Whether a Minimal Volume Could Predict Fluid Responsiveness Using Thermodilution by PAC in Septic...
Septic ShockHemodynamic Instability1 moreAssessment of fluid responsiveness (FR) is to detect whether patient could benefit from fluid therapy. Mini fluid challenge has been widely used in clinical practice to prevent patients from volume overload. In clinical practice, 100 mL or 250 mL have been used most frequently and FR was defined as an increase in CO greater than 10% as much as the changes in CO after infusion of 500 mL. While using a half of volume infusion and assessed by the traditional standard of FR, this might misclassify more patients as nonresponders. In that it is imperative to test the predictive ability of mini fluid and find out the threshold of cutoff value. Meanwhile, in almost mini-FC, cardiac output were measured by echocardiography(VTi) and pulse contour,None of the studies conducted cardiac output (CO)measurement by gold standard method of thermodilution by pulmonary artery catheter (PAC). The correlation between new generated CO measurements and PAC varies in different studies as well. It is imperative to investigate the reliability of mini-FC to predicting fluid responsiveness(FR).The investigator's study is to detect the predictive minimal volume using thermodilution by PAC in septic shock patient.

The Effect of Three Different Fluids(Albumin 5%, Normal Saline, Hydroxyethyl Starch 130 kD) on Microcirculation...
Severe SepsisSeptic Shock1 moreMajor microvascular blood flow alterations have been documented in patients with severe sepsis. It was also demonstrated that the microcirculation improved in survivors of septic shock but failed to do so in patients dying from acute circulatory failure or with multiple organ failure after shock resolution. Early, effective fluid resuscitation is a key component in the management of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock with the goal of improving tissue perfusion. The best fluid in this early resuscitation phase has been and still is under debate. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of Three different Fluids(Albumin 5%, Normal Saline, HES 130 kD) on microcirculation in severe sepsis/septic shock patients using Sidestream Dark Field (SDF) Microscopy and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis.

Desensitization of Human Mast Cells: Mechanisms and Potential Utility for Preventing Anaphylaxis...
AnaphylaxisThis is an open-label, single-center study of whether oral penicillin desensitization of healthy sensitive subjects results in allergen cross-desensitization of mast cells by skin testing and desensitization of peripheral blood basophils. The primary endpoint(s) will be PC3 prick skin test values to penicillin, aeroallergen(s) and codeine. Secondary endpoints will be levels of Syk in purified basophils determined by flow cytometry (mean fluorescence intensity) and basophil degranulation (% tryptase release) to anti-FcåRI and to calcium ionophore.

Can Measurement of Neutrophil-derived ROS Production be a Novel Biomarker of Sepsis?
InfectionsSepsis1 moreNeutrophils are indispensable for host defense and have an important roles in modulating the immune system in both the innate and adaptive immune response. Neutrophils operate using a number of different mechanisms including chemotaxis, phagocytosis, release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and granular proteins, and the production and liberation of cytokines for this purpose. A controlled neutrophil response is required to combat infection; an dysregulated state of this response can cause sepsis, tissue damage, and organ failure. Sepsis and septic shock are the leading causes of death especially in intensive care units (ICU), and their mortality can be reduced with prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment modality. From this point of view, many biomarkers have been evaluated for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment response of infection and sepsis. An objective marker of cellular dysfunction of neutrophils would be a helpful tool for the clinician in detecting and monitoring changes related to infection status and to determine development of sepsis and positive effects of interventions.

Volumetric Analysis of Alveolar Ridge Contour Using Sub-epithelial Connective Tissue Graft
Alveolar Ridge CollapseThis study will monitor the effect of soft tissue augmentation using sub-epithelial connective tissue graft buccal to extraction sockets in anterior maxilla in thin dento-alveolar phenotype; and will evaluate whether it will enhance the alveolar ridge contour and improve the gingival phenotype following atraumatic extraction compared with no treatment at all in terms of Ridge contour Preservation for future esthetically acceptable fixed prothesis.

Cerebral Compliance Impairment in COVID-19
Intracranial HypertensionCerebral Circulatory FailureSeveral recent studies point to the possibility of the new coronavirus (SARS-Cov2), which currently causes pandemic COVID-19, to infiltrate the central nervous system (CNS) and cause primary damage to neural tissues, increasing the morbidity and mortality of these patients. A pathophysiological hypothesis for insulting the CNS would be the impairment of cerebral compliance (CC), because elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP), but due to the invasive nature of the methods available for ICP evaluation, this hypothesis has so far not been verified. Recently, a noninvasive technique was developed to evaluate CC (B4C sensor), making it possible to analyse CC in patients outside the neurosurgical environment. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the presence of CC impairment in patients with COVID-19, and observe potential influences of this syndrome on cerebral hemodynamics.

VOLume and Vasopressor Therapy in Patients With Hemodynamic instAbility
Hemodynamic InstabilityShock1 moreThis prospective observational study will include critically ill patients with hemodynamic compromise. It will compare passive leg raising and a mini volume challenge (MVC) carried out on every patient sequentially. The endogenous release of stress hormones will also be assayed in order to investigate their modifying effect on the hemodynamic reaction of the participants. The effect of fluid resuscitation on renal perfusion will also be assessed and the data compared with the release of cystatin C.

Brain Ultrasound With Contrast Microbubbles Injection in Shock Status
ShockMicrocirculationAlterations in the brain microcirculation may be involved in patients with shock. For a three-day period, we investigate the brain microcirculation using contrast-enhanced ultrasound with microbubble injection in patients with septic and non-septic shock.Ultrasound examination is performed daily to estimate global cerebral blood flow, and to evaluate the brain microcirculation, using variables of the time-intensity brain perfusion curve, after sulphur hexafluoride microbubble Sonovue injection.

Renin as a Biomarker of Haemodynamic Normalisation
ShockStudy design Observational, single centre, prospective cohort study Planned sample size 100 participants Inclusion criteria The study will evaluate a cohort of participants meeting the following inclusion criteria: admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after elective and emergency cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass age 18 years and above arterial, central venous and pulmonary arterial catheters have been inserted as part of routine care Study procedures In addition to routine clinical postoperative data and blood collection, serum renin levels will be analysed on admission, 6 and 24 hours after admission to ICU Study duration 6 months

Microcirculatory Effects of Methylene Blue
Acute Circulatory FailureInternational guidelines recommend Methylene Blue (MB) as a second-line drug in the treatment of norepinephrine refractory vasoplegic shock (VS) after Cardiopulmonary Bypass CPB. Macrocirculatory effects of MB in this setting are now well established but microcirculatory effects of MB remain unknown. The purpose of this study is to assess the micro vascular effects of a single administration of methylene blue (1.5 mg/kg over 30 minutes) for norepinephrine-refractory VS post CPB. Microcirculatory effect will be monitored before and one hour after MB infusion through cutaneous refill time, video microscopy measurements of the sublingual microcirculation and tissue oxygen saturation combined with vascular occlusion test (VOT).