A Trial to Determine the Safety and Tolerability of Transplanted Stem Cell Derived Dopamine Neurons...
Parkinson DiseaseParkinson's disease (PD) occurs when an area of the brain begins to lose nerve cells that produce a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is an important chemical, and one of its functions is that it helps to regulate body movement. The loss of these nerve cells leads to a reduction of dopamine in the brain. Medications used to treat PD temporarily replace this lost dopamine, but they do not repair the underlying disease. One of the most promising PD therapies to date has been the transplantation of dopamine producing cells into the brain. Unlike current treatments, these therapies may be able to repair the damage caused in PD. In this trial, the investigators will transplant a new stem cell therapy, called the STEM-PD product, into the area of the brain affected in people with PD. These stem cells can develop into many different cell types, including dopamine-producing nerve cells. The investigators will transplant the stem cells using a device that has been previously used for similar transplants in Lund. This is the first time that the STEM-PD product will be given to humans. The trial aims to assess whether the STEM-PD product is safe to use in people with PD. The investigators will also be looking for preliminary signs of efficacy. The trial will recruit participants with PD from the UK and Sweden. Eight participants will undergo the STEM-PD product transplant. Participants will receive a single dose of the STEM-PD product. Participants will attend for 25 visits primarily at their local recruiting hospital. For participants from the UK, some of the imaging will be performed at Invicro (London), and the surgery (including some visits before and after) and some imaging will be performed in Lund. All participants will be followed up for 36 months following surgery

Multiple-dose Trial to Determine the Clinical Bioequivalence Between Tavapadon Tablets in Participants...
Parkinson DiseaseThe primary purpose of the study is to evaluate the bioequivalence (BE) of tavapadon 15 milligram (mg) tablet to 3x5 mg tablets in participants with Parkinson's disease.

Precise Transplantation of Human Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells Into Lateral Ventricle for Parkinson's...
Idiopathic Parkinson's DiseaseThis is a single-center, single-arm, dose escalation study, to explore the safety, tolerability and efficacy of human amniotic epithelial stem cells (hAESCs) for idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD).

A Study of Suvecaltamide in Adults With Moderate to Severe Residual Tremor in Parkinson's Disease...
Parkinson DiseaseTremorThis is a 17-week double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, flexible-dosing, parallel-group, multicenter study designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of suvecaltamide for the treatment of moderate to severe residual tremor in adult participants with Parkinson's disease (PD). The target population represents participants who have tremor that is not adequately controlled by PD medications and that interferes with their activities of daily living (ADL) and/or with their performance of tasks.

Telerehabilitation in People With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's DiseaseAlthough TeleRehabilitation (TR) is widely accepted as an appropriate model for the provision of professional health services in the field of physiotherapy, with already established standards, guidelines and policies, there are still few studies in the literature on the use of TR as a rehabilitation tool in people with Parkinson's Disease (PD). Therefore, further studies on the efficacy of TR in the management of motor and non-motor symptoms of PD are needed. The study TEMPO aims at assessing the efficacy (in terms of autonomy in carrying out the activities of daily life) of a home TR program based on serious games in people with PD compared to conventional day-hospital treatment.

Lighting Intervention to Improve Sleep
Parkinson DiseaseSleep Disturbance50 participants with Parkinson's disease will be recruited to complete actigraphy studies to assess sleep disturbances. For this, participants will wear an Actigraph for seven days. Thirty of these participants with sleep disturbance, will go on to receive a tailored lighting intervention (TLI) to assess the effect on sleep, fatigue, and circadian entrainment via urinary melatonin levels.

Effect of Doxycycline in Levodopa Treated Parkinson's Disease Patients
Parkinson DiseaseThis study is a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. The objective of the study is to assess the effect of doxycycline in levodopa treated Parkinson's disease patients regarding motor performance and cognitive functions. Parkinson's disease patients on levodopa medications will be assigned to receive doxycycline 50mg twice daily or placebo over 8 weeks. The motor and cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease will be assessed after 4 weeks and 8 weeks follow up.

Open Label Study for the Use of Transcranial Ultrasound Treatment of Tremor
TremorParkinson Disease1 moreThe purpose of this Phase I open label study is to evaluate longer term tolerability and potential effectiveness of transcranial ultrasound in people with tremor as a results of Parkinson's Disease or Essential Tremor.

Choice of Anesthesia in Microelectrode Recording Guided Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease...
PD - Parkinson's DiseaseDexmedetomidine2 moreSubthalamic nucleus (STN)-deep brain stimulation (DBS) under general anesthesia has been applied to PD patients who cannot tolerate awake surgery, but general anesthesia will affect the electrical signal in microelectrode recording (MER) to some degree. This study is a prospective randomized controlled, noninferiority study, open label, endpoint outcome evaluator blinded, two-arm study. Parkinson's disease patients undergoing STN-DBS are randomly divided into a conscious sedation group (dexmedetomidine) and a general anesthesia group (desflurane). Normalized root mean square (NRMS) is used to compare the difference of neuronal activity between the two groups. The primary outcome is the percentage of high NRMS recorded by the MER signal (with the average NRMS recorded by MER after entering the STN greater than 2.0). The secondary outcomes are the NRMS, length of the STN, number of MER tracks, and differences in clinical outcomes 6 months after the operation.

A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, PK and PD of HNC364 Injectable Suspension
Parkinson's DiseaseThis is a non-randomized, dose-escalation first-in-human study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, PK, and PD of HNC364 following intramuscular administration of single ascending doses.