Efficacy and Safety of Allium Ureteral Stent for Treating Refractory Ureteral Stricture
Ureteral StenosisHydronephrosis1 moreTo conduct a prospective, multi-center study to observe the long-term efficacy and safety of self expanding ureteral stent for treating participants with refractory ureteral stricture.

Coated Metal Ureteral Stent in the Treatment of Radiation Induced Ureteral Stricture
Ureteral StrictureHydronephrosis1 moreA prospective, multicenter and controlled study to observe the efficacy and safety of coated metal ureteral stent in the treatment of radiation induced ureteral stricture.

Functional Outcome After Minimally Invasive Pyeloplasty for Adult Patients With UPJO
Ureteropelvic Junction Obstructionan intervention study on adult patients with uretero-pelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) due to crossing vessels would be managed either through classic dismembered pyeloplasty or vascular hitch.

Durvalumab and Tremelimumab in Treating Patients With Muscle-Invasive, High-Risk Urothelial Cancer...
HydronephrosisInfiltrating Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Sarcomatoid Variant20 moreThis pilot phase I trial studies the side effects of durvalumab and tremelimumab in treating patients with muscle-invasive, high-risk urothelial cancer that cannot be treated with cisplatin-based therapy before surgery. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as durvalumab and tremelimumab, may induce changes in the body's immune system and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread.

Effectiveness of Antibiotics Versus Placebo to Treat Antenatal Hydronephrosis
HydronephrosisUrinary Tract InfectionThis study focuses on the relationship between prophylaxis antibiotics and frequency of urinary tract infection in children diagnosed with antenatal hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis is the most common fetal abnormality occurring in 1-5% of all pregnancies. Currently, with the widespread accessibility of antenatal ultrasound across cities in Ontario, the detection of hydronephrosis has become even more common. As a result, thousands of infants with hydronephrosis have been seen and managed by pediatricians, pediatric nephrologists, pediatric urologists, and family physicians. The investigators need to determine if antibiotic prophylaxis is effective in reducing the number of urinary tract infections in this population.

Efficacy of the echOpen Device to Detect Pyelocaliceal Dilation and Hepatic Steatosis
Hepatic SteatosisFatty Liver1 moreIn recent years, portable and ultra-portable ultrasound devices are increasingly used by the non radiologists, notably cardiologists or obstetrician gynecologist, at the patient's bedside to visualize and measure anatomical structures and fluid and provide the clinical examination with additional signs allowing quicker and more confident clinical decisions. This innovative approach is slowed down by the accessibility of these miniaturized devices, the price of which remains high. The echOpen device includes an ultra-portable ultrasound probe and a mobile application that allows the image to be displayed on a smartphone via a WIFI protocol. The objective of the clinical investigation is to show that the echOpen device, using three frequencies 3.5 Mhz, 5.0 Mhz and 7.5 Mhz, allows identifying the semiological signs or anatomical structures of interest located at several depths of the body, with a performance similar to other devices routinely used in clinical departments.

CTT on Renogram as an Early Marker of Significant Obstruction in Uretero-pelvic Junction Syndrome...
Ureteropelvic Junction ObstructionCortical transit time on diuretic renogram as an early marker of significant obstruction in antenatally detected uretero-pelvic junction syndrome

Tandem Polyurethane Stents Compared to Single Silicone Stent for Malignant Ureteral Obstruction...
Hydronephrosis; ObstructionUreter4 moreMalignant ureteral obstruction (MUO) is an extrinsic ureteral obstruction caused by malignant diseases. This study aim to compare tandem 6 Fr Percuflex™ stents and single large-caliber 8Fr silicone stent in patients with MUO. The primary endpoint is stent failure rate. The secondary endpoints are patient comfort, quality of life and overall survival.

Point-of-care Ultrasound to Assess Hydronephrosis in Patients With Acute Kidney Injury in the Emergency...
Acute Kidney InjuryUrinary Tract ObstructionAcute kidney injury (AKI) is a common diagnosis in the emergency department (ED), and urinary tract obstruction is a contributing cause that requires rapid diagnosis and therapeutic management. This observational study aims at assessing the accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), performed by the emergency physician (EP) for the detection of dilatation or distension of the kidney secondary to urinary tract obstruction, in emergency department patients presenting with acute kidney injury (AKI). Participants will undergo a bedside POCUS of the urinary tract by the EP followed by central imaging evaluation by a radiologist (either ultrasound or renal computed tomography (CT) or both). Researchers will compare both diagnosis. Study hypothesis is that trained emergency physicians can rapidly and reliably diagnose renal tract obstruction at POCUS in the context of AKI.

Decision Aid for Parents of Infants With UPJO
Ureteropelvic Junction ObstructionUreteropelvic Junction; Obstruction1 moreUreteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is the most common etiology of high-grade hydronephrosis, affecting approximately 4,000-10,000 infants annually in the U.S. The goal of surgical treatment of UPJO is to minimize the risk of kidney damage associated with obstruction, which may occur in 30-60% of infants with high-grade hydronephrosis.1-However, the benefit of early surgery compared to observation and potential later surgery to preserve kidney function has not been well-defined. Consequently, surgeons differ on whether to initially treat with surgery or observation, with surgical rates in the first year of life varying from 15-50% across surgical practices. These variations are important to understand, as the decision for early surgery is not without risk. Prior studies suggest that infants treated surgically are at higher risk for readmission and reoperation. Early surgery also raises concerns about neurodevelopmental effects of anesthetic exposure. To address this gap, the purpose of this pilot test is to develop a patient decision aid (PtDA) tool and pilot test its effect on parental understanding and engagement in the decision-making process at Children's Hospital Colorado. The proposed pilot is a necessary first step in preparation for a future multicenter hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial. This work will also be used to support future studies evaluating the impact of a PtDA on surgical variations and treatment outcomes in patients with UPJO and other complex congenital urologic anomalies.