Laser Atherectomy for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction
STEMI - ST Elevation Myocardial InfarctionThe objectives of this study are to observe and examine prospectively whether excimer laser coronary angioplasty (ELCA) and percutaneous coronary intervention with biodegradable-polymer platinum chromium everolimus-eluting stent may improve the myocardial salvage in the patients with anterior ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) using the myocardial scintigram (acute-phase I123-BMIPP and chronic-phase 99mTc-tetrofosmin), and to clarify the myocardial protective effect of excimer laser in the patients with anterior STEMI.

tDCS and Aphasia Therapy in the Chronic Phase After Stroke
Aphasia Following Cerebral InfarctionAphasia Following Nontraumatic Intracerebral HemorrhageThis study evaluates the neuromodulatory effect of combined tDCS and aphasia therapy in patients in the chronic phase after stroke. Half of the participants will receive aphasia therapy and tDCS, the other half will receive aphasia therapy and sham-tDCS.

tDCS and Aphasia Therapy in the Acute Phase After Stroke
Aphasia Following Cerebral InfarctionThis study evaluates the neuromodulatory effect of combined tDCS and aphasia therapy in patients in the acute stage after stroke. Half of the participants will receive aphasia therapy and tDCS, the other half will receive aphasia therapy and sham-tDCS.

Safe Emergency Department dIscharGE Rate (SEIGE)
Acute Myocardial InfarctionAcute Coronary SyndromeThe Siemens POC High Sensitivity Troponin-I Test System is an in vitro diagnostic test for the quantitative measurement of cardiac troponin I (cTn-I) in fresh human capillary (fingerstick) whole blood, and lithium-heparinized venous whole blood or plasma, to be used by healthcare professionals at the point of care (POC) as well as in the clinical laboratory. The Siemens POC High Sensitivity Troponin-I Test System is to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI).

Management and Outcomes of Patients Admitted to Coronary Care Units, Depending on Degree of Frailty...
Myocardial InfarctionFrailtyBackground Patients less than 80 years of age, who suffer a myocardial infarction (MI) are usually (>90%) offered an early invasive strategy including coronary angiography possibly followed by intervention, preferably percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Among non ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients, 80 years of age or over, only approximately 40% receive an invasive approach in Sweden, since the majority are handled in a conservative way, i.e. with medical treatment only. Furthermore, as with pharmacological treatment, there is a large variation between Swedish counties regarding the choice of strategy for the treatment of elderly (80+) patients with NSTEMI with an even larger variation between acute hospitals ranging from 20% to 90 %. The Swedish national guidelines for heart disease have emphasized that the patient's biological age, i.e. the patient's biological status and expected length of life, is crucial for decision-making. The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a global clinical measure of biological age, mixing co-morbidity, disability and cognitive impairment. The investigators have previously reported the potential importance of frailty for short-term (1 month) and medium-term outcome (1 year) in a NSTEMI population. However, published data on the role of frailty´s prognostic value, its capacity to predict adverse effects including complications, and the potential to guide clinical decision-making for elderly patients with myocardial infarction are scarce. Similarly, there is a lack of knowledge of how different patterns of comorbidity burden might influence rational decision-making. Aims To explore the association between frailty and treatment patterns in cardiac care To study the association between outcomes and degree of frailty, with and without comprehensive adjustment for differences in baseline characteristics. To study how treatment benefits for patients admitted to coronary care units differ in patients depending on comorbidities and frailty. Hypothesis The investigators hypothesize that frailty is independently associated with worse outcomes, including mortality, readmissions and complications. Methods and material An observational, register based, multicentre study. Inclusion criteria: Patients consecutively included in the Swedish Web-System for Enhancement and Development of Evidence-Based Care in Heart Disease Evaluated According to Recommended Therapies (SWEDEHEART) registry. Exclusion criteria: None. SWEDEHEART is a national quality registry collecting information on all patients hospitalized with MI or suspected MI. All 72 Swedish hospitals with acute coronary care contribute with data. Briefly, information is collected prospectively about individual patients' medical history, treatment before admission, management during hospital stay, treatment at discharge, and diagnoses. Approximately 20.000 patients diagnosed with MI are included in this register per year. From January 1st 2020 frailty (CFS) is a mandatory variable in the registry. However, as a pilot project to ensure feasibility, five hospitals began to register frailty November 1st, 2017. For the investigators initial analyses data will be used from the pilot study to assess the association between CFS level and outcomes. The data extraction will be done by one of the monitors of the SWEDEHEART registry. After about two years the investigators will extract data prospectively entered into the registry. The frailty instrument The crucial study instrument CFS is a 9-point scale. It has good predictive validity and prognostic power, is relying on clinical judgment, and is relatively easily used in clinical practice. Since the scale includes several degrees it can be considered to be particularly appropriate for risk stratification, and accordingly it has been used for this purpose. The investigators have got the instrument owner´s permission to use this scale. The case record form (CRF) focus on demographic and clinical patient characteristics registered in the SWEDEHEART, particularly those which are supposed to be potential confounders when testing the hypothesis: chronological age, gender, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, heart failure, renal insufficiency, other co-morbidities, including the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), previous MI, medications, ejection fraction, and the classification of MI. Cardiovascular risk will be assessed according to the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk score (GRS). Results from echocardiography, ECGs, laboratory testing and registration of anthropometric data will be included according to routine practice within the frame of SWEDEHEART. Follow-up of cohorts of invasively or conservatively treated patients with different stages of frailty will be done one, three, six, 12, 24 and 36 months after the inclusion point respectively.

Stereotactic Infarct Tissue Aspiration for Malignant Infarction of Middle Cerebral Artery
Middle Cerebral Artery InfarctionMalignant middle cerebral artery infarction(MMCI) has a high rate of disability and mortality. At present, there is no effective treatment except for craniotomy decompression, but the controversy of the craniotomy decompression still exists. The project is a prospective, randomized, single center, open label, clinical controlled trail. The eligible patients for enrollment are as follows: (1) malignant cerebral artery infarction within 48h onset; (2) craniotomy decompression can not be performed due to the contraindications, or refused by the patient or relatives. The patients are randomly assigned into 2 groups: (1)Medical therapy group: receiving osmotic therapy with mannitol and glycerol fructose,anti-platelet treatment, statins, and other symptomatic treatments such as controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, and infection, tracheal intubation or incision, etc; (2) Stereotactic infarct tissue aspiration (SITA) group: on the basis of medical treatment, receiving minimally invasive aspiration of infarct tissue 24-48 hours after stroke attacked. This study is aimed at comparing the efficacy and safety of of SITA in patients with MMCI.

Human Umbilical Cord Stroma MSC in Myocardial Infarction
Chronic Ischemic CardiomyopathyCoronary Artery Bypass SurgeryThe purpose of this phase 1/2 clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of allogeneic human umbilical cordstroma derived multipotent stem cells (hUCS-MSCs) in myocardial infarction (MI). All subjects will be taken into the bypass coronary surgery prior to the cell administration. This 2-year study comprise three independent groups, where the first group (n=20) will take no cells, second group will take autologous BM-MNCs (n=20), and third group (n=39) will be receiving allogeneic hUCS-MSCs. In all transplantations cells will be administered to the approximately 10 peri-infarct areas at one time. The infarct zone will be determined by the MR, SPECT and PET imaging. Only male subjects between 30-80 years of age. The efficiency of the therapy will be evaluated according to the parameters measured by MR, SPECT, and Echocardiography. All subject were taken into those measurements prior and 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after the operation.

Thrombectomy Under Reopro Versus Alteplase to Treat Stoke
InfarctionMiddle Cerebral ArteryIntravenous (IV) Alteplase (rt-PA) is the gold standard for brain infarction within 4 h 30 of symptoms onset. Efficacy of this therapy is limited in the setting of large artery occlusions. For middle cerebral artery occlusions (MCA)or internal carotid artery occlusions (ICA), recanalization rates will drop as low as 10%. This element is critical as prognosis is linked to recanalization. Arterial re-occlusions are frequent and may reach 30%, which limits IV thrombolysis efficacy.With the endovascular approach, recanalization rates may reach 90% with last generation devices. A recent meta-analysis has shown that the best candidates for thrombectomy are MCA occlusions. In the coronary literature, endovascular therapy efficacy is increased in association with antiplatelets such as abciximab. The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of thrombectomy associated with abciximab on revascularisation (TICI score), as well as safety (symptomatic intracranial bleeding), in order to design a clinical trial versus the gold standard for acute ischemic stroke revascularization strategies using IV rt-PA.This is a controlled, pilot study, evaluating feasibility and safety of thrombectomy with abciximab versus IV rt-PA in acute ischemic stroke patients within 4h30 of symptoms onset.

ASV for Sleep Apnea After Myocardial Infarction
Acute Myocardial InfarctionSleep ApneaThe aim of this randomized controlled trial is to test the effect of 12 weeks Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) therapy (additionally to optimal medical management of myocardial infarction) on myocardial salvage (MSI=myocardial salvage/area at risk, primary endpoint).

The Efficacy and Safety Study of ALbumin Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Cerebral InfarctionIn this clinical study, the efficacy and safety of ALbumin is to be evaluated for the patients occurred within 12 hours of acute ischemic stroke.