A Study to Evaluate the Potential for Interpersonal Transfer of Testosterone Following Single Dose...
HypogonadismThe hypotheses for this study is that there is no transfer of testosterone from male (donor) subjects to female (recipient) subjects when contact is made 2 hours post application of 2% Testosterone MD-Lotion® if the donor has a covered application area with a T-shirt.

Long-term Lifestyle Change and Testosterone Replacement
HypogonadismAging1 moreOlder hypogonadal obese veterans previously participated in a 6 month lifestyle change (diet-induced weight loss and exercise) study with or without testosterone replacement therapy before being followed for the following year at the clinic while receiving standard of care consisting of diet and exercise counseling (for healthy lifestyle change) and testosterone replacement therapy. This study will determine if long-term lifestyle change and testosterone replacement therapy with associated improvement in physical and metabolic health can be maintained in obese older adults.

Health Needs of Patients With Kallmann Syndrome
Kallmann SyndromeCongenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism1 moreKallmann syndrome (KS), also known as congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH), is a rare endocrine disorder that is characterized by failure to undergo puberty combined with infertility. KS/CHH patients face a number of psychosocial burdens related to delays in diagnosis, inadequate access to expert care, and lack of information about the condition. As such, there is some evidence to suggest that KS/CHH patients have unmet health needs. This study aims to identify the needs of patients and understand the issues that must be overcome to achieve improved health and quality of life.

Ovarian Follicle Function in Patients With Primary Ovarian Failure
AmenorrheaHypoaldosteronism3 moreNo proven therapy to restore ovarian function and fertility is available to patients with karyotypically normal spontaneous premature ovarian failure. We know that one-half of these patients have primordial follicles remaining in the ovary, and these follicles can function intermittently. This is a diagnostic omnibus protocol that permits baseline clinical evaluation of patients with prematurem ovarian failure. The findings will determine patients' suitability for specifically focused therapeutic research protocols.

The Impact of Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccination on Male Fertility
Male InfertilityHypogonadism1 moreThe investigators shall study the effect of Sinopharm vaccination on semen parameters and serum testosterone

Perioperative Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Sarcopenic Male Colorectal Cancer Patients
Colorectal CancerSarcopenia4 moreWith increasing age and the additional impact from the bowel cancer and the chemotherapy and/ or radiotherapy it has been described that testosterone (a male hormone produced naturally in the body) levels are reduced. Testosterone has an impact on numerous body functions including the muscle mass and quality. Previous studies have identified that muscle mass is reduced as a result of ageing but also because of the deleterious effect of cancer and chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. There is growing evidence from published studies that patients with better muscle mass and quality, do better after surgery. Mr Jenkins and his team are therefore looking at ways, the investigators can try and prevent or reduce this muscle loss and therefore improve patient outcomes. The aim of this study is to assess whether using testosterone replacement therapy in the form of a topically applied gel daily for a total of 12 weeks, is feasible and acceptable by the patients who are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and are waiting to undergo surgery. The investigators will also collect information related to the testosterone replacement therapy such as questionnaires on the quality of life, fatigue and muscle mass, and blood biomarker changes in the blood.

Pubertal Induction in Individuals With Hypogonadism
Primary AmenorrhoeaHypothalamic Amenorrhoea4 moreThe investigators wish to explore the variability of uterine, breast and bone outcome markers as surrogates to assess the adequacy of exogenous oestrogen replacement in individuals with hypogonadism.

Association Between Testosterone Levels and COPD Severity
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseHypogonadismThe Aims of the study are estimate the association between the severity of COPD and free testosterone level and the prevalence of hypogonadism in adult men with stable COPD

Testosterone Undecanoate and Quality of Life of Men and Spouses
HypogonadismThis study will be conducted as a prospective, single-center (multiple clinics), single-arm open phase IV study. the study will follow hypogonadal patients, and aimed to confirm the hypothesis that testosterone undecanoate improves the patient satisfaction and quality of life, with parallel improvement in their spouses's quality of life and satisfaction. Each patient/spouse will serve as his own control.