Hyperthermic Intravesical Perfusion for Muscle-invasive Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma
High-RiskNon-Muscle Invasive Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma2 moreTo evaluate the effect of hyperthermic intravesical perfusion on the risk of intraoperative implantation of muscle-invasive bladder urothelial carcinoma and its safety.

Bilateral Bi-level Erector Spine Plane Block as a Component of General Anesthesia in Surgical Correction...
ScoliosisSpinal Deformity22 moreImproving the anesthesiology management for surgical correction of spinal deformations with introducing the diagnostic methods and treatment strategy of acute pain, preventing the evolution of chronic pain. Development and implementation in clinical practice perioperative intensive care protocols for surgical correction of spinal deformities.

Individualized Perioperative Hemodynamic Goal-directed Therapy in Major Abdominal Surgery (iPEGASUS-trial)...
Hemodynamic InstabilityCardiac Output2 moreTo evaluate the impact of perioperative, algorithm driven, hemodynamic therapy based on individualized fluid and cardiac output optimization on postoperative moderate and severe complications in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery including visceral, urological, and gynecological operations. In the proposed study, hemodynamic therapy is tailored individually to each patient, based on individual preload optimization by the functional parameter "pulse pressure variation (PPV)" and based on an individually titrated goal of cardiac index. The proposed study therefore further develops the concept of hemodynamic goal-directed therapy to individually set goals and is designed to assess its impact on morbidity and mortality.

Perioperative Management of Risk Factors in the Elderly Patients
Perioperative Cardiavascular ComplicationPeroperative Complication2 moreIn 2017, the number of operations on hospitalized patients in China was more than 57 million, of which more than 20 million were performed on elderly patients (≥65 years of age). As of the end of 2017, there were 143 million elderly people over 65 years old in China, of which 26 million people were 80 years old and over, accounting for 1.8% of the country's total population, and this proportion is increasing. More and more elderly patients need surgery. A study showed that compared with the 65-79-year-old population, the probability of myocardial infarction after orthopedic surgery in patients over 80 years of age increased by 2.7 times, the probability of lung infection increased by 3.5 times, and the mortality rate increased by 3.4 times. The inherent risks of surgery and increased postoperative complications in elderly patients are closely related to factors such as senile syndrome. Geriatric syndrome refers to the deterioration of the function of various organ systems as the age increases, and a series of non-specific symptoms and signs appear in the elderly, including weakness, comorbidities, cognitive dysfunction and so on. These symptoms increase with age, seriously impairing the quality of life of the elderly and increasing their perioperative risk. Taking frailty as an example, the incidence of frailty among the 65-70 years old population is 3.2%, 71-74 years old is 5.3%, 75-79 years old is 9.5%, 80-84 years old is 16.3%, and> 85 years old is 25.1. %. On the other hand, the physical functions of the elderly are constantly degrading with age. Take skeletal muscle as an example. After the age of 50, the skeletal muscle mass decreases by 1%-2% every year with the increase of age. The chronic muscle loss of people over 60 years old is estimated to be 30%, and the elderly people over 80 years old lose up to 50%. It can be seen that the elderly patients are a special group of elderly patients, which have their particularity compared with the low-age elderly groups. Therefore, the establishment of a perioperative risk warning and control system and technical system for elderly patients to deal with the unpredictable perioperative risks caused by their weakness, comorbidities, and physical hypofunction, and to provide safety guarantees for elderly surgical patients has become an urgent problem for geriatrics.

Comparison of Icg's Route of Administration During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic; CholecystectomyCholelithiasis; Bile Duct7 moreThe aim of the trial is to compare the routes of administration of indocyanine green (ICG) during laparoscopic cholocystectomy.

Coagulation and Vitamin K in Head and Neck Microvascular Free Flap Surgery
Head and Neck CancerIntraoperative Complications6 moreFor patients with large head and neck tumors the recommended treatment, in many cases, is a combination of extensive surgery and postoperative radiotherapy. The surgical procedure involves resection of the tumor and reconstruction with a so called microvascular free flap, i.e. tissue transferred from for instance the arm or leg to the resection site. Complications of this complex procedure include, but are not limited to, bleeding and blood cloths (thrombosis) in the transferred tissue (free flap), which can cause very serious complications including need for further surgery and loss of the flap. Routine blood tests can measure parts of the system that regulates bleeding and the forming of blood clots, the so called coagulation system, but these tests don't cover the whole system. There are however more advanced instruments, such as ROTEM, rotational thromboelastometry, which provide a more global view of the hemostatic potential of whole blood. ROTEM is one of few more advanced assays that can be analyzed in emergency situations in major hospitals. Other more advanced coagulation assays are thrombin generation and measurements of specific coagulation factors, several of which are vitamin K dependent. Vitamin K is essential in the coagulation system and also involved in many other physiological processes. Deficiency of this vitamin is common, but not well studied in patients undergoing head an neck free flap surgery. The investigators plan to study ROTEM and other above mentioned coagulation parameters in patients undergoing major head and neck surgery including microvascular free flap reconstruction to assess if these parameters can help predict patients at risk for bleeding or flap thrombosis. Further on this could hopefully enable prevention of complications and improve treatment of coagulation complications that still occur.

Impact of Surgical Injury on Haemostatic Tests in Patients Undergoing Total Hip Replacement With...
Total Hip ReplacementThromboelastometry1 moreTotal hip replacement (THR) is associated with extensive tissue injury and considerable blood loss that can be complicated by hyperfibrinolysis with an increased need for blood transfusion. THR in patients with cancer involving the hip joint, can reduce pain and improve or maintain the function and quality of life. However, these patients have an increased likelihood of haemostatic abnormalities, such as thrombosis or extensive blood loss. Rotational thromboelastometry is a point-of-care viscoelastic assay that can provide a measure of coagulation disorders in the above settings, and this is still under review. The objective of this prospective cohort study is to quantitate the changes in clot formation dynamics following THR with a subgroup analysis of patients with cancer.

Eye Surface Properties After Using Dexamethasone Drops With and Without Preservatives in Patients...
CataractSurgical Injury1 moreThe goal of this interventional, real world data study is to evaluate the impact of preservatives on the post-cataract ocular surface. The main question is to learn about an effect of preservatives on the eye surface. The study aims to answer some important questions: if the usage of preservatives has an impact on the eye surface healing process after cataract surgery if patient comfort and quality of life improve more or more rapidly with preservatives-free eye drops. Participants will be asked to undergo standard procedure of peri-cataract surgery care and in addition to survey about the ocular surface state. Researchers will compare group that takes preservatives-free dexamethasone 0.1% with standard dexamethasone 0.01% solution to see if post-surgery eye surface healing properties differ from both groups.

Prophylactic Effects of Esketamine in Surgical Patients
Surgical InjuryEvidences have showing that esketamine has anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects on depression and cardiac surgery. The investigators' preliminary results suggest that combined prophylactic and therapeutic use of esketamine could decrease the plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines after LPS-induced endotoxemia. The investigators also found that combined prophylactic and therapeutic use of esketamine could attenuate systemic inflammation and inflammatory multi-organ injury in mice after CLP-induced lethal sepsis. Surgical trauma could elicit a marked inflammatory response with increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, as well as postoperative immunosuppression. However, it remains unclear whether combined prophylactic and therapeutic use of esketamine could improve postoperative immunosuppression and alleviates systemic inflammatory response. This project aims to study whether combined prophylactic and therapeutic use of esketamine could improve the decreased number of lymphocyte subsets and increased plasma pro-inflammatory cytokines.

The Intraoperative Complication Assessment and Reporting With Universal Standards - Calculator (ICARUS-C)...
Intraoperative ComplicationsSurgery--Complications3 moreAs part of the initiative known as the Intraoperative Complication Assessment and Reporting with Universal Standards (ICARUS) project, the investigators are working to develop a set of tools to aid in improving the homogenous reporting of intraoperative adverse events (iAEs). Accordingly, the investigators developed a web-based tool, known as the ICARUS Calculator, that integrates the 5 published iAE grading systems. We plan to compare the consistency of grading responses between the ICARUS Calculator and the individual grading systems as presented in their respective publications. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, the investigators hope to evaluate the utility of a web-based intraoperative adverse event (iAE) grading system known as the Intraoperative Complication Assessment and Reporting with Universal Standards (ICARUS) calculator. Second, the investigators plan to evaluate the difference in iAE grading outcomes of the ICARUS calculator compared with standard iAE grading.