SuperNO2VA™ and General Anesthesia Postoperative Care
HypoxemiaAcute Respiratory FailureThe purpose of the study is to randomly and prospectively evaluate the differences in outcomes between the control group (closed full facemask immediate post-extubation with standard oxygenating device used post-operatively in PACU) and the SuperNO2VA™ group (SuperNO2VA™ immediate post-extubation and post-operatively in PACU)

Hypoxia Intolerance in Preterm Individuals
Premature BirthHypoxiaReduced Hypoxic Ventilatory Response (HVR) and systemic O2 saturation subsequently leading to blunted aerobic capacity as well as decreased overall physical and cognitive performance are the main physiological challenges faced by prematurely born individuals in hypobaric hypoxia (i.e. during high altitude sojourn). While these phenomena have been described previously, the underlying mechanisms are currently unresolved. Given that the reduction in altitude-performance and its underlying mechanisms are not well understood, it is currently impossible to give evidence-based recommendation for altitude sojourns in this cohort. It is also of note, that even hypobaric hypoxia exposure during long-haul flights might be detrimental to well-being of pre-term born individuals. The present project aims to comprehensively investigate physiological responses to altitude/hypoxia during rest and exercise in prematurely born, but otherwise healthy adults. Specifically, we aim to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the altered resting and exercise cardiovascular, respiratory, cerebral and hematological responses to hypoxia in prematurely born individuals. The obtained results from this cohort will be compared to the data from a control groups consisting of healthy, age and aerobic capacity-matched individuals born at full-term. While acute hypoxic effects will be the focus of the project's first phase, we will test the effect of prolonged terrestrial (real) or simulated (normobaric hypoxia) altitude exposures in the second part. This phase will, in addition to the insight into the prolonged altitude acclimatization modulation in prematurely born individuals, also enable us to investigate the potential differences between the effects of normobaric (simulated) and hypobaric (terrestrial) hypoxia in this cohort.

LUS to Assess Lung Injury After Lung Lobectomy
Lung NeoplasmAdult ALL7 moreThe purpose of the study is to assess whether lung ultrasound is able to detect lung injury after lung resection surgery.

Postoperative Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs in Older Cardiac Surgery Patients
HypoxemiaRespiratory Failure1 moreA significant number of elderly patients experience a complication after cardiac surgery. This study aims to determine if postoperative remote monitoring of vital signs can be used to identify medicatie risk factors for vital sign deterioration in older cardiac surgery patients. Single center pilot study. 100 older patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Continuous remote monitoring of vital signs after ICU discharge Main study endpoint is vital sign deterioration.

Conduct of Nasal High Flow Oxygen in Acute Respiratory Failure
Acute Respiratory Failure With HypoxiaHypoxemiaAlthough many studies have investigated the clinical benefits of nasal high flow during acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, there is no data (and even less so recommendations) on how to best conduct this technique, including its initiation and its weaning periods. Investigators will assess in a multicenter, observational study, the way clinicians use nasal high flow therapy in patients with acute respiratory failure in order to try identify one or more strategies that may be then compared in an interventional study.

Leptin and Cytokines in Diabetic Pregnancy - Physiologic or Pathogenic Role
Gestational Diabetes MellitusPreeclampsia1 moreLeptin, a circulating hormone expressed abundantly in adipose tissue, has been reported to be a satiety factor. In addition, it has been shown to increase during pregnancy in maternal blood, parallel to increase in body fat mass, to correlate with fetal body weight gain and to fall down to basal levels after delivery. Little is known about leptin levels in pregnant women with preexisting or gestational diabetes and their relationship with fetal and postnatal growth and perinatal complications. Therefore, the proposed study aims to understand and characterize the role of leptin in gestational diabetes mellitus as well as the relationship between leptin, cytokines and the pathophysiological complications during diabetic pregnancy. Specifically, we will evaluate 60 pregnant women both in Germany and in Israel and evaluate serum levels and mRNA of leptin, cytokines (inflammatory as well as Th1 and Th2) and correlate them to maternal changes of body weight and birth weight in women of various degrees of glucose tolerance and with various degrees of metabolic control during pregnancy; relationship between serum and umbilical cord vein concentrations of leptin, cytokines and metabolic variables; placental expression of leptin, leptin receptor, selected cytokines, GLUT1 and 4 and relationship to leptin in serum and umbilical cord plasma; comparison between all above parameters of German and Israeli pregnant women. The results of this new and systematic study will shed light on the role of leptin and cytokines in the development of glucose disturbances during pregnancy and the perinatal outcome of women with gestational or preexisting diabetes mellitus.

Continuous, Non-invasive Monitoring of Intraoperative Cerebral Perfusion and Oxidative Metabolism...
Brain Hypoxia IschemiaThis study uses a CPOM Optical neuromonitor to assess the relationship between brain cytochrome C oxidase, cerebral oxygen saturation and blood pressure during surgery performed under general anesthesia.

MRI of Neonate With HIE Before and During the Moderate Hypothermia
Hypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyModerate hypothermia has been demonstrated to be the effective treatment for neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). However, few studies reveal the actual alterations in physiological parameters (i.e. brain temperature and cerebral blood flow) of neonates undergoing cooling, especially for HIE lesions. Therefore, this project aims to utilize the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), i.e. MR thermal imaging and phase contrast MRI to measure the changes of these parameters before and during hypothermia; and then make comparisons with the routine nasopharyngeal and rectal temperature. All these would provide in vivo quantitative data for therapeutic evaluation and promote the optimization.

Hypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyNewborn MorbidityIn this study, the correlation of cardiac marker values (Troponin I, CK, CK-MB) measured before treatment with the long-term neurodevelopmental score of newborns diagnosed with perinatal asphyxia and treated with therapeutic hypothermia with a diagnosis of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) will be evaluated. Physical examination, laboratory (especially cardiac markers), aEEG findings and diffusion MRI findings of babies who have been hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit between 2015-2020 due to respiratory distress and who have undergone perinatal asphyxia but have undergone therapeutic hypothermia treatment will be recorded from their files in the hospital system. The neurological evaluations and neurodevelopmental scores of the babies in the follow-up in the neonatal high risk follow-up clinic after discharge will be recorded from their files.

Influence of Hypoxia on Electroretingraphy (ERG) Measurements
ERG Under HypoxiaTo investigate the influence of induced hypoxia on the ERG.