Follow-up and Steroid Treatment Results in Intussusception
IntussusceptionTreatment interventions in the treatment of intussusception are hydrostatic or pneumatic reduction and manual reduction with laparotomy. In addition, it is known that in some of the ileoileal intussusception cases, intussusception disappears in short-term observation and it is an accepted treatment to follow-up for a while in ileoileal cases without making a decision for laparotomy. In a study the investigators conducted, they reported that 17 of 81 patients had spontaneous opening with follow-up and no further treatment was required. The hydrostatic or pneumatic reduction has a 0.8% risk of bowel perforation, fever due to bacterial translocation is common, septicemia has also been reported and anal fissures due to catheterization is seen. Baby or child's stress, psychology, abdominal pain are other negative aspects that cannot be measured. In a study that was reported a patient with HSP was diagnosed with intussusception while under steroid treatment, and when the patient was taken to laparoscopy, it was observed that the patient's intussusception was opened. In the same study, the authors mentioned that they followed up 4 patients diagnosed with HSP by administering only steroid treatment and observed that intussusception was opened in 3 of these patients without the need for any other intervention. The steroid is used as a single dose (1 mg/kg) in cases such as acute allergic reactions, bronchiolitis, asthma, laryngitis, edema treatment, bronchoscopy, intubation, extubation medication. When the literature is reviewed, it has been shown that single-dose, low-amount (1 mg/kg) steroid therapy does not have side effects. The investigators predict that the steroid will reduce the thickening of Peyer's plaques with its anti-inflammatory effect, and relieve edema as in other areas of use, by relieving the congested intussusceptum. Thus, in infants and children, there will be no need for hydrostatic or pneumatic reduction, which has the risk of perforation and infection (septicemia) and exposure to radiation, and our patients will regain their health without the need to apply this interventional treatment.

A Prospective Study of Surgical Treatment Strategies for Goal B Type Basilar Invagination
Basilar InvaginationProspective Study1 moreThe etiology of Goal B type basilar invagination (BI) is still not clear, and it may be related to platybasia and short slope. There is no unified standard surgical strategy for Goal B type BI, and different surgical strategies have a great influence on the surgical results of patients. The purpose of our prospective study in China is to (1) further clarify the etiology of Goal B type BI, and (2) improve the surgical outcome in these patients.

Development of Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of BMI and Complications After Bariatric...
Body WeightPost-Op Complication11 moreThis Study aims to develop machine learning models with the ability to predict patients' BMI and complications after Bariatric Surgery (CABS-Score). This Study also aims to develop machine learning models with the ability to predict diabetic (DM II)patients' remission rate after Bariatric Surgery. The service mentioned above will be publicly available as a web-based application

Performance of Artificial Intelligence Tools and Ultrasonographers With Different Skills
Ileocolic IntussusceptionArtificial intelligence versus different skilled sonographers.

A Prospective Study of Natural History and Clinical Outcomes for Basilar Invagination
Basilar InvaginationA Prospective Study of Natural History and Clinical Outcomes for Basilar Invagination

The Role of Indocyanine Green Angiography Fluorescence on Intestinal Resections in Pediatric Surgery....
Intestinal AtresiaNecrotizing Enterocolitis10 moreBackground: Intestinal resections are commonly performed in the pediatric population. Perfusion of the bowel is one of the most important factors determining the viability of an intestinal anastomosis. Up to date, no ideal method to assess intestinal perfusion has proven its superiority. Objectives: Primary: The aim of this study is to establish the feasibility and impact of the use of indocyanine green technology on intestinal resection margins during elective and emergency pediatric surgeries. Secondary: The secondary outcomes of interest include collection of adverse events and difficulties encountered with the use of the indocyanine green (ICG) technology. Postoperative surgical complications will also be recorded. Study Design: An open observational clinical study will be performed by using a clinical drug (indocyanine green) and medical device (SPY Fluorescence Imaging) to assess intraoperatively intestinal perfusion in a specific pediatric population.

Stapled TransAnal Rectal Resection (STARR) With Contour® TranstarTM
Obstructed Defecation SyndromeRectocele2 moreThe stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR procedure) is an effective treatment for obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) caused by intussusception and rectocele. Recently a new technique has been developed using the new Contour® TranstarTM stapler, which was specifically designed to facilitate the STARR procedure. The investigators would like to evaluate the morbidity and quality of life.

RCT: STARR vs Biofeedback
Gastric Outlet ObstructionRectocele2 moreThis study aimed to evaluate the safety and symptomatic outcomes achieved with Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (STARR) compared to biofeedback training in patients with obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS).

Comparison of Hernia Sac Ligation Versus Invagination
HerniaInguinal2 moreManagement of indirect hernial sac in inguinal hernia repairs has long been a subject of debate among general surgeons. Although hernial sac high ligation (HL) is a time-honored concept in groin hernia surgery, non-ligation/invagination is gaining more popularity. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of hernia sac ligation and invagination in patients with Lichtenstein mesh hernioplasty (LMH). Also, investigators aimed to investigate the possible association between the hernial defect size and postoperative early pain in both groups.

Study of Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (STARR) Surgery in Refractory Constipation Associated...
Obstructive Defecation SyndromeChronic Constipation2 moreThe primary purpose of this study is to determine how effective and how durable STARR (stapled transanal rectal resection) surgery is in relieving symptoms of intractable constipation associated with obstructive defecation syndrome (ODS).