Erythrocyte Glutamine Level Relation to Pulmonary Hypertension Risk in Beta Thalassemia Major Children...
Thalassemia in ChildrenPulmonary Hypertension1 moreThe study will investigate the relation between erythrocyte glutamine/glutamate ratio and pulmonary hypertension risk in Egyptian thalassemic children in Assiut University Children Hospital

Feasibility Assessment of the Blood Pressure Imager, a Continuous Blood Pressure Monitor
Blood PressureHypertensionThe investigators are developing Blood Pressure Imager (BPI), which is a new technology that does not require cuffs or expensive equipment, and can be used by untrained individuals in underserved, low-resource environments at their own homes or regional care settings. Over the last one-year the investigators have developed the BPI prototype, which is ready for testing. BPI is a wrist device that includes a camera, color lights and soft membrane with a reflective coating. In this device feasibility study, the BPI will be placed over the radial artery at the wrist with the help of a wrist strap. The primary purpose of this feasibility study is to compare the BPI with a commercially available cuff-based blood pressure measuring devices.

Right Ventricular Function at Rest in Highlanders/Lowlanders
High Altitude Pulmonary HypertensionThe purpose of the current study is to evaluate the progression of right ventricular function and dimension in Kyrgyz highlanders with high altitude pulmonary hypertension (HAPH) by performing a cross sectional case-control study.

4DFlow Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Congenital...
Congenital Heart DiseasePulmonary Arterial HypertensionCongenital heart disease is the most common congenital anomaly. The life expectancy of children with congenital heart disease has increased considerably in recent years. Nevertheless, the evolution of these patients is marked by an increased risk of complications. Arrhythmias, heart failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and endocarditis may be promoted by the absence or delay of management in childhood, by residual lesions or post-operative cardiac scars and by the presence of prosthetic materials. PAH is a common complication of congenital heart disease, especially in non-operated shunts. PAH corresponds to an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and mean pulmonary arterial pressure that becomes greater than 25mmHg at rest, leading to right ventricular failure and ultimately to the patient's death. Eisenmenger's syndrome corresponds to a non-reversible pulmonary arterial hypertension with a left-right shunt initially left open, then right-left secondary to the increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, leading to cyanosis, polycythemia and multivisceral involvement. It is the most advanced form of PAH with congenital heart disease. PAH will be suspected during echocardiographic follow-up of any patient with congenital heart disease, on the analysis of the velocity of tricuspid and/or pulmonary regurgitation flow. Echocardiography allows the monitoring of the VD (right ventricle) function, which is the major prognostic element in PAH. Cardiac catheterization is systematically recommended and remains the gold standard to confirm the diagnosis of PAH, establish its pathophysiology and prognosis but also for the follow-up under medical treatment of these patients in tertiary centres every 6 months. Although this tool is the gold standard, rigorously performed, it remains an invasive examination often poorly experienced by patients. 4D Flow MRI is a promising imaging that allows the acquisition of anatomical, volume, right ventricular remodeling and intracardiac flow information in a single step with 2D (only 8 minutes extra), in free breathing and totally autonomous mode. Thus, at the same time as the realization of a 2D MRI, essential for the diagnosis and follow-up of PAH, with an additional 8 minutes for 4D flow, the investigators could have additional fundamental information on pulmonary cardiac output but also prognostic markers of right ventricular dysfunction turning dramatic in pulmonary vascular disease.

Assessment of Portal Hypertension With Multiparametric MRI
Portal HypertensionClinically Significant Portal HypertensionThe purpose of this study is to determine whether new multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods (including diffusion-weighted MRI, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, MR elastography and phase-contrast imaging) can be useful in assessing liver damage and degree of portal hypertension (a complication of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis) secondary to chronic liver disease, compared to ultrasound measurement of liver stiffness [acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) ultrasound] and routine blood tests. MRI uses magnetic fields to look at soft tissues in the body. This study will ultimately help to determine whether these methods will be useful in identifying liver disease and their complications that cannot be well-understood using current liver MRI techniques.

Hypertensive Urgency Treatment and Outcomes in a Northeast Thai Population
Hypertension on EmergencePrevious studies have reported a high prevalence of hypertensive (HT) urgency. However, these studies have also reported low rates of serious complications, suggesting that rapid blood pressure (BP) reduction may be unnecessary. There are limited clinical data available on this topic in Asian populations. The investigators aimed to determine the basic characteristics, treatment methods, and outcomes in HT urgency patients, both in the emergency room (ER) and at a two-week follow-up.

Online Trial Examining Validity and Reliability of the Shared Decision Making Process Survey
High CholesterolHigh Blood Pressure3 moreThe purpose of this study is to survey a sample of adults who have recently made a decision about treatment of high cholesterol or high blood pressure or a decision about screening for colorectal cancer, breast cancer, or prostate cancer. The main goal is to gather evidence of the validity and reliability of the Shared Decision Making Process scale. Secondary goal is to gather evidence on the quality of decisions for these common medical situations.

The Construction of Precision Medicine in Chinese Medicine
Hypertension"Precise medicine" is also called "personal medicine". With the development of big data database, genetic testing and artificial intelligence, the concept of precision medicine has been applied to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of different diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has traditionally emphasis on personalized medicine, according to each person's body constitution, through discriminatory treatment and personalized treatment methods. Chinese medicine doctors collect patients' information to distinguish the type of TCM pattern, and then according to the different types of diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine to decide of using herbs, acupuncture, massage and other treatment strategies. However, lacking of objective data of traditional Chinese medicine, the current research on precision medicine in Chinese medicine is still limited. The aim of this study is to establish a big database of traditional Chinese precision medicine, and use the patients with hypertension as the population to conduct research on precision medicine in Chinese medicine.This study will combine the TCM body constitutional questionnaire, tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, Chinese medicine immunoassay and genetic testing. In addition, the information providing by the medical electronic medical record system of China Medical University Hospital will be connected, which include modern medical diagnosis, treatment, blood and biochemical analysis and imaging. We will combine the big data analysis and artificial intelligence interpretation technology to explore the correlation between different TCM syndrome types and gene variations in patients with hypertension and establish a database of TCM precision medicine. We will also conduct the education training and symposium to train TCM precision medical talents and promote public understanding of TCM precision medicine. This project will establish a database of traditional Chinese medicine precision medicine to provide the correlation between different TCM pattern types of patients with hypertension, the reaction to different herbal medicine, and gene mutation, and provide reference for TCM clinicians.

Evaluation of the Effect of an APP in Improving Treatment Adherence in Hypertensive Patients in...
Blood PressureAdhesionBrief Summary: Through the App, the user will have the opportunity to connect directly with the health professional, clarify doubts and manage the treatment of their hypertension.

The Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With COVID-19.
HypertensionPulmonary2 moreThe virus infection Covid-19 fills our hospitals and intensive care departments in a very unique way and there is a lack of essential insight into the pathophysiology of the disease. As a result, very specific treatment options are missing. The US Medicines Agency (FDA) has in the last days given a general license for treatment with inhaled nitric oxide (iNO). Inhaled NO in Sweden (and Europe) is approved for the indication of pulmonary hypertension in adults. However, no one has yet described the occurrence of pulmonary hypertension, with or without right ventricular loading, in the Covid-19 patients who become so seriously ill that they need to be treated at an IVA ward. Knowledge of this is, of course, a prerequisite for determining the need for pulmonary artery catheterization (PA catheter, Swan-Ganz catheter) and also to better understand whether iNO treatment or other forms of lung selective vasodilation therapy may be of benefit to this patient group.