Study Evaluating the Etiology of Intra-Abdominal Infections
Intra-abdominal InfectionThe aim of this study is to define the etiology of intra-abdominal infections, to study the role of Enterococcus spp and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in these infections and to clarify the need for specific enterococcal antimicrobial coverage.

Prognostic Value of Proadrenomedullin in Intra-abdominal Sepsis
Intraabdominal InfectionsAn observational, prospective study whose main objective is to measure the value of Pro-adrenomedullin as a prognostic marker and predictor of mortality in patients with intra-abdominal sepsis after damage control surgery.

Prediction of Intra-abdominal Infectious Complication by Drainage Fluid Analysis
ComplicationAnastomotic Leak3 moreIn our previous study, a nomogram model was established to predict intra-abdominal infectious complications after gastrointestinal surgery. This model was based on the clinical data and the drainage fluid cytokine levels, and it received an AUC >0.9. In this study, validation of this nomogram is planned to be conducted in this prospective cohort study.

Validation of Molecular and Protein Biomarkers in Sepsis
SepsisCardiac Arrest3 moreBackground: Sepsis (blood poisoning) is a clinical syndrome characterised by a dysregulated host response to infection causing life-threatening organ dysfunction which results in admission to an intensive care unit. It typically shows an initial harmful inflammation resulting from the immune system's overreaction to a severe infection. It is a major healthcare problem, affecting millions of people worldwide. In the UK, it kills over 37,000 people/year, costing the NHS £2.5 billion a year, and is increasing in incidence. Despite extensive efforts to tackle this burden, at present, however, there are no specific and effective therapies for this illness. Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by a severe infection. When someone develops sepsis, inflammation occurs not just at the site of the infection but throughout the whole body. This widespread inflammation can be very harmful. It is known that similar responses occur in other conditions, not relating to infection. The investigators are recruiting patients with severe infections causing organ failure (also known as severe sepsis/ septicaemia and septic shock) and also patients where widespread inflammation, not related to infection, causes organ failure. In this study the investigators hope to find out whether certain groups of genetic and blood based protein markers of sepsis can forewarn the clinicians to this condition and also highlight patients who are responding well to the treatment. Although it is known that the majority of the patients suffering from sepsis will survive their ICU stay and leave the hospital alive, there is insufficient data how these patients do on a longer term, i.e. after some time at home. To date there is little information on the ability of the observed genetic and blood based protein markers to predict the functional status of the patients surviving these conditions.

A B-D-Glucan Driven Antifungal Stewardship Approach for Invasive Candidiasis
Invasive CandidiasesAbdominal InfectionThis is a multicenter, prospective, open-label, randomized trial. Patients with severe abdominal condition developing severe sepsis or septic shock and receiving broad spectrum antibiotic and antifungal treatment will be randomized (1:1) to: discontinue antifungal treatment based on negative (<80 pg/ml) result of 1,3 beta-d-glucan performed on day 0,3,6 and 10 continue antifungal treatment according with attending physician's decision.

The Value of Pancreatic Stone Protein in Predicting Acute Appendicitis
AppendicitisAbdominal Pain1 morePSP (Pancreatic Stone Protein) is a compound naturally produced mainly in the pancreas and the gut. There is evidence from experimental and clinical trials that the levels of PSP in the blood rise in the presence of inflammation or infection. What is not yet well known about PSP is whether it is superior to other established blood tests (e.g. WBC or CRP) in predicting appendicitis in patients that present at the emergency room with abdominal pain and a clinical suspicion of appendicitis.

Neutrophil FFA2/GPR43 Receptor Expression in Patients With the Diagnosis of Sepsis
SepsisSeptic Shock2 moreThis study seeks to elucidate the quantitative expression of G - protein receptor 43/free fatty acid (GPR43/FFA2) receptors in patients with the diagnosis of sepsis and specifically, its expression as it relates to the severity of sepsis. The investigators hypothesize that patients with more severe sepsis, as defined by a higher SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score), will have decreased expression of the GPR43/FFA2 as compared to patients with lower SOFA scores, consistent with a less exuberant immune response to infection. Patients admitted to Penn State Hershey Medical Center with a diagnosis of sepsis of any cause will undergo blood testing of leukocytes to determine the expressed quantity of GP43 during standardized time points of their illness and recovery. No interventions will be made in the standard clinical management of the patient. Additionally, healthy volunteers will be recruited to exam baseline GPR43 receptor expression between sepsis and control groups.

Italian Register for the Study of Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections
Complicated Intra-abdominal InfectionsThe study will identify the epidemiological and treatment profiles of acute peritonitis in Italy

Intensive Care Unit Acquired Infections in Patients Colonized With Extended Spectrum Enterobacteriaceae...
Ventilator Associated PneumoniaBacteremia2 moreWorldwide emergence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-E) had become a major problem in ICU, with at least 10% of incidence at the admission in Europe. A systematic rectal swab is used in 70% of French ICU to detect intestinal ESBL-E carriage The relationship between intestinal carriage and ICU-acquired infection is not perfectly known. The investigators conducted a five years study monocentric retrospective observational cohort in patients with presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in systematic rectal swabs to investigate which type of infections and which bacteria are involved. The investigators also collect data about antibiotherapy used to treat these infections.

Development of Risk Score Model and Decision Tree Algorithm for Predicting Infections With CRKp...
Bloodstream InfectionPneumonia6 moreDETERMINE trial is a prospective multicenter multinational cohort study. This study will be carried out to predict the risk of bloodstream infections (BSIs) or other types of invasive infection with carbapenem resistant K.pneumoniae in patients being colonized by CRKp. The results of DETERMINE trial would be quite important to prevent unnecessary coverage of carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in empirical treatment of colonized patients. In this study, both risk score model and decision tree algorithm will be constructed and compared with each other in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value.