
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension"

Results 5171-5180 of 5863

Vascular Lifestyle-Intervention and Screening in Pharmacy

Cardiovascular DiseasesHypercholesterolemia4 more

The overall goal of the present project is to contribute to new knowledge about the effect of a low threshold population screening system for cardiovascular risk factors in Norway. Further, this project aim to study if identifying high cardiovascular risk itself may lead to beneficial changes in health behaviors such as physical activity, diet, tobacco and alcohol behavior together with reduced risk score of cardiovascular disease, across socioeconomic status. This fall, a nationwide, free screening of cardiovascular risk factors will be conducted in 150 pharmacies in Norway. All participants that consent to participate will measure full lipid-profile, blood pressure, HbA1c, body weight and height by health care providers in pharmacies. Based on their measurement levels, participants will be stratified into either a low or a high risk group. In the high risk group, participants will further be randomized to either the intervention group or one of the two control groups. Participants in the intervention group will be informed about all their measurement levels with comparison to the recommended levels. Contrary, participants randomized to the two control groups will have delayed information of their measured levels. Participants in the intervention group and the first control groups will receive general oral and written information about how to lower their measurement levels in 8 weeks. In the second control group, participants will not receive any information at the first visit. In this way the investigators may be able to isolate the effect of identifying high risk and high levels of the risk factors itself. All groups will be given a diet- and physical activity questionnaire at visit 1, and will be invited back after 8 weeks to once more perform the measurement screening and receive the same questionnaire. At visit 2, all participants will, after the measurement screening, be informed about their measured risk factors and receive information on how to lower their levels. 1 year after inclusion, all participants in the three groups will be invited back for a one-year follow up visit in pharmacy.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Quality of Care - Multi-disciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme for...


Hypertension (HT) is one of the major cause of morbidity and among the top 10 causes of deaths in Hong Kong in 2008 (Department of Health 2009). The Hospital Authority (HA) has initiated service improvement through introducing the risk assessment and management programme (RAMP) to improve the quality of care (QOC) for HT patients in general outpatient clinics (GOPC). The evaluation on the QOC is an essential part of the programme in order to inform future policy. The Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care (FMPC) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has been appointed by the HA to carry out the evaluation of the QOC of the programme. The Action Learning and Audit Spiral methodologies to measure whether the target standard of care intended by the RAMP programme is achieved. Each RAMP participating clinic and hospital will be invited to complete a structured evaluation questionnaire. The data of all patients who have enrolled into the RAMP for more than one year will be included in the evaluation on the process and outcomes of care. One thousand two hundred and forty-eight age and disease matched control patients who have not been enrolled into the RAMP programme will be selected for the comparison in the outcomes of care. A hundred and thirty participants will be followed up by telephone to evaluate the effect of the programme in quality of life (QOL), patient enablement, and global rating of change in health condition at baseline and 6 months after enrolment. Data on the process of care will be retrieved from the HA medical records. Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcomes are the proportion of participants who have received the criterion process of care, and achieved the target blood pressure levels. Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics on proportions of centers or subjects meeting the QOC criteria will be calculated. The changes in the clinical and patient reported outcomes of RAMP subjects will be compared at 12, 24, 36 and 48 months will be compared by paired sample t-test. The clinical outcomes between RAMP subjects and control group will be compared by independent sample t-test or Chi-square test. Results: The QOC of the RAMP programme will be determined. Areas of deficiency and possible areas for quality enhancement will be identified. Conclusion: The results of this study will provide empirical evidence on whether the HA's RAMP programme can achieve improvement in QOC for HT patients. The information will be used to guide service planning and policy decision making.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Observation of Therapy With Micardis® (Telmisartan) in Patients With Essential Hypertension in Hospitals...


The aim of the observational study was to supplement the data on efficacy, safety and tolerability of telmisartan under daily conditions in hospitals

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Observation of the Efficacy and Tolerance of Motens® (Lacidipine) in Patients With Essential Hypertension...


Study of the efficacy and tolerance of Motens® (lacidipine) in patients with essential hypertension. To obtain information on the dosage used in practice and the tolerance at the start of treatment (12 weeks)

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Post Marketing Surveillance (PMS) Study to Assess Safety and Efficacy of Micardis in Patients With...


The objective of this PMS study was to monitor and assess the safety of Micardis tablets in patients with hypertension over a period of 6 years

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Pharmaco-epidemiological Study Describing a Population of Hypertensive Patients Treated With a Fixed-dose...


Study to compare the level of blood pressure control in hypertensive, hypertensive diabetics and hypertensive with renal insufficiency (observed data) in the study population, with the objectives of the High Authority for Health recommendations (benchmark)

Completed2 enrollment criteria

A Study of Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension Who Were Insufficiently...

GlaucomaOpen-Angle1 more

This is a retrospective chart review and will assess changes in IOP after treatment with any fixed combination in patients who previously received monotherapy.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

A Study of Lumigan® in Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) or Ocular Hypertension (OHT)...

GlaucomaOpen-Angle1 more

This is an observational study of Lumigan® 0.01% (bimatoprost) treatment in clinical practice for patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) or Ocular Hypertension (OHT).

Completed3 enrollment criteria

e-Counseling Promotes Blood Pressure Reduction and Therapeutic Lifestyle Change in Hypertension...


This proposed clinical trial, REACH, will enroll 538 persons with hypertension. All subjects will continue with their prescribed medications. Our main objective is to assess whether preventive e-counseling (provided through a website of the Heart and Stroke Foundation) improves blood pressure and cardiovascular risk status over a 12-month interval. REACH will also evaluate improvement in lifestyle behaviors that include diet, exercise, smoking, and adherence to prescribed medications. Finally, we will quantify the amount of e-counseling support that is required during REACH to evoke a significant reduction in blood pressure. It is hypothesized that e-Counseling (vs. Control) will significantly improve blood pressure and lifestyle behaviours at the 12-month assessment. The findings of this trial will provide information that is critical to our understanding of how internet-based programs can help to improve blood pressure and to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Mobile Phone in Hypertension Management


The purpose of this study is to examine if a mobile phone-based self-report system, using the patient's own mobile phone, will improve adherence to treatment of hypertension and lead to personal involvement of the patient in the treatment.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

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