PET Scanning in Parkinson s Disease
SchizophreniaParkinson's DiseaseThis is an in vivo positron emission tomography (PET) study of regional cerebral dopamine and blood flow in normal volunteers, persons with Parkinson s disease (both familial and sporadic), and those with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The latter also sign consent for NIH approved protocol 89-M-0160, "Inpatient Evaluation of Neuropsychiatric Patients," PI: Daniel Eisenberg, M.D. Using PET with 6-[F-18] Fluoro-L-dopa (FDOPA) and (15)0-H2O in a single scan session, both presynaptic dopaminergic function and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) are assessed. The kinetic rate constant (Ki) for presynaptic dopaminergic uptake in striatum and other regions is calculated. We compare Ki across subject groups and relate the findings to rCBF. Findings are also related to allelic variation in genes of interest, for determination of which participants sign separate consent for NIH approved protocol 95-M-0150 Neurobiological Investigation of Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Their Siblings, PI: Karen F. Berman, MD. We also draw comparisons between subjects with inherited vs. sporadic Parkinson s disease to determine whether the PET phenotype is the same in both groups, and we compare system-level, circuit-based pathophysiology across PD and schizophrenia groups. Each subject is further screened with an MRI to rule out structural abnormalities and also to further delineate areas of interest in the PET scans.

Identification of Risk Factors Parkinson's Disease by Convergence Strategy
Parkinson DiseaseUsing this convergence approach from a limited group of subjects with non-diseased controls, patients with Parkinson's disease or related diseases, we will be able to limit the number of potential genes of specific susceptibility to Parkinson disease. These genes will then be studied using a case-control genetic epidemiology approach. The risk of developing the disease will then be evaluated according to clinical, biological and environmental variables collected in Parkinson's subjects and healthy controls in the second group of subjects. The specificity of the genetic associations found will be evaluated in subjects with Parkinson's disease.

Observational Study on "Functional Overlay" in Patients With Movement Disorders
Conversion DisorderParkinson Disease2 moreThe goal of this observational study is to learn about functional neurological disorders in patients with common non-functional movement disorders ("functional overlay"). The main questions it aims to answer are: What is the frequency of functional neurological disorders in patients with non-functional movement disorders (functional overlay)? What are the characteristics of functional neurological disorders in patients with non-functional movement disorders? Participants will be examined clinically and electrophysiologically, the examinations consist of: a neurological examination neuropsychological testing electrophysiological tremor diagnostic questionnaires about psychological, biological and social risk factors Researchers will compare patients with functional motor disorders to patients wit non-functional movement disorders to see if they differ from each other regarding the functional symptoms.

Localized Analysis of Normalized Distance From Scalp to Cortex and Personalized Evaluation (LANDSCAPE)...
AgingDementia Alzheimers3 moreScalp to cortex distance (SCD), as a key technological parameter of brain stimulation, has been highlighted in the guidelines of non-invasive brain stimulation. However, in the context of age-related brain changes, the region-specific SCD and its impact on stimulation-induced electric field in different types of neurodegenerative diseases remain unclear.

A Study to Evaluate ENT-01 for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease Dementia
Parkinson DiseaseDementiaThis study will be conducted as a multi-center, open label study in the US. There will be 40 patient to receive the active investigational product.

Objective Assessment of Behavioural Disorders in PD
Parkinson's DiseaseNon-motor SymptomsThe aim of this project is to measure behavioural disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients in a more objective way, in order to facilitate the detection of those symptoms and improve the treatment of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease.

Self-Management Behaviors of Arabs and Jews With Parkinson's Disease and Their Associations With...
Parkinson DiseaseNeuro-Degenerative Disease1 moreThe study will examine the reciprocal relationships between the community, healthcare system, and personal determinants of self-management behaviors in persons with Parkinson's disease and their association with the performance of these behaviors in persons with Parkinson's Disease. In the first part of the study, data will be extracted from electronic medical records of 2500. In the second part of the study, a sub-sample of 200 participants with Parkinson's disease will be asked to answer standardized questionnaires.

Short- and Long-term Behavioral, Cognitive and Motor Outcomes of Frameless Deep Brain Stimulation...
Parkinson DiseaseThe main objective of the study is to evaluate the improvement in quality of life after deep brain stimulation surgery with frameless technique by comparing the PDQ-39 scale score at baseline (before surgery) and one year after surgery.

Progression in Cognitive ADLs in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseMild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) is one of the greatest risk factors for future Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). A recent meta-analysis found that, on average, 31% of patients with PD-MCI converted to PDD within seven years; however, 24% of patients with PD-MCI reverted back to normal cognitive function. Consequently, the false positive rate for predicting PDD among patients with PD-MCI is high, and better predictive markers to define patients at high risk for PDD development are urgently needed. Therefore, a combination of different markers, including clinical, genetic, and other biomarker data, are proposed to increase ability to predict cognitive worsening and dementia. Based on data of the first follow-up of this cohort results indicated that presence of both mild cognitive instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) impairment and PD-MCI dramatically increases the risk for PDD (PubMed ID: 36240089). This study evaluates markers predicting cognitive and IADL long-term outcome in our sample. Additionally, focus of the study is the investigation whether ratings of patients or informants best predicted decline of cognitive impairment and/or everyday function. Clinical data along with other clinical marker and biomarker status will be investigated.

Neuroplasticity in RBD
ParkinsonREM sleep behavior disorder is a parasomnia that reflects the presence of alpha-synucleinopathy in the brain and is highly predictive of eventual phenoconversion to Parkinson's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, or multiple system atrophy over the course of years to decades. Neuroplastic adaptations in the brain during the prodromal stage of disease are thought to mask the expression of motor and non-motor signs and may substantially delay diagnosis during a potentially critical time window. This study will examine the state and progression (over 30 to 36 months) of neuroplastic changes in the excitability of the motor and prefrontal cortex (using transcranial magnetic stimulation), the structural and functional connectivity of the brain (using highfield, 7T, magnetic resonance imaging), and the relationship of these changes to the expression of motor and neuropsychological signs, in a cohort of individuals with REM sleep behavior disorder and matched controls.