Healthy Weight Poster, Multi-site Study
Childhood ObesityThis is a multi-site, cross-sectional study of 3-8 year old children and their parents presenting for a well-child check. The investigators are assessing whether a novel, educational, exam room poster can effectively prompt parents to ask their pediatricians about their children's weight status and improve parents' perceptions of their children's weight status.

Improving Pediatric Obesity Practice Using Prompts
Pediatric ObesityThis study compares the effectiveness of electronic health record (EHR)-based tools to support the management of pediatric obesity in primary care. All clinicians will receive an interruptive "pop-up" alert We will examine the impact -- the added value versus unintended consequences -- of the interruptive alert on the quality of obesity management in pediatric primary care.

My Body is Fit and Fabulous at School Phase II
OverweightChildhood"My Body is Fit and Fabulous" (MyBFF@school) program was designed specifically for overweight and obese school children in order to help them control their BMI and body fat. MyBFF@school is a multi-faceted obesity intervention program that incorporated physical activity, nutrition and psychology modules.

IL-6 in Exercise-Induced Anorexia
Appetitive BehaviorPediatric ObesityThis study investigates the effect of high intensity exercise, with and without the inflammation inhibitor, ibuprofen, on plasma levels of IL-6 and other selective biomarkers of inflammation and appetite on food intake and subjective ratings of appetite in normal-weight boys.

Reducing Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Children
Pediatric ObesityDiet2 moreLowering sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption is a central component of lifestyle behavior change aimed at preventing and managing obesity, yet effective reduction of SSB intakes has been met with many challenges. While their palatability, accessibility, publicity, affordability, and social acceptability contribute to frequent and sustained SSB consumption, their caffeine and sugar content may further encourage continued intake. Although adverse health consequences of excessive SSB consumption are well documented, the extent to which their pleasant taste (due primarily to their sugar content) and post-ingestive effects (due to their sugar and/or caffeine content) positively reinforce consumption among children has not been elucidated. The purpose of this study is to conduct a pilot intervention to examine the feasibility of removing caffeinated SSBs from the child diet and to explore whether caffeinated SSB removal induces withdrawal symptoms in 8-11 (3rd-5th grade) year old children. Participants will be randomly assigned to replace their usual caffeinated SSB consumption with either caffeinated SSBs, caffeine-free SSBs or sparkling water provided by the study team for two weeks.

Weight Stigma by Association in Parent-Child Dyads
Childhood ObesityObesityParents of children with obesity report feeling blamed for their children's weight and reluctant to seek pediatric care after stigmatizing experiences. This "weight stigma by association" may have direct consequences for parents, children, and the parent-child relationship. The present study builds on qualitative evidence to experimentally test weight stigma and weight stigma by association in a parent-child relationship using a large, community-based sample. In an experiment conducted via an online survey, participants were randomly assigned to view a picture of a parent-child dyad, for which parent and child's gender (male vs. female) and weight status (with obesity vs. without obesity) were manipulated. Participants read identical general parenting descriptions that adhered to American Academy of Pediatrics parenting recommendations, then rated the parent's effectiveness, helpfulness, and caring.

Sleep and Stigma: Novel Moderators in the Relationship Between Weight Status and Cognitive Function...
ObesityChildhood2 moreThe investigators aim to assess the relationship between overweight/obesity and decreased cognitive function in adolescents. While this relationship has been seen in past literature, the causal mechanisms are still unclear. Thus, the present study will assess sleep and stigma as possible moderators. As sleep is related to both weight and cognitive abilities it may be an important factor in the relationship between these two variables. Further, people with overweight/obesity have higher risk for stigma experiences which may increase inflammation through chronic stress and elevated cortisol. Because inflammation is theorized to play a role in the relationship between elevated BMI and decreased cognitive function, stigma may be an important moderator. 60 adolescent participants will complete two sleep conditions (adequate and restricted) in a randomized order, each followed by a lab visit during which participants will complete a short cognitive battery. At these visits, participants will also be given a self serve breakfast with a variety of whole and processed food options to further evaluate the relationship between overweight/obesity, sleep, nutritional intake, and cognitive function.

Efficacy of Vitamin D Supplementation in Obese Children
ObesityPediatric5 moreVitamin D deficiency is common in the general population in the United States, but is more common in overweight and obese children. Additionally, vitamin D levels are inversely correlated with body mass index, hypertension, inflammatory markers and insulin resistance. There are currently no clear guidelines regarding vitamin D replacement in obese but otherwise healthy children. The Endocrine Society recommends that children with vitamin D deficiency should take 2000 IU once a day for at least 6 weeks; however, they state that obese children may need 2-3 times this dose in order to reach sufficient levels. The goals of this study are: To determine the prevalence of vitamin D sufficiency (>30 ng/mL), insufficiency (21-29 ng/mL); deficiency (10-19 ng/mL) and severe vitamin D deficiency (<10 ng/dL) in an obese pediatric population (2-11 years) as measured by 25-hydroxyvitamin D. To determine if vitamin D level correlates with percentage body fat by bioelectrical impedance analysis and/or visceral fat by waist circumference in children ages 5 - 11 years. To observe the effect of vitamin D replacement in obese children with vitamin D deficiency using two different replacement dosage levels recommended by the Endocrine Society over three months: 2000 IU once a day (general pediatric dose) vs 6000 IU once a day (suggested obesity dose) in children between the ages of 5 - 11 years. To measure vitamin D levels, bone markers, inflammatory markers and vitamin D binding protein before and after vitamin D supplementation in children between the ages of 5 - 11 years. Analysis will be stratified by degree of obesity (Class I, Class II, Class III) and season.

Brain Activation and Satiety in Children: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Childhood ObesityBASIC fMRI is a prospective single center intervention trial using fMRI imaging in 9-11 year old obese male and females pre and post family-based behavioral treatment of 24 weeks duration to determine the relationship between impulsivity and central satiety responses.

Study on Dietary Nutrition Intervention Techniques for Children Obesity
ObesityIntestinal Bacteria Flora Disturbance1 moreWith the rapid development of society and economy, children's simple obesity is the rising in the world and has become a chronic disease which is one of the biggest public health challenges in the world. It is a serious threat to the health of children and their adulthood. The overweight and obesity is induced by the genetic and environmental factors. The environmental factors are very important, while the dietary factors are the driving factors of many chronic diseases including obesity. This study focus on the dietary intervention of childhood obesity to build healthy intestinal flora. The interventing food was based on a natural health food - fruit and vegetable fermentation liquid, and combined with other probiotic dietary factors, dietary fiber and oligosaccharides. The implementation of the study will help to reveal the fuction mechanism of intestinal bacteria in the obese children and normal children, and to construct healthy micro environment of intestinal flor. According to the positive effect factors, the study will propose a healthy diet and nutrition intervention model for obese children, which is significant to social health especially to children's health. To investigate the accuracy of MRI in quantifying liver fat with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as a reference. A secondary goal was to assess the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in overweight and obese Chinese children and adolescents.