The Basel BOMP-AID Randomized Trial
Hypoactive DeliriumDelirium is a neurobehavioural syndrome that frequently develops in the postoperative and/or ICU setting. The incidence of elderly patients who develop delirium during hospital stay ranges from 11-82%. Delirium was first described more than half a century ago in the cardiac surgery population, where it was already discovered as a state that might be accompanied by serious complications such as prolonged ICU and hospital stay, reduced quality of life and increased mortality. Furthermore, the duration of delirium is associated with worse long-term cognitive function in the general ICU population. This long-term experience with delirium suggests a high socioeconomic liability and has been a focus of many studies. The aforementioned consequences of delirium are observed in all of three subtypes: hypoactive, hyperactive, and mixed. Pharmacological treatment options for hypoactive delirium are lacking. Since patients in hypoactive delirium suffer from disturbed circadian rhythm, the investigators suggest that the administration of melatonin as a promising possibility in these patients to shorten delirium duration and to lower its severity. Previous investigations confirmed loss of melatonin rhythm in patients that had developed delirium thus reasoning the study hypothesis. In this randomized study, the investigators aim to test the hypothesis that the reinstitution of a normal circadian rhythm by the administration of melatonin compared to placebo after diagnosis of hypoactive delirium, decreases the duration of delirium and reduces the transmission to a form of agitated delirium. The administration might have to be repeated several times to achieve resolution of delirium.

A Phase 3, Bridging, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Trial...
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThe purpose of this study is to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneously Administered Bremelanotide in Premenopausal Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder(with or without Decreased Arousal).

Role of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor in Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderA randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-way crossover physiological study. Designed to evaluate the effects of melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) activation on brain activity patterns and behavioural psychometric measures of sexual arousal during visual erotic stimuli in approximately 40 right-handed, heterosexual, premenopausal women aged 18 years and over with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) for at least a 6 month duration.

Can Acupoint Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy Improve Bladder Voiding Efficiency: A Pilot Study....
Detrusor UnderactivityWith the increasing of the elderly population, patients with urinary dysfunction caused by inefficiency of bladder emptying becomes much often than before. However, the current treatments for this kind of bladder dysfunction are limited and unsatisfactory. Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LiESWT) is a very popular emerging treatment in recent years, and abundant of literatures have confirmed that this treatment is safe and effective in myofascial pain and male erectile dysfunction. Recently, many animal experiments have showed that LiESWT could improve urinary dysfunction caused by bladder dysfunction. Taiwan based studies also reported that LiESWT could improve symptoms of overactive bladder. LiESWT is a non-drug, low-invasive and high-safety treatment, which is very suitable for elderly patients. In this study we combine the LiESWT and acupuncture to treat the patients with underactive bladder. We hypothesize that LiESWT could improve bladder voiding efficiency.

Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online Program to Promote Physical Activity Among Black Women...
Sedentary BehaviorLack of Physical Activity1 moreThis study will identify strategies for modifying a physical activity intervention, previously delivered in a face-to-face format, for online implementation.

An Open-Label Study of 50 mg Oral Testosterone Undecanoate (Kyztrex) in Menopausal Women With Low...
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThis is an unblinded study to be conducted at a single research center, San Diego Sexual Medicine. Eligible subjects will receive 50 mg capsules of Kyzatrax® to be taken orally daily over a 3-month period. Multiple blood samples will be taken at baseline and on days 7, 28 and 56 to assess safety and pharmacokinetics of the testosterone. After the informed consent is signed and for up to 84 days after baseline, subjects will have serial blood samples collected in addition to other routine study procedures (e.g. vital signs measured, adverse events assessed, validated outcome scales completed).

Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation on Upper-limb Movements in PD Patients
Acoustic StimulationParkinson Disease4 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to examine effects of training involving rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) on upper-limb movements and functions in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Patients will be randomly divided into two groups: the RAS group and the no-RAS group. Patients will receive training with or without the aid of RAS based on their groups. The training task is to use the right hand to take beads from one bowl to another bowl. The box and block test and the Jebsen hand function test will be used before and after training (i.e., pretest and posttest respectively) to assess patients' upper-limb speed and function. Researchers will compare scores of the box and block test and the Jebsen hand function test between the two groups at pretest and posttest to determine effects of RAS.

GentleCath™ Air for Men Intermittent Catheter With FeelClean™ Technology
Bladder Outlet ObstructionMultiple Sclerosis6 moreThis is a multicentre, prospective international observational study. Male patients in the UK, USA and France performing self-catheterisation will be asked to participate in this study. The subjects will be asked to use the GentleCath™ Intermittent Catheter with FeelClean™ Technology as per their normal routine. They will be asked to record when and where they catheterise. At the baseline, during and on completion of the study, the subjects will be asked to complete Difficulty in Catheterisation plus Intermittent Catheter related Quality of Life Questionnaires. Difficulty during catheterisation and quality of life will be assessed using the ICDQ and ISC-Q validated questionnaires during catheterisation at the start of the study before use of GentleCath™ Air has commenced (D0) and on day 1 (D1), day 15 (D15), day 30 (D30), day 45 (D45) and day 60 (D60) transcribed in a collecting record provided for this purpose. Compliance and catheter use will also be assessed. Patient confidence regarding reduced stickiness plus related risk of urethral injury and resultant bleeding or infection will also be recorded.

Flumazenil for Hypoactive Delirium Secondary to Benzodiazepine Exposure
Hypoactive DeliriumDelirium within the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with poor outcomes such as increased mortality, ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS), and time on mechanical ventilation. Benzodiazepine (BZD) exposure is an independent risk factor for development of delirium. Reversal of hypoactive delirium represents a potential opportunity for reducing duration of delirium and subsequent complications. This is a single-center randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of critically ill adult patients with benzodiazepine-associated hypoactive delirium. The hypothesis is that flumazenil continuous infusion may reverse hypoactive delirium associated with BZD exposure and thereby reduce duration of delirium and ICU LOS.

Methylphenidate, Rivastigmine or Haloperidol in Hypoactive Delirium in Intensive Care Patients
DeliriumThe purpose of this pilot-trial is the feasibility of a large randomized, placebo controlled, doubleblind clinical trial to investigate the use of methylphenidate, rivastigmine or haloperidol in hypoactive ICU-delirium. In addition we will compare duration of delirium, severity of delirium, length of ICU/hospital stay and side effects between the different interventions.