Pulmonary Artery Involvement in Takayasu's Arteritis
Takayasu ArteritisPulmonary Artery HypertensionThe purpose of this study is to analyze the clinical manifestations, imaging features, and prognosis-related factors of pulmonary artery (PA) involvement in Takayasu's arteritis (TA), and to explore the early clinical features of PA involvement in TA patients.

Effect of Vit D on New-onset AF in Hypertension
Atrial FibrillationHypertensionAtrial fibrillation (AF), an important cause of cardiac mortality and morbidity is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice. Hypertensive individuals are at particular risk of development of atrial fibrillation. Renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system (RAS) which is activated in hypertension may be the underlying mechanism of AF among hypertensive patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Increased RAS activity is one of the postulated mechanisms by which vitamin D deficiency may trigger the development of hypertension and various cardiovascular diseases. On the basis of these data we hypothesized that hypovitaminosis D might be associated with new-onset AF among patients with hypertension.

Cystatin C and Uncontrolled Hypertension
Uncontrolled HypertensionHypertension is an underdiagnosed and undertreated disease in real-life. Blood pressure and kidney functions are known to be closely related. Increased serum level of Cystatin C, a sensitive biomarker for renal function, seems to predict adverse cardiovascular events. The investigators aimed to evaluate the predictive value of serum Cystatin C for control of hypertension in a community-based study.

Clinical Characteristics and Medication Satisfaction of Kanarb Tablet in Korean Hypertensive Patient(Kanarb-Hypertension...
HypertensionInvestigate the clinical characteristics, medication satisfaction and quality of life of anti-hypertensive drugs in Korean hypertensive patients Observe the changes of medication satisfaction and compliance in patients after switchting to Fimasartan

Evaluation of Radiation Induced Pulmonary Hypertension Using MRI in Stage III NSCLC Patients Treated...
Pulmonary HypertensionIn the radiotherapeutic treatment of lung cancer, the dose that can be safely applied to the tumour is limited by the risk of radiation induced lung damage. This damage is characterized by parenchymal damage and vascular damage. In rats, we have found that radiation-induced vascular damage results in increased pulmonary artery pressure. Interestingly, the consequent loss of pulmonary function could be fully explained by this increase in pulmonary artery pressure. We hypothesize that also in patients a radiation induced increase in pulmonary artery pressure can be observed after radiotherapy, which may contribute to the development of radiation pneumonitis. The objective is to test the hypothesis that radiotherapy for lung cancer induces an increase in pulmonary artery pressure.

Antihypertensive Medications and the Risk of Sepsis
HypertensionThe primary objective of this study was to assess whether there is an increased risk of sepsis with the use of telmisartan compared with other ARBs and with the other major antihypertensive classes, including ACEIs, beta-blockers, CCBs and thiazide diuretics. A secondary objective was to assess whether the use of ARBs and ACEIs, compared with the other three major antihypertensive classes and with untreated hypertension, is associated with an increased risk of sepsis. A third objective was to evaluate whether the use of telmisartan compared with other ARBs, ACEIs and other major antihypertensive classes is associated with an increased risk of worse outcomes due to sepsis, in particular acute kidney injury and death

The FVC/DLCO Ratio is a Useful Predictor of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With Interstitial...
Interstitial Lung DiseasePulmonary HypertensionPulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common disorder among patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). The symptoms are usually nonspecific and overlooked. Thus, a noninvasive screening modality is recommended for early detection of PH because of its potentially significant impact on treatment strategy and clinical outcomes. Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of assessing forced vital capacity (FVC%), diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO%), and FVC%/DLCO% ratio to predict pulmonary hypertension among patients with ILDs.

Infusion of Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients With Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis...
Systemic Sclerosis PulmonaryPulmonary Hypertension1 moreProgressive SSc is an entity with limited therapeutic alternatives and with asurvival rate of less than 45% in the first 3 to 5 years. The disease causessevere limitation in quality of life ranging from functional limitation to depression. Up to 20% of patients will be refractory to conventional treatment with diseasemodifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and cyclophosphamide therapy.This favors the progression to visceral involvement including gastrointestinal,lung and pulmonary hypertension. The latter being a poor prognostic factor,increases mortality in this group of patients and drastically affects their qualityof life. For this reason, different therapeutic options have been considered including cell transplantation and Stem Cell use. Among the options that have been studied so far are stromal mesenchymal cells from Wharton ́s jelly. These have been used in intravenous infusion or direct application in different disease scenarios ranging from vascular involvement to interstitial lung involvement and cases of pulmonary hypertension, with promising results in terms of clinical progression,improvement in quality of life and prognostic indices. This therapy has proven to have a significant margin of safety at the time of administration and a low rate of adverse events, a self-limiting fever as the most frequent event. Based on the above and considering the possibility of offering patients without therapeutic alternatives to their disease in addition to palliative options, an intravenous infusion of stromal mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton ́s jellyis proposed for three patients with progressive SSc refractory to conventional therapy with pulmonary involvement due to pulmonary hypertension. Under this premise the question posed in our work is; What are the effects of the infusion of allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells from Wharton ́s jellyin patients with systemic sclerosis refractory to conventional treatment with Methotrexate or Cyclophosphamide in a population of three patients with severe pulmonary involvement due to pulmonary hypertension.

Hypertension and Controlled Hypotension in the Elderly
DeliriumComparision of Exposed Factors of Preoperative Hypertension and Intraoperative Controlled Hypotension on Postoperative Delirium in the Elderly under Radical Resection of Head, Neck and Maxillofacial Tumor

The Clinical Significance of Portal Hypertension After Cardiac Surgery: a Multicenter Prospective...
Surgery--ComplicationsCongestive Heart Failure3 morePortal flow pulsatility detected by Doppler ultrasound is an echographic marker of cardiogenic portal hypertension from right ventricular failure and is associated with adverse outcomes based on previous studies performed at the Montreal Heart Institute. This multicenter prospective cohort study aims to determine if portal flow pulsatility after cardiopulmonary bypass separation is associated with a longer requirement of life support after cardiac surgery.