Samsca Post-marketing General Drug Use-results Survey in Patients With Hyponatremia in SIADH
Antidiuretic HormoneInappropriate SecretionThe purpose of this study is to confirm the safety of tolvaptan in patients with hyponatremia in syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) in Japan

National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases
Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase DeficiencyAH Amyloidosis85 moreThe goal of this National Registry is to is to collect information from patients with rare kidney diseases, so that it that can be used for research. The purpose of this research is to: Develop Clinical Guidelines for specific rare kidney diseases. These are written recommendations on how to diagnose and treat a medical condition. Audit treatments and outcomes. An audit makes checks to see if what should be done is being done and asks if it could be done better. Further the development of future treatments. Participants will be invited to participate on clinical trials and other studies. The registry has the capacity to feedback relevant information to patients and in conjunction with Patient Knows Best (Home - Patients Know Best), allows patients to provide information themselves, including their own reported quality of life and outcome measures.

A Phase III Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Satavaptan Versus Placebo in Patients With...
HyponatremiaInappropriate ADH SyndromeThe primary objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of satavaptan versus placebo in participants with dilutional hyponatremia due to SIADH. Secondary objectives are to assess the safety of satavaptan, the maintenance of effect, and the clinical benefit in these participants.

Urea for Chronic Hyponatremia
HyponatremiaInappropriate ADH SyndromeThis study is examining how a dietary supplement called urea can be used to treat low blood sodium level. Low blood sodium level is a common problem and some studies show that many patients with low blood sodium level suffer from brain fog and/or loss of balance. Unfortunately, it is unknown at this point what the best treatment is for low blood sodium level. With this pilot research study, the investigators are hoping to learn more about whether urea is safe to take, whether patients can tolerate taking urea for several weeks, whether urea increases blood sodium level, and whether urea can help prevent the brain fog and/or loss of balance that some patients with low blood sodium level suffer from. The information obtained with this study is intended to be used to design a larger study in the future to get a definite answer whether urea is beneficial for patients with low blood sodium level.

Effects of Tolvaptan vs Fluid Restriction in Hospitalized Subjects With Dilutional Hyponatremia...
HyponatremiaDilutional Hyponatremia1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if hospitalized patients with symptomatic hyponatremia treated with tolvaptan are in the hospital for less time than patients treated with fluid restriction. The study will also test if tolvaptan is better than fluid restriction in treating the symptoms of hyponatremia in hospitalized patients.

A Multicenter Trial to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Tolvaptan in Patients With Hyponatremia...
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone SecretionThe objective of this study is to investigate the efficacy and safety of tolvaptan based on the change in serum sodium concentration following administration of tolvaptan oral tablets at 7.5 to 60 mg/day for up to 30 days in patients with hyponatremia in the SIADH.

Effects of the SGLT2-inhibitor Empagliflozin on Patients With SIADH - the SAND Study
SIADHSyndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIADH) is characterized by an imbalance of antidiuretic vasopressin (AVP) secretion. The impaired AVP regulation leads to water retention and secondary natriuresis and is a common cause for hyponatremia. The therapeutic options, aside from treating the underlying disease, depend upon the onset and severity of the symptoms and involve usually fluid restriction or hypertonic saline infusion. Alternative therapeutic options are loop diuretics, administration of oral urea or vasopressin receptor antagonists (vaptans). Despite those options, there are a considerable number of patients which do not sufficiently respond, making additional therapy necessary. Empagliflozin (Jardiance)® is a sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2)-inhibitor, which is a new treatment option developed for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The SGLT2 is expressed in the proximal tubule and reabsorbs approximately 90 percent of the filtered glucose. The inhibition of SGLT2 results in renal excretion of glucose with subsequent osmotic diuresis. This mechanism could result in a therapeutic effect in patients with hypotonic hyponatremia as in SIADH. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether empagliflozin (Jardiance)® has an effect on the serum sodium levels of patients with SIADH.

Efficacy of SR121463B in Patients With Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion...
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH) SecretionHyponatremiaThe study is designed to assess the efficacy of an investigational drug called SR121463B (vasopressin receptor antagonist) in the treatment of low levels of sodium in the blood associated with the Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH). This double blind period study is followed by 2 open label extension studies with flexible doses of satavaptan.

Effects of the SGLT2-inhibitor Empagliflozin on Patients With Chronic SIADH - the SANDx Study
SIAD - Syndrome of Inappropriate AntidiuresisHyponatremiaSyndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIADH) is characterized by an imbalance of antidiuretic vasopressin (AVP) secretion. The impaired AVP regulation leads to water retention and secondary natriuresis and is a common cause for hyponatremia. Especially chronic (>72h) SIADH is difficult to treat as standard therapeutic options (water restriction, urea, salt tablets) often do not succeed in correction of hyponatremia, making additional therapy necessary. Empagliflozin is a sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2)-inhibitor, which is a well-tolerated treatment option for type 2 diabetes mellitus. The inhibition of SGLT2 in the proximal tubule leads to renal excretion of glucose with subsequent osmotic diuresis. This mechanism could result in a therapeutic effect in patients with chronic SIADH, as it resembles the aquaretic effect of urea. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether empagliflozin has an effect on the serum sodium levels of patients with chronic SIADH.

"SALT-2 Trial" Study of Ascending Levels of Tolvaptan in Hyponatremia
HyponatremiaWater Intoxication2 moreThis study's purpose is to determine whether tolvaptan can safely and effectively return the body's balance of sodium and water toward normal, and to characterize and quantify the potential clinical benefits of this treatment.