Compensatory Sweating After Unilateral Sympathectomy on the Dominant Side or Bilateral Sequential...
Hyperhidrosis Primary Focal PalmsThe standard treatment for palmar hyperhidrosis is bilateral sequential thoracic sympathectomy. High rates of compensatory sweating due to the surgical procedure are described in the literature. In the search for a reduction in this side effect, it is possible that unilateral sympathectomy in the dominant side obtains acceptable results and leads to less compensatory sweating with improvement of the quality of life. The aim of this study it to compare the intensity of compensatory sweating due to the standard treatment, that is, bilateral sequential videothoracoscopic sympathectomy in relation to unilateral thoracic sympathectomy on the dominant side.

Assessment of Safety, Tolerability, Systemic Exposure and Efficacy of GPB Cream in Adolescents With...
Primary Axillary HyperhidrosisThe aim of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and systemic exposure (in a subset of patients) of topical administration of 1% GPB in adolescents with severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis.

Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Morpheus8 Applicator for the Treatment of Focal Hyperhidrosis...
Hyperhidrosis Primary Focal AxillaThe InMode radio frequency Pro System with the Morpheus8 Applicator is a computerized system generating radio frequency energy, based on the underlying technology of Fractional RF. The Morpheus8 Applicator and 24 pin tip is used for the treatment of primary hyperhidrosis of the axillae

Qbrexza Cloths for Hyperhidrosis of Amputation Sites
AmputationHyperhidrosisThis is a Prospective, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled, Randomized, Cross-over trial using Qbrexza Cloths to treat hyperhidrosis of amputation sites. There is a 2 week screening period where patients will use an activity monitor to establish baseline activity level, then patients will be randomized to receive either Qbrexza cloths or placebo for 4 weeks, then a 2 week washout, and then a 4-week cross-over treatment period.

Implementation of a Minor Ailment Service in Community Pharmacy Practice
AcneBites30 moreSelf-care and self-medication are commonly the treatments of choice for the management of minor ailments. Minor ailments can be treated through community pharmacy using a Minor Ailment Service (MAS). The INDICA+PRO Impact Study, evaluated the clinical, economic and humanistic impact of a MAS, concluding that community pharmacies could greatly benefit the health system. Thus, the following objectives were defined for the INDICA+PRO implementation study. The primary objective is to implement a standardised MAS in usual practice in community pharmacy in Spain. The secondary objectives include an evaluation of the clinical and economic outcomes and the role and impact of two different models of change agents. A pragmatic study with an effectiveness-implementation hybrid design type 3 will be undertaken using the Framework for the Implementation of Services in Pharmacy (FISpH). The study will be carried between October 2020 and December 2022. Two type of practice change facilitators FaFa and SEFaFa. Their main function, using the Observe-Plan-Do-Study-Act process, will be to facilitate the implementation through individualised continuous support to providers of the MAS. The depth and breadth of support to pharmacist providers by each type of change agents will vary. Pharmaceutical Associations (PA) and/or Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (SEFAC) will invite community pharmacies/pharmacists. Participating pharmacists will need to sign a commitment form. The second study population will consist of patients presenting with minor ailments or requesting a non-prescription medication. Recruitment of patients will be carried out by the pharmacist providers. The inclusion criteria will be: patients or caregivers (aged ≥18 years, or younger if they are accompanied by an adult) presenting with 31 minor ailments, grouped into five categories (respiratory, moderate pain, digestive, dermatological and other) with pre-agreed referral protocols. Other symptoms may be included at the discretion of the pharmacists. The exclusion criteria will be patients who do not provide informed consent. The patient/pharmacist intervention will consist of a MAS protocol adapted for each symptom. The consultation will be record in an electronic data capture system (SEFAC eXPERT®-) that provides a step-by-step approach with protocols and clinical information embedded. The FISpH model will be used to guide the implementation of MAS. Two types of change agents, FaFas and SeFaFas, previously trained for 18 hours, will be used to facilitate the implementation. During each of the stages (exploration, preparation, testing and operation, and initial sustainability), strategies will be used by FaFas and SeFaFas to moderate implementation factors. The impact of strategies will be evaluated. Data on pharmacy/pharmacist's provider performance and patient outcomes will be provided to pharmacist, change agents and PA and SEFAC. FaFas and SeFaFas will have a classification system for barriers and facilitators derived from the constructs in the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The classification system for implementation strategies consists of an adaptation of the facilitation activities listed by Dogherty et al. These will be documented in an electronic data capture system. FaFas will train their pharmacists (max. of 25 pharmacies) for 6 hours and subsequently provide at least monthly follow-up. The research team will provide ongoing feedback and support to the FaFas and SeFaFas through periodically, hold group meetings by video conference between the research group and all the FaFas and SeFaFas. The research group will provide formal reports on the implementation process and patient outcomes. Other forms of communication such as emails, telephone calls or WhatsApp messaging will also be available. Implementation and patient consultation process and outcome variables will be measured such as reach, fidelity and integration. Outcome service indicators will be clinical, economic and humanistic. A patient follow up will occur at a maximum of 10 days. Continuous variables will be reported using mean and standard deviation, or median and percentiles. Categorical variables will be reported using percentages. T Student's test or the ANOVA test or Kruskal-Wallis. χ2 test, Fisher's exact test or Yate's chi-squared will also be used. To determine the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables, logistic regression models will be performed including the variables with statistical significance in the bivariate model. The level of significance will be set at p <0.05. Machine learning and big data techniques are being considered for predictive modelling. The research team will only have access to de-identified data of pharmacists and patients. This study protocol has been approved by the Granada Research Ethics Committee on the 5th February 2020.

Miradry Treatment for Focal Axillary Hyperhidrosis
Axillary HyperhidrosisPrimary hyperhidrosis is a pathological condition characterized by the idiopathic and excessive secretion of sweat beyond normal physiological demand and is localized at particular foci such as the face, axilla, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Patients seeking medical attention for hyperhidrosis often report disruptions to their professional and/or social lives due to sweating and subsequently experience many psychosocial difficulties, such as anxiety, social phobia, and depression. Therefore, a psychiatric explanation of causality is frequently offered for these patients during diagnosis. Excessive sweating is often mistakenly interpreted as a symptom of an anxiety disorder and can be cause for social embarrassment, exacerbating emotional stress and social avoidance. As currently constituted, the treatment of secondary psychosocial symptoms in primary hyperhidrosis is poorly understood and requires further investigation.

Methotrexate Iontophoresis Versus Coal Tar Ointement in the Treatment of Primary Palmer Hyper Hidrosis...
HyperhidrosisIontophoreThe purpose of the study is to compare the therapeutic effect of methotrexate iontophoresis versus coal tar ointment on the the treatment of primary palmer hyperhidrosis?

Treatment and Mapping of Impostor Phenomenon
DermatosesVestibulodynia2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate persons/patients with different skin diseases or pain to evaluate whether unhealthy perfectionism, stress, anxiety, impostor phenomenon (inability to realistically assess your competence and skills) and lack of self-compassion (a positive attitude towards ourselves), have impact on symptoms, handling, and treatment regarding some dermatological diseases/pain.

Bilateral Endoscopic Thoracic T3 Sympathectomy Versus T3 Radiofrequency Ablation for Primary Palmar...
Primary Palmar HyperhydrosisPrimary hyperhidrosis disease is characterized by much more sweating above the needs for thermoregulation, which is worsen by increased temperature and emotional factors it can be seen in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet/ face and so on. Hyperhidrosis usually starts since childhood and continuous throughout life aggravated by emotional stress or by high environmental temperature. Many lines of treatment were tried such as anticholinergic drug, physiotherapy. Endoscope thoracic sympathectomy and radio frequency with phenol injection.

Botulinum Toxin Therapy in Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis SuppurativaHyperhidrosisThis mechanistic observational study will build on data from humans implicating TRPV1 nociceptors in the pathogenesis of the Type-17 chronic inflammatory skin disease Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). In this study, the investigators will test the hypothesis that inhibiting neuropeptide activity with botulinum toxin reduces pathogenic IL-17 inflammation, relieves pain, and improves quality of life for HS patients.