Comparison of Early Operative Treatment and 48 h Conservative Treatment in Small Bowel Obstruction...
Small Bowel ObstructionSmall Bowel Adhesion1 moreThis study will compare the results of early surgery after 12 h conservative treatment and 48 h conservative treatment of adhesive small bowel obstruction.

Docetaxel, Oxaliplatin and 5-FU for Gastric Cancer With Inoperable Malignant Bowel Obstruction
Metastatic Gastric AdenocarcinomaMetastatic Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma1 moreThis is a multi-center, non-randomized, 3-cohort, phase II trial, evaluating a triplet combination of docetaxel, oxaliplatin and fluorouracil for gastric cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis and inoperable malignant bowel obstruction.

Gastrografin for Treating Small Bowel Obstruction in Children
Small Bowel ObstructionThis is a multi-centre clustered open label clinical trial testing the effectiveness of adding Gastrografin to standard non-surgical management of small bowel obstruction. Gastrografin is a radiopaque contract agent that exhibits a mild laxative effective due to its high osmolarity and ability to pull water into the intestines and bowels as a lubricant. Small bowel obstruction is a mechanical or function obstruction that prevents normal bowel function. The standard treatment for small bowel obstruction is non-surgical and includes decompressing the abdomen, fluid resuscitation, nothing by mouth, and time. In some cases if non-surgical management is not effective in resolving the obstruction, surgical intervention is required. Gastrografin in addition to standard non-surgical management has been shown to reduce the rate of surgery, length of hospital stay, and time to resolution in similar clinical scenarios, such as meconium ileus and meconium plug syndrome. However, it has never been tested in children with small bowel obstruction. This study is a clustered open label study, meaning that each participating centre will select the type of treatment they will offer at their centre. The treatment options are either the Gastrografin arm (a single dose of Gastrografin plus non-surgical management) or the Control arm (a single dose of saline solution plus non-surgical management). After each group receives saline or Gastrografin they will continue with the same non-surgical treatment that patients not participating in the trial would receive. Participating in the study does not preclude the need for urgent or emergent surgical intervention and at any point in the study, if the patient requires surgery for their small bowel obstruction they will undergo surgical intervention. The outcomes of this study are the rate of surgical intervention, length of stay, time to first and full feeds, and rate of complications.

Short and Prolonged Conservative Treatment in Patients With Adhesive Intestinal Obstruction
Small Bowel ObstructionSmall Bowel AdhesionThis study will compare the results of 24 h conservative treatment and N h conservative treatment of adhesive small bowel obstruction (where N = 72 h minus duration of intestinal obstruction).

A Procalcitonin-based Algorithm in Adhesion-related Small Bowel Obstruction
Small Bowel ObstructionAdhesion-related small bowel obstruction is a common digestive emergency that can be managed either conservatively or surgically. However, the choice between these two approaches can be difficult due to the absence of specific signs. The objective of this study is to evaluate the clinical impact of a procalcitonin-based algorithm.

Implementing a Low Fiber Diet vs. Regular Diet in Postoperative Colorectal Patients With Ileostomies...
Ileostomy; ComplicationsBowel Obstruction1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to prospectively evaluate rate of post-operative ileus or obstruction in patients with ileostomies receiving low fiber diet vs. regular diet starting post-operative day 1. The secondary objectives of this study are to compare the 30-day and 90-day readmission rates, length of stay, rate of high stoma output or need for antidiarrheals within 90 days, nausea score, level of pain, and overall quality of life amongst the patients studied.

The Influence of Feeding Source on the Gut Microbiome and Time to Full Feeds in Neonates With Congenital...
Gastrointestinal ComplicationIntestinal Obstruction4 moreThis study explores the use of an exclusive human milk diet versus standard feeding practices to compare the influence on feeding outcomes and the gut bacteria in infants with intestinal differences.

Saline Enema Administration in Meconium Obstruction of Prematurity and Impact on the Resolution,...
Meconium Obstruction of PrematurityThe goal of this clinical trial is to study the effect of twice-daily saline enema (SE) in the treatment obstruction of prematurity (MOP) in infants with the birth weight ≤1.25kg. The main questions, the trial aims to answer are To validate the finding of our pilot study which had shown that twice-daily SE reduces the time to reach full enteral feeds in premature infant as compared to premature infant treated with Glycerine Suppository (GS), in a larger cohort. Infant with MOP fails to pass meconium in the first 48 hours of life and develop symptoms and signs like abdominal distension and feed intolerance. The other aims of this study are to test whether the intervention is Effective treatment for MOP Reduce the duration of ICU stay Reduce the rate of necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) days and number of intravenous catheter days The study also wants to explore the impact of this intervention on the gut microbiome, gut-brain interaction and immune response of the new-born.

Risk Factors of Meconium Obstruction and Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Preterm Infants
Meconium Obstruction of PrematurityRespiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature InfantAlthough the pathophysiology of meconium obstruction of prematurity (MOP) is not clear, it is known that the decrease of the intestinal peristalsis due to decreased intestinal perfusion during antenatal or perinatal period. Recently, the level of citrulline has been used as an index of function and injury of the small intestine State. This study aimed to evaluate citrulline level of cord blood as a marker for early detection and observe changes in intestinal blood flow in MOP patient. And We aimed to confirm the efficacy of the AT/ET ratio (ratio of the pulmonary artery time-to-peak velocity interval to the right ventricular ejection time) of the prenatal pulmonary artery as a noninvasive predictor of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.

Risk Stratified Multidisciplinary Ambulatory Management of Malignant Bowel Obstruction in Gynecological...
Gynecologic CancerManagement of Malignant Bowel Obstruction (MBO) in Patients with Advanced Gynecological Cancers