A Study to Investigate the Effect of XYWAV on Sleepiness, Polysomnography, and Functional Outcomes...
Idiopathic HypersomniaNarcolepsyThis study will assess the safety and efficacy of JZP258 (XYWAV) on sleepiness, polysomnography, and functional outcomes in patients with idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) or narcolepsy.

Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Study to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of SDX in Patients...
Idiopathic HypersomniaThis is a study of the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics (PK) of Serdexmethylphenidate (SDX) compared to placebo in subjects with Idiopathic Hypersomnia (IH).

Low Sodium Oxybate in Patients With Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Idiopathic HypersomniaLow sodium oxybate has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia. In this study, the researchers want to learn how low sodium oxybate impacts ability of people diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia to sleep for long periods of time. In addition, this study will use novel tools to determine when an individual is awake or asleep.

Clarithromycin Mechanisms in Hypersomnia Syndromes
Narcolepsy Without CataplexyIdiopathic Hypersomnia1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate a medication called clarithromycin for treating sleepiness in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. Studies have shown that clarithromycin can reduce sleepiness, but researchers do not know how clarithromycin does this. This study will look at brain activity (on magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]), inflammation, bacteria living in the gut, and cerebrospinal fluid, to better understand how clarithromycin can reduce sleepiness. This study will recruit 92 participants who will be randomized to receive clarithromycin or a placebo for 14 days.

A Long-Term Safety and Effectiveness Study to Evaluate Pitolisant in Adult Patients With Idiopathic...
Idiopathic HypersomniaExcessive Daytime SleepinessThe primary objective of this study is to assess the long-term safety and effectiveness of pitolisant in patients with idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) who completed the Double-Blind Randomized Withdrawal Phase of study HBS-101-CL-010.

A Phase 3 Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Pitolisant in Adult Patients With Idiopathic...
Idiopathic HypersomniaThe primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of pitolisant compared with placebo in treating excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in patients with idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) age ≥18 years. Key secondary objectives of this study are to assess the impact of pitolisant on: Overall symptoms of IH Patient impression of overall change in their symptoms of IH Investigator assessment of overall disease severity of IH Other secondary objectives of this study are to assess the impact of pitolisant in patients with IH on: Patient impression of overall severity of their EDS Functional status and activities of daily living Sleep-related impairment Sleep inertia Cognitive function

Evaluation of Social Cognition in Patient With Type 1 or Type 2 Narcolepsy Versus Patients With...
NarcolepsySocial CognitionNarcolepsy is a chronic disabling neurologic disorder mainly characterised by excessive daytime sleepiness. Type 1 narcolepsy is associated with a deficit of hypocretin in the cerebrospinal fluid responsible for the cataplexy symptom while type 2 shows a normal hypocretin level and no cataplexy. While the development of narcolepsy is independent of parental social level, narcolepsy has a significant influence on educational level, grading, social outcome, and welfare consequences. Several studies assessed global cognition efficiency, mood, and attention in narcoleptic patients but only a few specifically measured social cognition and mostly without a control group. In a population of narcoleptics children, a severe impairment in social cognition is described for 20% of the group, contrary to 2 % for the control group. The literature also depicts some impairments in decision making, somatic and cognitive emotions responses but the emotion recognition seems to be preserved. A better understanding of the social and cognitive aspects of narcolepsy could lead to a better treatment of the disease in its entirety, including if relevant specific cognitive behavioural therapy. The protocol consists in a psychometric evaluation including several questionnaires in order to assess social cognition. It will be proposed to patients with type 1 or type 2 narcolepsy and patients with idiopathic hypersomnia.

Psychiatric Co-morbidities and Socio-demographic Characteristics in Patients With Idiopathic Hypersomnia...
Idiopathic HypersomniaMood Disorder1 moreThis is a study of only patients with idiopathic hypersomnia. It is a rare and still poorly understood pathology. In clinical practice, we have found that the treatment and care offered were not always effective. The idea of this study to improve knowledge of this pathology by studying the demographic characteristics of patients and other co-morbidities, in particular psychiatric patients, to see if we can identify common factor to our patients and useful in their medical care. The main objective of this research is to allow a quantitative study of the demographic and psychiatric characteristics of patients with idiopathic hypersomnia.

Idiopathic Hypersomnia
HypersomniaIdiopathicIdiopathic hypersomnia (IH) is characterized by non-restoring night-time sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep inertia, impaired cognitive functioning and autonomic symptoms. IH seems to be long lasting, once established, but little is known about long-time consequences, and research on the relationship between idiopathic hypersomnia and all-cause mortality is however sparse. IH is thus a poorly characterized disorder of hypersomnolence, and the present study aims to answer the following research questions: Are there subgroups within the IH-group, that can be retrospectively characterized out of data from polysomnography, PSG and MSLT. What are the relationships between IH, and possible IH subgroups, and morbidity, mortality, and sick leave, using retrospective register data? What is the natural course of IH, and possible IH subgroups, assessed with questionnaires that measures daytime sleepiness, depression, and insomnia? How do subjects diagnosed with IH think about their disease, cope with it, and perceive the effects of treatments, using qualitative interviews? 185 individuals assessed and diagnosed at the Sleep unit, Uppsala university hospital between 2010-01-01 and 2019-12-31 will be contacted. After collecting informed consents, PSG and MSLT data will be analysed together with register data regarding morbidity, mortality, sick leave, and pharmacotherapy.Questionnaires used at the time of the original assessment will be reviewed and, to study the natural course of the syndrome, the same questionnaires will be sent to the participants by mail.

International Swiss Primary Hypersomnolence and Narcolepsy Cohort Study
NarcolepsyIdiopathic Hypersomnia1 moreSwiss Primary Hypersomnolence and Narcolepsy Cohort Study (SPHYNCS) is a cohort study on disease presentation and long-term course with an exploratory approach to detect biomarkers.