
Active clinical trials for "Hypotension"

Results 371-380 of 875

Interindividual Postexercise Hypotension Response in Morbid Obesity

Metabolic SyndromeMorbid Obesity

A quasi-experimental study developed in sedentary morbidly obese men and women (age 43.6±11.3 y; body mass index [BMI] ≥40 kg/m2) were assigned to a CT group of ET plus RT (ET+RT; n=19; BMI 47.8±16.7) or RT plus ET order group (RT+ET; n=17; BMI 43.0±8.0). Subjects of both groups received eight exercise sessions over four weeks. Systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial pressure [MAP], heart rate at rest [HR], and pulse pressure [PP] measurements before and after 10 minutes postexercise. Secondary outcomes were other anthropometric, body composition, metabolic, and physical condition parameters. Using the ∆SBP reduction, and quartile categorization (Q) in 'high' (Rs: quartile 4), 'moderate' (MRs: quartile 3), 'low' (LRs: quartile 2), and 'nonresponders' (NRs: quartile 1) were reported.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Comparison Between Three Norepinephrine Bolus Doses for Management of Post-spinal Hypotension During...

Anesthesia; Adverse EffectCesarean Section Complications

Maternal hypotension after subarachnoid block is a frequent and deleterious complication during lower segment caesarean section (LSCS). Prophylaxis against hypotension using vasopressors had become a standard recommendation. In mothers with preeclampsia, post-spinal hypotension is less frequent compared to healthy mothers; thus, the latest guidelines do not recommend using vasopressors in preeclampsia patients unless there is a hypotensive episode . The incidence of post-spinal hypotension in mother with preeclampsia is nearly 25%. The commonly used vasopressors during CS are ephedrine, phenylephrine, and recently norepinephrine. The use of ephedrine is usually accompanied with maternal tachycardia and foetal acidosis. Phenylephrine (PE) had been the first line for prevention and management of maternal hypotension; however, its use in mothers with preeclampsia had not been adequately investigated. Thus, the best vasopressor for management of hypotension in mothers with preeclampsia is unknown. Norepinephrine (NE) is an alpha adrenergic agonist with weak beta adrenergic agonistic activity; thus, it does not cause significant cardiac depression as phenylephrine does. NE was introduced for use during CS with promising results when used as infusion and as boluses in healthy mothers . The use of NE boluses in management of hypotension in preeclamptic mothers was not adequately investigated. A dose 4 mcg NE was recently evaluated in preeclamptic mothers. In this study, we will compare 3 NE bolus doses (3 mcg, 4 mcg, and 5 mcg) in management of maternal hypotension after spinal block during CS in preeclamptic mothers.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Comparison And Outcomes Of Fluid Resucitation With 0.9% Normal Saline And 5% Albumin In Cirrhosis...

Cirrhosis With Septic Shock

300 consecutive patients with cirrhosis of any aetiology admitted with features of sepsis and sepsis induced hypotension to the intensive care unit, the emergency department and the step down units of Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi, who fulfil the inclusion criteria. This study will be a single centre prospective randomized comparative trial. Patients will be randomized into two groups. Group A will receive crystalloid, 0.9% sodium chloride solution (total of 30ml/kg over 30 minutes) and Group B will receive colloid, 5% albumin (250 ml over 15 minutes).

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Control Mean Arterial Pressure in the Intensive Care Unit


The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to compare two different strategies of postoperative mean arterial pressure (MAP) management (manual versus automated) in patients who underwent a major surgery and admitted in the intensive care unit or post-anesthesia care unit for postoperative care. The investigators hypothesis is that the automated group will spend more time in a predetermined target MAP range of 80-90 mmHg compared to the manual group.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Perioperative Fluid Management in Morbidly Obese Patients

HypotensionAnomaly; Venous Return1 more

In bariatric surgery functional and feasible non- or mini-invasive modalities for monitoring, and ideal/lean body weight estimates are addressed to meet up individual variability in hydration needs, and to avoid hyperhydration. The aim of the study is to evaluate need of perioperative hydration by comparing conventional monitoring (the control group) to a more advanced approach (individualized goal-directed therapy, IGDT) (the intervention group). In addition to conventional cardiovascular monitoring (ECG, non-invasive blood pressure, Sp02) preoperative transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and a intraoperative perioperative mini-invasive pulse-contour device (FloTrac™) will be used for the purpose.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Anesthetic Advantages of Dexmedetomidine for Hypotensive Anesthesia


The aim of this study was to evaluate the positive anesthetic properties such as reduce intraoperative analgesic requirement, time to extubation and recovery, and early postoperative pain of dexmedetomidine used as a hypotensive agent compared with nitroglycerin.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Preventing Hypotension in Parturients With an Elevated Body Mass Index (BMI)


Previous research regarding the use of phenylephrine has excluded obese subjects (BMI >35). This subgroup of patients represents a large portion of the obstetric patient population locally and nationally. It is unclear whether previous research should be extrapolated to the obese patient population. This study is being done to compare the incidence of hypotension, intraoperative nausea and vomiting, and neonatal acidosis between obese patients who receive a prophylactic phenylephrine infusion versus those who receive phenylephrine boluses for the treatment of established hypotension. This study will help us determine whether using a phenylephrine infusion or a phenylephrine bolus is the best way to prevent/treat spinal induced hypotension during cesarean deliveries in obese patients.

Completed15 enrollment criteria

Tolerance to Hemodialysis in Insulin-Requiring Diabetic Patients: BD vs AFB With Blood Volume Biofeedback...


Diabetic nephropathy is becoming the most common primary renal disease in end stage renal disease patients. The prevalence of diabetic patients in dialysis reaches even the 30% of the dialysis population (USRDS) with an incidence rate, in some countries, up to 40%. The 5 years surviving time of diabetic patients in dialysis is about the 20% and, compared to the hypertension and glomerulonephritis complications, still remains the worst. Diabetes is often associated to several comorbid factors such as hypertension, autonomic neuropathy, vasculopathy, metabolic disorders (ketoacidosis, poor glycaemic control), and electrolyte disorders. So, the diabetic patient is fragile, with a rather poor tolerance to dialysis, lack of achievement of dry body weight and inadequate dialysis. In order to gain a more detailed insight into a possible better tolerance to dialysis, arising from the elimination of acetate in dialysate bath (Acetate Free Biofiltration) and from the use of an automatic system to control the blood volume (Blood Volume Control),the investigators would like to investigate the cardiovascular stability and the frequency of intradialytic symptoms in a prospective, randomized, cross-over study.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Vasopressor SAT Study

Low Blood PressureDelirium1 more

To assess the impact of daily awakening from sedation on the amount of vasoactive medication required in the ICU. The hypothesis of this proposal is that the amount of vasoactive drug required to maintain an adequate mean arterial blood pressure will be reduced during a daily awakening from sedation.

Active3 enrollment criteria

Point of Care Ultrasonography In The Management of Shock: A Pilot Study


This project aims to determine the feasibility of conducting a randomized controlled trial investigating point of care ultrasound guided resuscitation compared with usual care in the management of shock at the Critical Care Trauma Centre (CCTC) in London Health Science Centre (LHSC).

Completed9 enrollment criteria

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