identification results obtained by standard cultivation methods with those by DNA amplification and next generation gene sequencing. The studied biofilm is associated to four criticallly ill oncological patients indwelling devices (endotracheal tube, central venous catheter, arterial catheter and urinary catheter).

Impact of Antibiotic Treatment on Outcome in Patients With Ventilator-Associated Tracheobronchitis...
Respiratory Tract DiseasesNosocomial InfectionsThe aim of this study is to determine whether antibiotic treatment could reduce mechanical ventilation duration in patients with nosocomial tracheobronchitis acquired under mechanical ventilation.

Reducing Perioperative S. Aureus Transmission
Staphylococcus AureusHealth Care Associated Infection1 moreThe purpose of this study is to prevent the spread of S. aureus, a dangerous bacterium, within the operating room and between patients undergoing surgery.

Ultra Violet-C Light Evaluation as an Adjunct to Removing Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (UVCLEAR-MDRO)...
Healthcare Associated InfectionMultidrug Resistant OrganismsThis study examines the impact of UV-C light disinfection as an adjunct to routine daily and discharge patient room cleaning on patient infection and colonization with hospital associated bacteria. Patient rooms are counted as enrolled since consent was waived and the number of participants is unknown. Total of 83 rooms.

Pulsed UV Xenon Disinfection to Prevent Resistant Healthcare Associated Infection
Healthcare Associated InfectionClostridium Difficile Infection1 moreThe objective is to conduct a prospective, sham controlled, double-blinded, interventional crossover trial to compare standard terminal cleaning plus PX-UV (intervention) with standard terminal cleaning plus sham PX-UV (control) with crossover at 12 months, following a 6-month washout period. Outcome measures include the rates of HAIs, as well as the recurrence of genetically identical clinical strains of HAIs among patients on study units. The study will be conducted in 2 hospitals covering 16 total hospital units at Detroit Medical Center. Our central hypothesis is that the addition of PX-UV to standard terminal cleaning will be associated with a significant reduction in the rate of HAIs, as well as a reduction in the recovery of genetically identical strains of MDROs. The impact of PX-UV disinfection on rates of HAIs on study units will be determined by comparing rates of HAIs on a) study units where PX-UV is added to standard terminal cleaning practices to b) units where a sham UV disinfection system is added to standard terminal cleaning; and by comparing rates of HAIs on the same medical ward during each of two 12-month phases of a crossover study (one phase when a PX-UV device is added and one when a sham device is added to standard terminal cleaning). The long-term goal of this project is to establish the efficacy of terminal cleaning plus PX-UV in reducing rates of HAIs due to the following multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs): C. difficile, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Acinetobacter baumannii. At the conclusion of the proposed project, novel data will be generated from this rigorously controlled study regarding the effectiveness of PX-UV in reducing HAIs in a representative, real-world healthcare setting.

Safety and Efficacy of Veronate® Versus Placebo in Preventing Nosocomial Staphylococcal Sepsis in...
Nosocomial InfectionsSepsis2 moreThe purpose of this study is to show whether Veronate, a donor-selected staphylococcal human immune globulin intravenous (IGIV), can prevent an infection in the blood caused by staphylococcal bacteria in premature babies weighing between 500 and 1250 grams at birth. Babies are enrolled between Day of Life 3 and 5. Babies are randomized to either Veronate or placebo (50-50 chance of either). Babies can receive up to 4 doses of the study drug on Study Days 1, 3, 8 and 15 and are followed until Study Day 70 or discharge from the hospital.