
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension, Portal"

Results 1-10 of 245

A Study to Test Whether BI 685509 Alone or in Combination With Empagliflozin Helps People With Liver...

Liver DiseasesHypertension1 more

This study is open to adults with liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B, hepatitis C or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). People can join this study if they have high blood pressure in the portal vein (main vessel going to the liver). The purpose of this study is to find out whether a medicine called BI 685509 taken alone or in combination with a medicine called empagliflozin helps people with this condition. Participants take BI 685509 as tablets twice a day for 8 weeks. Half of the participants with NASH who also have type 2 diabetes take empagliflozin as tablets once a day in addition to BI 685509. Participants are in the study for about 3 months. During this time, they visit the study site about 10 times. At 2 of the visits, the doctors check the pressure in a liver vein to see whether the treatment works. This is done with a catheter (a long thin tube) and gives information about the pressure in the portal vein. The doctors also regularly check participants' health and take note of any unwanted effects.

Recruiting23 enrollment criteria

Comparing Ascites Relief In Two Standard Treatments: Large Volume Paracentesis Vs. Early Tips Using...

HypertensionPortal1 more

For this study, the investigators will be collecting data based on patients' random selection to two different approved standard of care treatments for ascites: Subjects will get randomized into either Group A: Large Volume Paracentesis (LVP) with albumin infusion, or Group B: an early transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedure.

Recruiting16 enrollment criteria

Impact of Fentanyl Analgesia on the Accuracy of HVPG Measurements in Patients With Portal Hypertension...

Liver CirrhosisPortal Hypertension1 more

Portal hypertension is a common complication of chronic liver disease and is associated with most clinical consequences of cirrhosis. The most reliable method for assessing portal hypertension is the measurement of the hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG). The HVPG is the gold-standard methods for assessing clinically significant portal hypertension and becoming increasingly used clinically. It is useful in the differential diagnosis of portal hypertension and provides a prognostic index in cirrhotic patients. Many patients are painful and reluctant to undergo serial HVPG measurements. But interventionists are reluctant to use analgesics because they always pay more attention to the accuracy of HVPG measurements.Although Adam F. et al concluded that low-dose midazolam sedation is an option for patients undergoing serial hepatic venous pressure measurements (Hepatology 1999), the effects of using opioid analgesics alone on hepatic venous pressure measurements have not yet been defined. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of fentanyl on the HVPG.

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Ultrasound Guided Microwave Ablation of Splenomegaly in Children

Splenomegaly; CongestiveChronic2 more

Children with liver cirrhosis frequently develops portal hypertension. One of the serious complications to portal hypertension is splenomegaly, which may result in pancytopenia, especially thrombocytopenia that may cause bleeding tendencies. Symptomatic splenomegaly is often treated with partial splenic embolization (PSE). PSE is effective but may give rise to postembolization syndrome not well tolerated in the pediatric population. In adults, microwave ablation (MWA) has been used to treat splenomegaly with promising results but with less post-operative pain. Our study is a pilot trial to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of this treatment in children.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

A Study to Test Whether Two Different Doses of BI 685509 Help People With Liver Cirrhosis and High...


This study is open to adults with liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure in the portal vein (main vessel going to the liver). The purpose of this study is to find out whether a medicine called BI 685509 helps people with this condition. Participants are put into 3 groups randomly, which means by chance. Participants in 2 groups take different doses of BI 685509 as tablets twice a day. Participants in the placebo group take placebo as tablets twice a day. Placebo tablets look like BI 685509 tablets but do not contain any medicine. Participants are in the study for about 8 months. During this time, they visit the study site about 14 times. At 3 of the visits, the doctors check the pressure in a liver vein. This is done with a catheter (a long thin tube) and gives information about the pressure in the portal vein. The change in blood pressure is then compared between the groups to see whether the treatment works. The doctors also regularly check participants' health and take note of any unwanted effects.

Recruiting18 enrollment criteria

The Influence of Post-transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Hepatic Encephalopathy

Portal HypertensionHepatic Encephalopathy

Through a multicenter randomized controlled trial of TIPS to prevent post-hepatitis B cirrhosis of esophagogastric varices, the incidence of hepatic encephalopathy, the rate of stent patency, the incidence of rebleeding and survival in the left and right branches of the portal vein were compared.

Recruiting16 enrollment criteria

Durvalumab (MEDI4736) and Tremelimumab for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients Listed for a Liver...

Hepatocellular CarcinomaCirrhosis1 more

Immunotherapy can safely downstage patients and achieve durable systemic disease control to improve clinical outcomes in HCC patients undergoing liver transplant.

Recruiting43 enrollment criteria

Ivabradine in Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy

Cirrhotic CardiomyopathyLeft Ventricular Dysfunction3 more

A total of 130 patients with liver cirrhosis who fulfill the criteria of the study, and who have been found to have left ventricular diastolic dysfunction on a screening 2D echocardiography, will then be randomized by Block randomization technique, to two arms in a ratio 1:1(Group A) will receive carvedilol+ Ivabradine targeted therapy for heart rate reduction while Group B will receive Carvedilol alone; and the dosage of drug in the treatment arm will be titrated every week to achieve target heart rate of 50-60/ minute. Patients in the treatment arms, who are unable to tolerate carvedilol due to hypotension episodes, will be offered ivabradine alone to allow achievement of targeted heart rate reduction. All patients will be evaluated at 0,6, and 12 months. The end points will be clinical events, cardiac function improvement, renal function, and mortality.

Recruiting17 enrollment criteria

The Use of Propranolol for the Prevention of Worsening of Esophageal Varices in Patients With Isolated...

Liver CirrhosesPortal Hypertension1 more

Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) has been effective method to manage gastric varices. However, more than one third of patients after BRTO treatment experienced worsening of esophageal varices. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of post-BRTO propranolol adminstration on the change of esophageal varices.

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Laparoscopic Splenectomy and Azygoportal Disconnection on Liver Reserve Function for...

CirrhosisLiver2 more

In this study, the investigators compared the improvement of liver reserve function related indicators in patients with liver cirrhosis after laparoscopic splenectomy and azygoportal disconnection. To determine whether surgical treatment can help enhance postoperative liver reserve function and improve patient prognosis.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

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