Colchicine to Suppress Inflammation and Improve Insulin Resistance in Adults and Adolescents With...
ObesityInsulin Resistance1 moreBackground: About 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of adolescents in the U.S. have a body mass index over 30 kg/m2. Being overweight may lead to a state of low-level inflammation. This may cause health problems. Researchers want to see if an anti-inflammatory medicine can help. Objective: To learn if colchicine can improve metabolism in people who have high body weight, increased inflammation, and high insulin in the blood but who have not yet developed high blood sugar. Eligibility: People aged 12 and older with high body weight who may have increased inflammation and high insulin in the blood. Healthy adult volunteers are also needed. Design: Participants will be screened with the following: Medical history Physical exam Fasting blood tests Urine tests Electrocardiogram Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (They will lie on a table while a camera passes over their body.) Stool sample and 24-hour food diary (optional) Participants will have 3 study visits and 3 phone check-ins. At visits, they will repeat some screening tests. Healthy volunteers will have the baseline visit only. They will not get the study drug. At the baseline visit, participants will have an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). For this, they will drink a sweet liquid and then give blood samples. They will get a 12-week supply of the study drug or placebo to take daily by mouth. Participants will have study visits 6 weeks and 12 weeks after they started taking the study drug. At the 12-week visit, they will repeat the OGTT. Participation will last for 3 (Omega) to 4 months. ...

The Effect of Dolutegravir on Whole-body Insulin Sensitivity, Lipid and Endocrine Profile in Healthy...
HIV-1-infection on Healthy VolunteersThis study will investigate changes in insulin resistance, lipid metabolism and endocrine profile in HIV-negative subjects exposed to dolutegravir (an antiretroviral drug used in HIV treatment) in order to investigate the role all these different factors may potentially have in weight gain recently reported in clinical cohorts.

Efficacy and Safety of D-chiro-inositol in Obese Patients
Insulin ResistanceThe study aims to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a food supplement based on D-chiro-inositol in overweight or obese women with insulin resistance, who are approaching a hypocaloric diet

Probiotic Lysate (Postbiotic and Metabiotic) Supplementation for Type 2 Diabetes Patients (DELI_Diab...
ObesityObesity5 moreThe current study aim was to conduct placebo-controlled randomize clinical trial to assess the short-term efficacy and safety of postbiotics as an adjunction to the standard anti-diabetic therapy on insulin resistance, glycemic control parameters, β-cells functional activity, anthropometric parameters and markers of a chronic systemic inflammatory response in type 2 diabetes patients. The study will include 3 periods. Screening period of up to 1 weeks to assess the eligibility to inclusion/exclusion criteria. Treatment period for 3 month where the participants will receive a twice daily oral dose of postbiotics (cell lysate and DNA fragments of the probiotic strain L. rhamnosus DV - NRRLB-68023) at the assigned dose of 100mg or placebo in capsules. During this period monthly phone contacts will be done for assessment of compliance and safety concerns. Follow-up period of up to 3 month.

Effect of Radiofrequency on Insulin Resistence in Obese Post Menopansal Women
Insulin Resistanceinsulin resistance as the prime factor linking visceral obesity with adverse metabolic changes. Analysis of abdominal obesity by imaging studies have generally reached the conclusion that it is the excess of intra-abdominal or visceral adipose tissue .Multiple environmental and genetic factors are thought to influence the manifestation of abdominal obesity. The expanded adipose tissue contributes to expose the liver to high concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA), impairing several hepatic metabolic processes leading to hyperinsulinemia .On the other side, there is an increase in the secretion of different adipokines, such as interleukin IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), which also contributes to the insulin-resistant state . So, RF technology deployed by Vanquish uses oscillating electrical current forcing collisions between charged molecules and ions, which are then transformed into heat. Since fat biophysical characteristics behave like an insulator capable of polarization, it absorbs the high RF-related heat release from the RF applicator driving specific fat necrosis and consequent lipolysis. Patients lay underneath the device while the focused-field radiofrequency heats up the underlying .

Effect of Novel Glucagon Receptor Antagonist REMD-477 on Glucose and Adipocyte Metabolism in T2DM...
Type 2 DiabetesGlucose Tolerance Impaired1 moreWith REMD's glucagon receptor antagonist, the study team propose to provide a comprehensive examination of the effect of elevated plasma glucagon concentrations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D) patients on: (i) glucose tolerance; (ii) insulin sensitivity in liver, muscle, and adipocytes; (iii) beta cell function; (iv) adipocyte inflammation.

Time-restricted Eating to Improve Metabolic Abnormalities in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PCOSHyperinsulinemia1 morePolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is associated with metabolic symptoms such as hyperinsulinemia. Time-restricted eating may reduce serum insulin and improve insulin resistance in patients with PCOS. Currently, there are few studies investigating time-restricted eating in patients with PCOS. The investigators plan to test the feasibility of time-restricted eating in the management of PCOS by means of a real-world clinical intervention. The investigators will determine if an 18:6 eating protocol reduces insulin levels by means of a randomised controlled crossover trial.

Metabolic Effects of Whey Protein Supplementation After Fasting in Volunteers
KetosisAcute-Phase Response1 moreThis study aims to investigate the early metabolic effects and acute phase response of an oral clear supplement containing whey protein plus carbohydrates in young healthy volunteers during fasting-induced organic response

Lifestyle Intervention for Improving Insulin Resistance and Concern for Health
Insulin SensitivityApathyThe primary objective of this study is to test the effect of a diet and exercise program in older adults with insulin resistance and a motivation disorder known as apathy. The main questions the study aims to answer are: Does the diet and exercise program improve insulin resistance and apathy? Does the addition of soybean to the diet enhance the effect? Participants will be given all meals for 12 weeks and will exercise under supervision. They will undergo a test of insulin sensitivity and complete questionnaires. Researchers will compare the groups given: A diet to moderate the blood glucose response that contains soybean; and A diet to moderate the blood glucose response that does not contain soybean.

Ketone Esters for Appetite, Cognition, and Cardiovascular Function in Individuals With Obesity and...
ObesityPre Diabetes3 moreThe goal of this single-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial is to test the effects of an oral ketone supplement on appetite, cognition, metabolism, and cardiovascular function in individuals with obesity and insulin resistance. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: Does taking the ketone supplement reduce appetite and improve cognition? How does the ketone supplement alter metabolism and cardiovascular function? Participants will be asked to consume a randomly assigned ketone ester supplement or a placebo and testing will be done to see how the supplement affects the following compared to a placebo: appetite, cognition, metabolism cardiovascular function Researchers will compare individuals with obesity and insulin resistance to individuals with normal weight and no insulin resistance to see if the ketone supplement affects groups differently.