
Active clinical trials for "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II"

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Genetic Testing and Motivational Counseling for FH

HypercholesterolemiaFamilial44 more

To date, there are highly effective lipid-lowering drugs, the combination of which makes it possible to achieve the target level of LDL-C in most patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). However, the effectiveness of treatment of FH patients strongly depends on adherence to lipid-lowering therapy and to the healthy lifestyle, as well as the detection of the disease and the therapy prescription as early as possible, better in childhood. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of genetic testing and motivational counseling on the effectiveness of treatment and cascade screening in patients with FH.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

A Study of VERVE-101 in Patients With Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Cardiovascular Disease

Heterozygous Familial HypercholesterolemiaAtherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease1 more

VT-1001 is an open-label, phase 1b, single-ascending dose study that will evaluate the safety of VERVE-101 administered to patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH), atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), and uncontrolled hypercholesterolemia. VERVE-101 uses base-editing technology designed to disrupt the expression of the PCSK9 gene in the liver and lower circulating PCSK9 and LDL-C in patients with established ASCVD due to HeFH. This study is designed to determine the safety and pharmacodynamic profile of VERVE-101 in this patient population.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

The Use of Mobile Health Technology and Behavioral Economics to Encourage Adherence in Adolescents...

Familial HypercholesterolemiaAdherence1 more

Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) affects over one million Americans and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by as much as 20-fold. Although the use of statins can substantially reduce this risk, adherence to statins in adults and adolescence is poor. In adults, lower rates of adherence are associated with an increased rate of CVD events and all-cause mortality, as well as an additional $44 billion annually in health care costs. Novel interventions are needed to improve medication adherence in patients with FH, starting in adolescents. An underused strategy to improve medication adherence incorporates the principles of behavioral economics. Traditional economic theory suggests that providing an incentive to perform a behavior will increase the frequency of that behavior. However, two prominent theories in behavioral economics, Present Bias and Loss Aversion, suggest that not all types of incentives are effective and that poorly structured incentives can actually be negative enforcers. With novel mobile health technologies (mHealth), interventions based on behavioral economics can now be studied on a larger scale. In this proposal, the investigators will test the use of monetary incentives ($30 per 30 days) to improve medication adherence in eligible subjects. The investigators will test the subject's adherence prior to the use of incentives (using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and the Wellth Mobile Application) and during the period of time the incentives are provided. Lastly, the investigators will test the subject's adherence (using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and Wellth App) during the 60 days following discontinuation of the incentives to determine if any effect of the incentive persists after the incentive is discontinued.

Recruiting9 enrollment criteria

A Study of MK-0616 (Oral PCSK9 Inhibitor) in Adults With Hypercholesterolemia (MK-0616-013) CORALreef...

HypercholesterolemiaFamilial Hypercholesterolemia

The goal of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of MK-0616 in adult participants with hypercholesterolemia. The primary hypothesis is that MK-0616 is superior to placebo on mean percent change from baseline in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) at Week 24.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

A Study of MK-0616 (Oral PCSK9 Inhibitor) in Adults With Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia...

HypercholesterolemiaFamilial Hypercholesterolemia

The goal of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of MK-0616 in adult participants with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. The primary hypothesis is that MK-0616 is superior to placebo on mean percent change from baseline in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) at Week 24.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Long-term Safety and Tolerability of Inclisiran in Participants With HeFH or HoFH Who Have Completed...

Heterozygous or Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

The purpose of this open-label, single arm, multicenter extension study is to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of inclisiran in participants with HeFH or HoFH who have completed the ORION-16 or ORION-13 studies.

Recruiting6 enrollment criteria

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of JS002 in Patients With Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia...

Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

JS002 is a recombinant human anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibody.The study is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase III clinical study in Chinese patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH). Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of JS002 150 mg (Q2W) and 450 mg (Q4W) subcutaneous injection (SC).

Recruiting14 enrollment criteria

Advancing Cardiac Care Unit-based Rapid Assessment and Treatment of hypErcholesterolemia

Familial HypercholesterolemiaFamilial Hypercholesterolemia Due to Genetic Defect of Apolipoprotein B6 more

ACCURATE will test the hypothesis that opportunistic genetic testing for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) in patients admitted to hospital with an acute coronary syndrome will increase the diagnosis of FH and will impact patient care and outcomes. The study will recruit patients admitted to hospital with an acute coronary syndrome, and research-based genetic testing will be conducted for known FH-causing genetic variants. The results will be returned to the patients' treating physicians. The primary endpoint will be the number of patients with a new diagnosis of FH. The secondary endpoints will be the proportion of patients who undergo intensification of lipid-lowering therapy, the lowest LDL cholesterol level achieved, and the proportion of patients reaching guideline recommended lipid targets in the 12 months after the index acute coronary syndrome.

Recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Long-term Efficacy and Safety of OLE LIB003 in HoFH, HeFH, and High-risk CVD Patients Requiring...

Cardiovascular Disease With Mention of ArteriosclerosisElevated Cholesterol1 more

The study is to assess the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy after 48 and 72 weeks with monthly (Q4W [<31 days]) dosing of subcutaneous (SC) LIB003 300 mg administered in patients with CVD or at high risk for CVD (including HoFH and HeFH) on stable diet and oral LDL-C lowering drug therapy who completed one of the LIB003 Phase 3 base studies.

Enrolling by invitation10 enrollment criteria

Comparing Direct vs Indirect Methods for Cascade Screening

Long QT SyndromeFamilial Hypercholesterolemia2 more

An important aspect of successful genomic medicine implementation is developing effective approaches for screening at-risk family members after probands are identified, also known as cascade screening. Most cascade screening studies conducted to date have been conducted outside the US, and very few studies have used a rigorous approach involving a comparator group or randomized controlled design. A major question in the field is how to most effectively implement cascade screening, given commonly cited communication barriers, while respecting privacy among probands and family members. This study will conduct a randomized controlled trial to assess direct contact of relatives by study team members vs indirect, or proband-initiated, contact. We will assess efficacy of the cascade screening intervention, patient-centered outcomes regarding mental, physical, and psychosocial outcomes in probands and family members, and implementation evaluation outcomes. Individuals who are known to carry the KCNQ1 Met224Thr or APOB Arg3527Gln variant will be eligible to participate. After providing consent and being deemed eligible, individuals will be randomized in a 1:1 manner into the direct or indirect contact of family members arm of the study. The randomization will be stratified by variant to ensure equal representation of each variant in the study arms. Individuals in the indirect arm will be instructed to contact their first-degree family members about the opportunity to be screened. They will be provided with a disease-specific pamphlet and a family letter explaining the cascade screening. In the direct arm, probands will be advised that the study staff will be contacting their family members. They will be instructed to also contact their family members prior to the study team contacting them. Approximately two weeks after this meeting with the proband, the study staff will mail letters to eligible first-degree family members of the probands. If we do not hear back from individual family members, we will follow-up with another letter, telephone call, or home visit. The information contained in the letters will be the same information for both the direct and indirect arms of the study. All interested family members will receive pre-test counseling and free, in-home, saliva-based genetic testing, and post-test counseling.

Recruiting9 enrollment criteria

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