A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Afamelanotide in Patients With Xeroderma Pigmentosum...
Xeroderma PigmentosumThe CUV152 study will evaluate the safety of afamelanotide in XP-C and XP-V patients, as well as the drug's ability to assist reparative processes following ultraviolet (UV) provoked DNA damage of the skin. It will assess whether SCENESSE® increases the amount of UV light needed to cause DNA damage of skin cells, as well as the extent of skin repair before and after treatment.

A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Afamelanotide in Patients With Xeroderma Pigmentosum...
Xeroderma PigmentosumThe CUV156 study will evaluate the safety of afamelanotide in XP-C patients, as well as the drug's ability to assist reparative processes following ultraviolet (UV) provoked DNA damage of the skin. It will assess whether SCENESSE® increases the amount of UV light needed to cause DNA damage of skin cells, as well as the extent of skin repair before and after treatment.

The ASCEND Study: Evaluating TMB-001 in the Treatment of RXLI or ARCI Ichthyosis
IchthyosisThis is a randomized, double-blind and vehicle-controlled Phase III study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of topical TMB-001 0.05% ointment for the treatment of CI in subjects with either the RXLI or ARCI subtypes. In addition, a subset of preselected centers will recruit subjects in parallel with either the RXLI or ARCI subtypes for enrollment into an Optional Maximal Use arm for evaluation of the systemic exposure and safety of topical TMB-001 0.05% ointment for the treatment of CI. The Phase III Study is designed in three periods: • Period 1 - Induction (3 weeks): At the beginning of the 3-week Induction Period, eligible subjects will be randomized (2:1 ratio) to either TMB-001 0.05% once-a-day (QD) or Vehicle QD treatment, with use of mandatory standardized bland emollient (Cetaphil™) provided by the Sponsor. • Period 2 - Treatment (9 weeks): The dosing frequency in the 9-week treatment period will be increased in each treatment group to TMB-001 0.05% BID or Vehicle BID. Mandatory bland emollient will be discontinued. • Period 3 - Maintenance (12 weeks): At Week 12, eligible subjects in the TMB-001 treatment group will be randomized (1:1 ratio) to an open-label treatment with TMB-001 0.05% BID or TMB-001 0.05% QD. To be eligible, subjects must have achieved a ≥1-point reduction in IGA score from Baseline. Subjects with less than a 1-point reduction in IGA score from Baseline will be discontinued from the study. Vehicle-treated subjects who achieved <1-point reduction in IGA score from Baseline are eligible to cross over to the TMB-001 0.05% BID treatment group. Subjects with a ≥1-point reduction in IGA score from Baseline will be discontinued from the study. Subjects at the end of the study or subjects discontinued from the study at any time will be followed-up for additional 2 weeks for AEs.

An Open-Label and Long-Term Extension Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Ustekinumab in...
IchthyosisThe ichthyoses are a group of lifelong genetic disorders that share characteristics of generalized skin thickening, scaling and underlying cutaneous inflammation. The vast majority are orphan disorders and are associated with extremely poor quality of life related to social ostracism from altered appearance, associated itchiness and discomfort, and functional limitations from the skin disease. Among the more common "orphan" forms of ichthyosis are autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI; includes lamellar ichthyosis/LI and congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma/CIE), Netherton syndrome (NS) and epidermolytic ichthyosis (EI). However, there are dozens of other syndromic and non-syndromic ichthyotic disorders as well. Therapy is time-consuming for patients or parents and is supportive, focusing on clearance of the scaling. There are no therapies based on our growing understanding of what causes the disease. We have recently found marked elevations in Th17/IL-23 pathway cytokines and chemokines in the skin of individuals with ichthyosis, most similar to the inflammatory pattern of psoriasis. While the significance of the high expression of Th17/IL-23 pathway genes across all forms of ichthyosis studied to date is unknown, the high expression of genes of the Th17/IL-23 pathway in psoriasis is thought to be causative for the disease manifestations. We propose that IL-12/IL-23 -targeting therapeutics will safely suppress the inflammation and possibly the other features of ichthyosis, improving quality of life. As a proof-of-concept study, we propose to treat children (6 years of age and higher) and adults with ichthyotic disorders with ustekinumab in an open-label trial to serially assess clinical response to and safety of ustekinumab for this group of disorders.

Topical KB105 Gene Therapy for the Treatment of TGM1-deficient Autosomal Recessive Congenital Ichthyosis...
TGM-1 Related Autosomal Recessive Congenital IchthyosisThis study is an intra-patient comparison of KB105 and placebo-administered Target Areas. The primary objectives of this study are to evaluate safety and Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) scale improvement of topically administered KB105.

Omega3 Wound Fish Skin Graft in the Treatment of DFUs
Diabetic Foot UlcerThe purpose of this clinical evaluation is to collect patient outcome data on a commercially available 510K FDA-approved product that is derived from minimal processing of Atlantic cod fish skin: KerecisTM Omega3 Wound. In this trial, two groups of UT grade IA/1C diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), full skin thickness or extending through the subcutaneous or fat layers but not into tendon, muscle, or bone will receive standard of care (SOC) treatment for their condition. Patients will be randomized to SOC treatment and a 510k FDA-approved collagen alginate dressing (Fibracol Plus) or SOC and KerecisTM Omega3 Wound. The primary endpoint is the percentage of index ulcers (the ulcers being treated in the study) healed at 12 weeks in which two groups that will be compared are SOC with Fibracol Plus or SOC with KerecisTM Omega3 Wound

Evaluate the Evolution of Body and Scalp Skin Discomfort in Patients With Hereditary Ichthyosis...
Ichthyosis InheritedIchthyosis is a group of rare and chronic genetic diseases beginning at birth, in which the patient's skin is covered with scales of variable appearance and severity. This disease is disabling, in particular due to sensations of pruritus, skin pain and the possible presence of associated extra-cutaneous abnormalities. The treatment is symptomatic and is based on the daily application of moisturizing creams with a high lipid content for better effectiveness, keratolytic creams, and for severe forms, oral retinoids may be necessary. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these treatments is limited and are considered very painful by the patients. Wraps are local treatments carried out by specialized nurses and which consist in, following a therapeutic bath, applying a large quantity of cream to the whole body, followed by an occlusion. This type of care is simple to perform, but requires nursing expertise, to date, it is not carried out in standard practice in France, which is why we wish to evaluate the effect of wraps on different parameters reflecting the skin condition in the short and medium term.

Topical KB105 for the Treatment of TGM1-deficient Autosomal Recessive Congenital Ichthyosis (ARCI)...
Autosomal Recessive IchthyosisKB105-02 is an intrasubject randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of KB105 in children and adults with autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI).

Trial Assessing the Impact on Facial Skin Quality, Hydration, and Skin Barrier of Three (3) Hydrafacial...
Cutis Laxa FacialisXerodermaThis is a phase IV, unblinded, open-label study assessing the impact on skin quality, hydration, and barrier of three (3) Hydrafacial treatments in healthy adults of Fitzpatrick Skin Types I & II, III, IV, V & VI, 30 to 55 years of age. Efficacy and subject satisfaction will be assessed, before and after three (3) HF treatments, in 6 patient cohorts, each cohort defined by FST I-VI.

Quality of Life in Middle-aged and Older Patients With Congenital Ichthyosis
Congenital IchthyosisThe goal of this observational study is to learn about the quality of life in patients with congenital ichthyosis. The main question it aims to answer are: • What is the impact of ichthyosis on the biological-psychological-social quality of life in adult and elderly patients with inherited ichthyosis ? Participants will take part in individual interviews in which the investigators will explore if and how ichthyosis impacts their quality of life. Examples of such questions are whether participants experience pain, experience struggles in their personal or professional lives, with sports activities or if participants experience a financial burden.