The Effects of Exercise on Gait Characteristics, Balance, and Performance in Patients With Normal...
NPH (Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus)The goal of this study is to investigate effect of exercise program on balance, gait and performance in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus applied with lumbar puncture. The main question it aims to answer are: Home based exercise program effective on balance, gait and performance Telerehabilitation exercise program effective on balance, gait and performance Researchers will compare home based exercise group, telerehabilitation group and control group to see if difference in terms of balance, gait and performance

Pilot Study of the CereVasc® eShunt® System in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
HydrocephalusNormal Pressure1 moreThe eShunt System includes proprietary delivery componentry and the eShunt Implant, a permanent implant deployed in a minimally invasive, neurointerventional procedure. The eShunt Implant is designed to mimic the function of the arachnoid granulations by draining excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the intracranial subarachnoid space (SAS) into the venous system.

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Sleep Apnea
Normal Pressure HydrocephalusSleep Apnea1 moreNormal-pressure hydrocephalus is associated with increases in the intracranial pressure during the night sleep. Sleep apnea also increases the intracranial pressure during the apneic spells. When patients are operated the distal part of the shunt is inserted inside the abdominal cavity, which pressure also increases during the sleep apnea episodes. this is particularly important considering that the recumbent position used to sleep further increases the intraabdominal pressure and that impairs the CSF drainage through the shunt system. The purpose of this study is to analyze the intracranial and intraabdominal pressures during the sleep, particularly during the sleep apnea episodes to see which shunt should be used, to which cavity should be drained (peritoneum or heart) and if correcting the sleep apnea has some positive result on the hydrocephalus symptoms.

Efficacy in iNPH Shunting (PENS) Trial
Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)The Placebo-Controlled Efficacy in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH) Shunting (PENS) trial is a multi-center blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled design investigation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt surgery to study the shunt efficacy in iNPH patients.

US Pilot Study of the CereVasc® eShunt® System in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
HydrocephalusNormal Pressure1 moreThe eShunt® System is a minimally invasive method of treating communicating hydrocephalus. The eShunt System includes a proprietary eShunt Delivery System and the eShunt Implant, a permanent implant deployed in a minimally invasive, neuro-interventional procedure. The eShunt System is intended to shunt cerebrospinal fluid from the intracranial subarachnoid space to the venous system for the treatment of patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus, reducing disability due to symptoms including one or more of gait disturbance, cognitive dysfunction and urinary incontinence.

Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Focus on Imaging and Clinical Symptoms.
Fecal Incontinence With Fecal UrgencyUrine Incontinence2 moreLiNPH is a prospective single center clinical and radiological study.

Acetazolamide Trial in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (INPH)A pharmacological treatment to patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is missing. The aim is to investigate if acetazolamide given to patients with NPH improves gait function and study the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to reduced symptoms. Patients will be randomized to acetazolamide or placebo and duration of treatment will be from diagnosis to the day of shunt surgery. Target dose is 500 mg/day. Study design is a double-blind randomized controlled trial and the plan is to include 42-50 patients. The study is investigator-initiated without financial sponsorship from the industry.

Volumetrics and Proteomics in Shunted Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
HydrocephalusNormal Pressure4 moreIdiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (=iNPH) is a condition with disturbed circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (=CSF) causing symptoms such as balance and gait disorders, urinary incontinence and cognitive impairment in patients with cerebral ventricular dilation. The exact incidence is unknown but has been estimated at about 8.9% of the population over the age of 80 and the incidence is estimated to increase with an aging population. The symptoms can be temporarily improved by draining cerebrospinal fluid and so-called shunting (surgery with diversion of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain to the abdominal cavity). The symptoms and pathophysiology of iNPH are poorly described as well as the protein distribution in cerebrospinal fluid (proteomics) of the disease. There is also a need for improved diagnostical and prognostical tools that can guide in patient selection for surgery. The radiological tools in evaluating the disease and it´s progression need to be improved. There is a shunt valve (Codman Certas Plus) used since 2015 that is widely used in clinical use and is well studied in research laboratories but little in clinical studies. The project aims to, before and after surgery, on patients with iNPH who will undergo investigation and shunting with Certas Plus at our department and in comparison with healthy controls: 1. Apply and evaluate a novel method to determine the volume of circulating CSF (volumetry). 2. Study the correlation between changes in volumetry and clinical outcome 3. Study NPH patients' distribution of proteins in cerebrospinal fluid and their change over time after shunting. 4. Evaluate the efficacy and functions of the Certas Plus valve. In this way, the investigators hope to find increased knowledge about the NPH disease and its pathophysiology as well as useful instruments that can both predict the probability for a patient to be improved by a shunt operation and determine if a shunt has stopped working and thus be able to avoid unnecessary risky operations.

Role of Brain Specific Biomarkers in Hydrocephalus
HydrocephalusNormal Pressure2 moreNormal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a neurodegenerative disease of unclear etiology characterized by a clinical trias named after the neurosurgeon Hakim. It includes cognitive impairment (dementia), gait disturbance, and urinary incontinence. These symptoms, which frequently occur in the elderly population, often overlap with the symptoms of "other" neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer's disease and other (pre)senile dementias. To distinguishing NPH from "other" dementias is crucial in determining whether a patient will benefit from a surgical procedure (ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement) or not. At the same time, the options for assessing the patient's condition's progression and distinguishing between the progression of neurodegeneration in a broader sense or malfunction of the drainage system are very limited. Therefore, the role of a biomarker that could meet these expectations mentioned above is highly desirable.

Novel Parameters for the Prediction of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting Efficacy in Patients With iNPH...
Idiopathic Normal Pressure HydrocephalusINPH is a chronic, progressive disease characterised by enlarged ventricles in the absence of elevated intracranial pressure. Patients often present with the Hakim triad comprising gait disturbance, dementia and urinary incontinence. Treatment consists of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunting reducing the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume in the central nervous system (CNS); a generally safe and well tolerated procedure nevertheless invasive in nature and associated with surgical risk. The currently used diagnostic algorithms to predict surgery outcome by testing patients before and after a diagnostic spinal tap temporarily reducing the CSF volume in the CNS are of wide variability and limited validity. Developing measures to accurately diagnose and select patients for intervention is thus of great importance. The objective of this study is to define and validate a diagnostic algorithm for the selection of patients with symptoms compatible with iNPH for shunt surgery.