Tranexamic Acid in Proximal Humeral Fractures
Proximal Humeral FractureSurgical TreatmentThe purpose of this study is to determine the effect of tranexamic acid (on blood loss and transfusion requirements in patients with proximal humeral fractures requiring open surgical approaches. This a blinded, controlled, therapeutic trial in which the patients will be randomized to receive TXA or no drug intervention. The primary outcome is the estimated total blood loss. This study presents only minimal risks for the included patients.

The Nordic DeltaCon Trial for Displaced Proximal Humeral Fractures in Elderly
Proximal Humeral FractureThe Nordic DeltaCon Trial is a prospective, single-blinded, randomized, controlled, multi-center and multi-national trial comparing reverse prosthesis and non-operative treatment in displaced proximal humerus fractures, in the elderly patients aged 65 to 85 years with displaced OTA/AO group B2 or C2 fractures (According to the new 2018 revision: AO/OTA (Orthopaedic Trauma Association) group 11-B1.1, 11-B1.2 and 11-C1.1, 11-C3.1. )

Affixus Natural Nail System Humeral Nail PMCF
Humeral FracturesProximal1 moreA commercially available product clinical study which aims to confirm the safety, performance and clinical benefits to the patient of the Affixus Natural Nail upper arm (humerus) bone nail system for both the implant itself and the instrumentation used during surgery.

A Clinical Trial Investigating Iloprost as Medication to Improve Bone Healing in Patients With Proximal...
Proximal Humeral FractureThe main objective of this study is to establish the safety as well as the efficacy of local insertion of Iloprost at the fracture site for bone healing of the proximal humeral fracture. The study will have two treatment groups and one control group. All patients will receive the standard of care procedure (reduction and angular stable (PHILOS) plate fixation). The two treatment groups will additionally be treated with two different Iloprost doses. Subjects will be assessed for study eligibility within 24h after admission (screening period). Eligible subjects will be assessed for baseline parameters on day 0. Within 96 hours of the study, subjects will undergo surgery, reduction, and angular stable (PHILOS) plate fixation. During the procedure, a catheter will be inserted in the fracture site of the treatment groups in order to deliver the Iloprost locally in the fracture site. The expected total duration of study participation for each subject comprises 52 weeks, among which 26 weeks include active study participation. At the study end, a telephone call with the subjects will be performed for safety assessment. Recruitment will be completed in approximately 18 months. Follow up visits following the surgical operation shall take place during weeks 3, 6, 12, and 26. The last follow-up will be a phone call during week 52 for the purpose of safety assessment.

Continuous vs Liposomal Bupivacaine Interscalene Block for Proximal Humeral Fracture (CLIP)
Shoulder FracturesRestricted range of shoulder motion following ORIF is a potential complication that severely affects the patients' functional outcome and should be actively avoided by means of adequate pain control in addition to early mobilization and physiotherapy. Peripheral nerve blocks, which can be given as a single injection or continuous infusion via an indwelling catheter, are analgesic options to be considered. Interscalene Block (ISB) is the regional analgesia of choice for the shoulder and proximal humerus region. While continuous infusion (aka continuous nerve block) offers the advantage of a longer duration of analgesia compared to a single injection of standard local anaesthetic, it is associated with an inherent risk of catheter displacement, dislodgement, obstruction, and infection. Compared to Standard Bupivacaine (SB), Liposomal Bupivacaine (LB) is a formulation designed to prolong the duration of action to up to 72 hours by slow release of bupivacaine from the multi-vesicular liposomes. Several studies have demonstrated satisfactory analgesic effects of liposomal bupivacaine given as local surgical site infiltration over placebo. However, the effects of single injection of liposomal bupivacaine given via local surgical site infiltration compared to continuous nerve block have been inconsistent. Administrating liposomal bupivacaine directly to peripheral nerve blocks is a potentially effective approach that has not been extensively studied. ISB with single shot liposomal bupivacaine has been shown to provide superior postoperative analgesia compared to ISB with injection of standard bupivacaine or placebo. ISB with liposomal bupivacaine could perhaps prolong and improve postoperative analgesia without the potential problems with continuous nerve blocks. The analgesic effect of ISB with single shot liposomal bupivacaine versus continuous ISB with standard bupivacaine has not been previously investigated. The aim of this study is to compare the analgesic effect of these two analgesic modalities for plate fixation of proximal humerus fractures.

Rehabilitation Following Displaced Proximal Humerus Fractures
Shoulder FracturesProximal humerus fractures (PHFs) are the third most common non-vertebral fractures in the elderly. Most elderly experience loss of function following a PHF regardless of treatment. A Cochrane review from 2015 concluded that surgical management is not superior to non-surgical management, and that the optimal non-surgical management after PHF is not known. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of usual rehabilitation care after displaced PHF compared with one-time physiotherapy instruction.

Post Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) Study of the A.L.P.S. Proximal Humerus Plating System
OsteoarthritisRheumatoid Arthritis3 moreThis study is a multicenter, prospective, non-randomized, non-controlled post-market clinical follow-up study. The primary objective of this study is to confirm the safety and performance of the A.L.P.S. Proximal Humerus Plating System applied in proximal humerus fracture treatment.

3D-printed Bone Models in Addition to CT Imaging for Intra-articular Fracture Repair
Distal Humerus FractureDistal Femur Fracture2 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of 3D-printed bone models in addition to CT imaging versus CT imaging alone on surgical quality and operation time for patients undergoing surgical repair of intra-articular fractures.

Zimmer Biomet Shoulder Arthroplasty PMCF
Shoulder FracturesShoulder Arthritis4 moreThe objectives of this study are to confirm the safety, performance, and clinical benefits of Zimmer Biomet Shoulder Arthroplasty Systems and its instrumentation in primary or revision shoulder arthroplasty. These objectives will be assessed using standard scoring systems, radiographic evidence, and adverse event records. Safety of the system will be assessed by monitoring the frequency an incidence of adverse events.

Non-operative Treatment in Sweden of Proximal Humeral Fractures
Proximal Humeral FractureProximal humeral fractures are common especially in the elderly population. The majority of these fractures are minimally displaced and may be treated non-operatively. There is however a controversy about which fractures that need surgery and randomised trials have not been able to show a clinically important advantage in patient reported outcome measures for those operated. The trend is therefore that also displaced and comminute fractures are treated non-operatively. There is however very little scientific support for how the non-operative treatment should be designed and performed. Therefore this prospective multicenter study is aiming at investigating the benefit of a four week immobilisation orthosis as compared to early range of motion exercises for those patients not assigned for surgery one week after the trauma.