Abnormalities in Lung Computed Tomography and Physiological Alterations in Patients With Acute Respiratory...
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdultThe objective of the study is to determine the correlation between the physiological variables and the degree of consolidation in lung computed tomography in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

Early Neonatal Respiratory Distress: Changes in Level IIb Hospital Over a Period of One Year
Neonatal Respiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory distress is one of the first hospital grounds during the neonatal period. The clinical presentation and severity vary by gestational age and cause. She reports to various etiological factors as maternal, neonatal or sometimes entangled. The symptomatic management has benefited from organizational progress (perinatal care) and techniques, including antenatal steroids, the use of exogenous surfactant and non-invasive ventilation early, so that the use of intubation is less frequent. The short-term evolution of patients with early respiratory distress is based on gestational age, cause and initial management.

Evaluation of the Lung Recruitment and End-expiratory Lung Collapse in Acute Respiratory Distress...
ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIn this study gas-exchange and respiratory mechanics variations to PEEP change will be correlated to CT lung morphological modifications assessed at different airway pressures (5, 15, 30 and 45 cmH2O).

Effects on Respiratory Patterns and Patient-ventilator Synchrony Using Pressure Support Ventilation...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCOPD1 morePressure Support Ventilation use Expiratory triggering sensitivity(Esense) to transfer inspiration to expiration,the value of Esense is fixed.That may lead to asynchrony between humans and ventilators,making people uncomfortable and prolonging weaning time.Some ventilators have auto cycle function Based on curves of pressure on respiratory patterns,it will make the transforming more synchrony with humans.Our prospective observational study will prove the superiority of the auto cycle function.

Effect of Steroid Administration on Maternal Blood Levels of hLPCAT1 mRNA
Fetal Lung MaturityRespiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature InfantNeonatal respiratory distress syndrome affects babies who are born preterm and requires them to be placed on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit. Over 15 million babies were born premature and these numbers have been increasing. It is caused by lungs which are still too immature to produce adequate amounts of surfactant. This surfactant reduces the alveolar surface tension and maintains the alveoli from collapsing. Collapsed alveoli prevent gas exchange and greatly increase work of breathing. Surfactant is a biochemical complex made up mostly of phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol and these, in turn, appear to be synthesized by lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 (LPCAT 1). The investigators have previously established that hLPCAT1 mRNA in maternal serum correlates with lamellar body count, a well established clinical marker of fetal lung maturity.

Measuring Heart and Lung Function in Critical Care
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdult4 moreThis is a feasibility study of the use of a novel technique called 'Inspiwave' to measure heart and lung function in adult patients in critical care. The preliminary work has already been undertaken in animal models and in healthy volunteers. The ultimate aim of this study is to develop a clinical tool for measuring (and therefore being able to make treatment changes based on) indices of heart and lung function in critical care patients. This study is the first assessment of the technique in this population, and whilst we know it works in patients undergoing general anaesthesia, we now need to assess whether Inspiwave can be used at all in critical care patients who may have much more physiological derangement. The purpose of this phase of the research is to determine whether it is feasible to use Inspiwave in critical care. Inspiwave generates a sinusoidally modulated tracer gas signal in the inspired air. It also measures the resulting signal in the expired air. The unique handling of this signal by the patient can used be to derive key variables related to cardiopulmonary function such as lung volume, pulmonary blood flow, the deadspace (wasted ventilation) and the degree to which ventilation and blood flow are non-uniform. These are 'vital signs' in sick patients, yet are currently technically difficult to measure, particularly non-invasively.

Dexmedetomidine to Improve Outcomes of ARDS in Critical Care COVID-19 Patients
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeInflammation4 moreA continuous infusion of Dexmedetomidine (DEX) will be administered to 80 patients admitted to Critical Care because of signs of Respiratory Insufficiency requiring non-invasive ventilation. Measurements of respiratory performance and quantification of cellular and molecular inflammatory mediators. The primary outcome will be the avoidance of mechanical ventilation with secondary outcomes duration of mechanical ventilation, avoidance of delirium after sedation and association of mediators of inflammation to outcomes. Outcomes will be compared to a matched historical control (no DEX) series

Postoperative Respiratory Abnormalities
Respiratory FailureRespiratory Arrest18 moreThe study aims to determine how historical cases of respiratory abnormalities are documented by clinicians in the electronic health records (EHR) of Memorial Hermann Healthcare System (MHHS) inpatient facilities. The knowledge gained from this study will support the design of modern data-driven surveillance approach to continuously collect, monitor and timely recognize postoperative respiratory abnormalities using electronic healthcare recorded data.

RecruitmEnt Assessed by eleCtRical Impedance Tomography
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)The RECRUIT study is a multinational, multicenter physiological observational study conducted by the PLUG working group. It is a single-day study (1.5-2 hours) associated with specific lung (de)recruitment maneuvers to verify the feasibility of measuring the potential for lung recruitment in mechanically ventilated patients with ARDS by electrical impedance tomography (EIT).

Effects of Extravascular Lung Water on Prone Position Efficacy in Patients With ARDS
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Adult or ChildThe study will investigate the influence that extravascular lung water index (EVLWi) could have on the efficacy and persistance of efficacy of prone position in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Prone position will increase blood oxygenation in 75% of the cases and will be persistant in half of the cases. Unfortunately, no clinical criteria has been found correlated with efficacy. The quantity of lung edema, with increased lung weight, could be a determinant factor of efficacy and the persistance of the efficacy. EVLWi, assessed with the PiCCO2 device, reflects the quantity of fluid accumulated in interstitial and alveolar spaces. The hypothesis is that patients with higher EVLWi will have less efficacy of prone position in oxygenation and also that the beneficial effects of prone position will last shorter compared to patients with lower EVLWi.