Tetracycline to Limit the Innate Immune Response in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Adult Respiratory Distress SyndromePneumonia1 moreThe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe form of respiratory failure with a mortality rate of approximately 40%. Despite advances in its supportive treatment such as lung protective ventilation or restrictive fluid management, no effective pharmacotherapy exists to treat ARDS. Emerging preclinical data indicates that excessive activation of the inflammasome-Caspase 1 pathway plays a key role in the development of ARDS. Tetracycline has anti-inflammatory properties via inhibiting inflammasome-caspase-1 activation. Since not much is known about the activation of the inflammasome in clinical ARDS, the purpose of this study is i) to investigate the the inflammasome-caspase-1 activation in clinical ARDS and ii) inhibit the innate immune response of alveolar leucocytes obtained by tetracycline from patients with ARDS

Evaluation of Von Willebrand Factor as a Marker For Early Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Distress...
ARDSHumanIn this prospective study of 60patients, we tested the hypothesis That markedly elevated levels of plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF) a marker of endothelial cell injury might predict the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (A.R.D.S) in risky patients. We compared our result to IL.6 as control biomarker for A.R.D.S development. Acute lung injury was quantified on two -point scoring system (Berlin definition of ARDS and Murray score of acute lung injury). Plasma levels of both vWF and IL.6 were be measured on T=0 i.e. (at start of the study once the patient considered to be risky for A.R.D.S development to obtain their baseline levels), T=48 (after 48 hours), and T=72 (after 72 hours).

Predictive Value of Troponin I for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Children With Shock
ARDSShock is one of the five leading causes of income and mortality in emergencies. It generates a decrease in the availability of oxygen to the tissues, resulting in ischemia, pulmonary involvement and tissue reperfusion syndrome. This pathologies can trigger Syndrome of Acute Respiratory Distress (ARDS) and death. Troponin I (TI) has been reported as early marker for ischemia and mortality other than coronary syndromes in critical patients. Objective. Set the increase of TI as a predictor of ARDS in children with shock. Null hypothesis. Increase serum in children with shock predicts the onset of ARDS. Methodology. Prospective cohort type test diagnostic. Displays institutional. Sampling non-probability, consecutive inclusion. Calculation of the sample size: interval of confidence (IC) 95%, power - 80%; ratio non-exposed: exposed 2:1; n = 62. Inclusion criteria: informed consent signed by the parent; children admitted to pediatric emergency (PEU) 1 month to 14 years with shock requiring mechanical ventilation. Exclusion criteria: intake of toxic (TI value increment per will), ≥3 concentrated erythrocyte transfusion or plasma prior to entering PEU. The investigators call exposure to the increase of TI≥0 05ng/ml and event to the development of ARDS. Determine TI value in plasma serum in the first 24 h, through Enzyme Immunoassay for the Quantitative Determination of Cardiac-Specific Troponin-I in Human Serum (cTnI ELISA), (reported as cardiac triage). Monitoring for 7 days. Study was approved by Hospital Ethics Committee (Research record 003/12)

Surviving ARDS: The Influence of Quality of Care and Individual Patient Characteristics on Quality...
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)The purpose of the DACAPO study ("Surviving ARDS: the influence of quality of care and individual patient characteristics on quality of life") is to investigate the role of quality of care and individual patient characteristics on quality of life and return to work in survivors of ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). It is hypothesized that higher quality of care is associated with better health-related quality of life and a higher rate of return to work among survivors. A prospective, observational, multi-centre patient cohort study is performed in Germany, using hospitals from the "ARDS Network Germany" as the main recruiting centres. It is envisaged to recruit 2400 patients into the DACAPO study and to analyze a study population of 1500 survivors. They will be followed up until 12 months after discharge from hospital. Quality of care will be assessed as process quality, structural quality and volume at the institutional level. The main outcomes (health related quality of life and return to work) will be gathered by self-report questionnaires. Further data assessment includes general medical and ARDS-related characteristics of patients as well as sociodemographic and psycho-social parameters. Multilevel hierarchical modelling will be performed to analyse the effects of quality of care and individual patient characteristics on outcomes, taking the cluster structure of the data into account.

Comparison of Extra Vascular Lung Water Index in Covid-19 ARDS and "Typical"ARDS Patients
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdult3 moreCovid-19 also primarily affects endothelium that line up the alveoli. The resulting hypoxemia may differ from "typical" Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) due to maldistribution of perfusion related to the ventilation. Thus, pathophysiology of Covid-19 ARDS is different, which requires different interventions than typical ARDS. The investigators will assess whether extravascular lung water index and permeability of the alveolar capillary differs from typical ARDS with transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) technique. Extravascular Lung Water Index (EVLWI) and Pulmonary Vascular Permeability Index (PVPI) will be compared.

Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Acute Lung Injury/Adult Respiratory Distress...
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdultUnderstanding the role VEGF plays in ARDS consequently provides an ideal opportunity to discover new therapies for ARDS.

Expanded Access to Zofin for Patients With COVID-19
Covid19Corona Virus Infection2 moreThis expanded access protocol will provide access to the investigational product Zofin for patients in outpatient facilities infected with SARS-CoV-2 who have mild to moderate COVID-19, or who are judged by a healthcare provider to be at high risk of progression to moderate disease.

Telemedicine in the Generals Practitioners Office
Respiratory Distress SyndromePneumonia5 morePediatrician does physical examination through telemedicine and in real life to see whether the telemedicine consultation corresponds with the real life examination. Goal is to determine: Check practical feasability Check whether there are no great objections for a larger study (ie. in case telemedicine consultation is much more unreliable to do a physical examination a larger study is deemed unsafe)

Optimal Settings of Non Invasive Respiratory Support in Preterm Newborns
Preterm InfantRespiratory Distress SyndromeNoninvasive respiratory supports (NRS), such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), noninvasive ventilation, high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) or nasal oxygen (O2), are commonly used in preterm newborns hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit. However, given the lack of validated criteria, clinicians usually choose the NRS according to clinical parameters and patients' comfort. Several studies have demonstrated the interest of the measurement of the work of breathing (WOB) to optimize the settings of NRS in children, but no study has already demonstrated the utility of WOB to optimize the settings of NRS in preterm infants. Therefore, the aim of this study is to measure the WOB during the utilisation of three different NRS (CPAP, HFNC, O2), in order to optimize the choice of the type and settings of NRS in a randomized group of 30 newborns born prematurely before 30 gestational weeks and still requiring NRS at 29 post conceptual weeks. Moreover, the investigators will compare in the newborns with the optimized NRS by WOB vs. a standard care control group (NRS type and settings determined as clinical routine): 1) the respiratory morbidity and mortality one month after the initial assessment, and at the time of hospital discharge (or transfer) or at 36 weeks of age corrected (whatever comes first), 2) the weaning time of the NRS, 3) the incidence and severity of broncho-pulmonary dysplasia (BPD) at 36 weeks of age corrected. Indeed, incidence of BPD is still around 40% in premature infants born before 28 gestational weeks. The hypothesis of the investigators' study is that the optimization of the type and settings of the NRS could reduce the weaning delay and contribute to reduce the incidence and severity of BPD in premature newborns.

Clinical, Biological and Histological Pulmonary and Renal Damage Associated With the SARS-CoV-2...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeRenal damage in patients hospitalized for ARDS in the ICU can also be related to multiple causes including, but not limited to, the consequences of hemodynamic fluctuations in these patients or the use of nephrotoxic drugs responsible for acute post-ischemic or toxic tubular necrosis. Frequently observed abnormalities of cioagumation may also have a potential impact on renal structures, particularly glomerular capillaries. The researchers wish to characterize and phenotype the renal impairment of patients hospitalized in intensive care with tables of severe Covid19 infections in ARDS: clinical, biological and histological (by performing post-mortem biopsies). Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)