
Active clinical trials for "Ischemia"

Results 181-190 of 2694

Remote Ischemic Conditioning as a Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain InjuryTrauma4 more

The prevention of secondary brain injury is a primary goal in treating patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Secondary brain injury results from tissue ischemia induced by increased vascular resistance in the at-risk brain tissue due to compression by traumatic hematomas, and development of cytotoxic and vasogenic tissue edema. While traumatic hematomas may be managed surgically, cytotoxic and vasogenic edema with resulting perfusion impairment perpetuates brain ischemia and injury. Animal models suggest that remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) can reverse these effects and improve perfusion. Based on these findings it is hypothesized that RIC will exert beneficial effects on TBI in man, thereby representing a new therapeutic strategy for severe TBI. Patients presenting to our institution suffering from severe TBI will be considered for enrollment. Eligible patients will have sustained a blunt, severe TBI (defined by Glasgow Coma Scale <8) with associated intra-cranial hematoma(s) not requiring immediate surgical decompression, with admission to an intensive care unit and insertion of an intra-cranial pressure monitor. Patients will be randomized to RIC versus sham-RIC intervention cohorts. RIC interventions will be performed using an automated device on the upper extremity delivering 20 cumulative minutes of limb ischemia in a single treatment session. The planned enrollment is a cohort of 40 patients. Outcomes of this study will include multiple domains. Our primary outcome will include serial assessments of validated serum biomarkers of neuronal injury and systemic inflammation. Secondary outcomes will include descriptions of the clinical course of each patient, radiologic assessment of brain perfusion, and neurocognitive and psychological assessment post-discharge. If clinical outcomes are improved using RIC, this study would support RIC as a novel treatment for TBI. Its advantages include safety and simplicity and, requiring no specialized equipment, its ability to be used in any environment including pre-hospital settings or in austere theatres. The investigators anticipate that TBI patients treated with RIC will have improved clinical, biochemical, and neuropsychological outcomes compared to standard treatment protocols.

Recruiting13 enrollment criteria

Clinical Application and Mechanism of Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells in the Treatment of Ischemic...

Ischemic Bowel Disease

Ischemic bowel disease, also known as ischemic bowel disease (IBD), is a type of disease that causes the blood supply to a certain intestinal segment to be reduced or stopped by various reasons such as hypovolemia, shock or recent abdominal surgery, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the intestinal wall, and causing a series of pathological changes in the intestine. Human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells (HUCB-MNC) can be economically and conveniently isolated from human cord blood. The HUCB-MNC obtained from the isolation of human umbilical cord blood contains a variety of stem cells, such as hematopoietic stem cells, endothelial stem cells, etc. A number of previous studies have confirmed that HUCB-MNC can improve the occurrence of ischemic bowel disease through immunomodulatory and tissue repair. These characteristics make HUCB-MNC a cell with great potential to treat ischemic diseases.

Recruiting9 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Low Dose Colchicine and Ticagrelor in Prevention of Ischemic Stroke in Patients With...

StrokeStroke7 more


Recruiting29 enrollment criteria

ATILA Project: Aspirin Versus Tirofiban in Endovascular Treatment for Patients With Acute Ischemic...

Acute Ischemic Stroke

Patients with tandem lesions (TL) are defined as patients with an acute ischemic stroke (AIS) with occlusion of an intracranial vessel of the anterior circulation and an occlusion or severe stenosis (70-99%) of the origin of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery (ICA). The greatest current limitation in the management of this type of lesion is the use of antithrombotic medication (double antiaggregation) in the acute phase that is required in case of placing extracranial stent to stabilize the atheroma plaque. In relation to this antiplatelet regimen, the latest clinical practice guidelines warn about the risk of combining intravenous fibrinolysis with antiplatelet medication in the acute phase, since it seems to increase the risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH). However, the non-stabilization of the carotid atheroma plaque is associated with higher rates of cervical reocclusion, poorer functional prognosis, and higher mortality. Therefore, the use of a single antiplatelet agent could be a reasonable alternative. To establish the best protocol for mono-antiaggregant therapy in the acute phase of TL, the investigators propose to carry out a prospective multicenter randomized clinical trial. All patients with ischemic stroke secondary to TL in the anterior circulation candidates for mechanical thrombectomy in whom cervical endoprosthesis will be placed in the acute phase, will be included, randomized to two groups: 500 mg of intravenous (iv) Aspirin vs Low dose regimen of Tirofiban iv. Carotid reocclusion rates and sICH rates will be evaluated within the first 24 hours after mechanical thrombectomy . As a secondary objective, the functional prognosis at 3 months in both groups will be analyzed, as well as a panel of biomarkers predictors of reocclusion in both groups. Establishing an antiplatelet management protocol in the acute phase in these patients would be an innovative strategy not developed by any other group worldwide, and would place us at the forefront of research in the field. Likewise, developing a clinical-biological predictive model of carotid reocclusion will allow us to establish risk patients in which to plan alternative treatments. Reference hospitals in the treatment of ischemic stroke at the national level with sufficient experience in the management of this pathology will participate in the project.

Recruiting20 enrollment criteria

ISCHEMIA-CTO Trial - Revascularisation or Optimal Medical Therapy of CTO

Ischemic Heart DiseaseChronic Total Occlusion of Coronary Artery

Study design Prospective randomized open labeled multicenter study Hypotheses In asymptomatic patients with ≥ 10% of myocardial ischemia: PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) with latest generation of drug eluting stents is superior to optimal medical therapy in terms of relative reduction in MACCE (Major Adverse Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular events). In symptomatic patients with ≥ 5% of myocardial ischemia: PCI with latest generation of drug eluting stents is superior to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in terms of improved life quality measured as an increase of SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) score of 8 points after 6 months. Inclusion Criteria CTO in native coronary artery Myocardial ischemia in a territory supplied by CTO assessed by nuclear imaging. Age ≥18 yrs. Able to provide written Informed consent and willing to comply with the specified follow-up contacts Target artery ≥ 2.5 mm Prior to randomization all patients undergo 3 months of OMT. Subsequently the population will be divided into: Cohort A: Asymptomatic (CCS < 2 and SAQ QoL > 60) patients with myocardial ischemia (≥ 10% of LV) in a territory supplied by CTO Cohort B: Symptomatic patients (CCS class ≥ 2 and/or SAQ QoL score ≤ 60 after treating non CTO lesions and after OMT) with Myocardial ischemia (5% of LV) in a territory supplied a CTO Cohort C: patients enrolled but not randomized in cohort A or B Exclusion criteria (for both cohort A and B) NSTEMI or STEMI within 1 month Coronary anatomy not suitable for CTO-procedure Coronary artery disease involving the left main/three-vessel disease with indication for CABG following heart team conference Life expectancy < 2 years Severe chronic pulmonary disease (FEV1 < 30 % of predicted value) Contraindication to dual anti-platelet therapy Pregnancy eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 In multi-vessel disease: if it is deemed unsafe to treat the non-CTO lesion first. Severe valvular heart disease Primary endpoint Cohort A: Composite endpoint of MACCE (all-cause mortality, stroke, any myocardial infarction, clinically driven revascularization*), hospitalization for heart failure or incidence of malignant arrhythmias. *CCS class ≥ 2 and/or QoL score < 60. Same criteria used as for allocation to Cohort B Cohort B: SAQ Quality of Life Assessment after 6 months. Number of patients 1,560 (1200 in cohort A/360 in cohort B Follow up time Cohort A: 5 years Cohort B: 6 months

Recruiting19 enrollment criteria

A Study of Milvexian in Participants After an Acute Ischemic Stroke or High-Risk Transient Ischemic...

Ischemic Stroke; Ischemic AttackTransient

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether milvexian compared to placebo reduce the risk of recurrent ischemic stroke.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

Distal Perfusion Timing, Early or Conservative, to Prevent Limb Ischemia During Peripheral VA-ECMO...

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Complication

Peripheral VA-ECMO is widely used in refractory cardiogenic shock patients as a salvage therapy. In most cases, the femoral artery and vein are used for the vascular approach. Large cannulas are usually used for proper oxygenation, which may cause peripheral limb ischemia. Distal perfusion catheterization (DPC) at the ipsilateral arterial cannula site is recommended to prevent distal limb ischemia. However, there is no consensus on the proper timing of DPC and additional invasive procedures may cause complications during VA-ECMO support. In this analysis, the investigators compare the clinical outcomes of distal limb ischemia complications between the conventional DPC group (DPC at the time of limb ischemia sign) and the preemptive DPC group (DPC at the time of VA-ECMO application).

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Remote Ischaemic Conditioning in STEMI Patients in Sub-Saharan AFRICA

STEMIRemote Ischaemic Conditioning1 more

The RIC-AFRICA trial is a multi-centre, sham-controlled, double-blinded, randomised controlled trial (RCT) involving 1200 ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients presenting within ≤ 24 hours of myocardial infarction (MI) onset, across approximately 20 sites in four sub-Saharan African countries (South Africa, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda). Patients presenting with STEMI and deemed ineligible for the RIC AFRICA RCT because they present >24 hours from MI onset but less than 72 hours, will be recruited into the observational arm of the study with the same endpoints as the trial. The purpose of the RCT is to determine whether Remote Ischaemic Conditioning (RIC) can reduce the rates of all-cause death and early post-myocardial heart failure at 30-days in STEMI patients treated predominantly with thrombolytic therapy.

Recruiting27 enrollment criteria

Effectiveness of a Neuromuscular Exercise Program and Visual Feedback in the Management of Body...

Brain IschemiaStroke1 more

The aim of the biomedical research is to evaluate the changes of body position management during standing and walking for stroke patients, using innovative training methods during the rehabilitation.

Recruiting10 enrollment criteria

Improving Early Reperfusion With Adjuvant Dornase Alfa in Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke (EXTEND-IA...

Ischemic Stroke

Patients presenting to the emergency department with acute ischemic stroke, who are are eligible for standard intravenous thrombolytic therapy within 4.5 hours of stroke onset will be assessed for major vessel occlusion to determine their eligibility for the trial. All participants will receive intravenous tenecteplase and endovascular thrombectomy as standard care. The trial is a Bayesian Optimised Phase 2 dose-finding umbrella trial (single arm versus objective performance criterion of 20% substantial reperfusion prior to endovascular thrombectomy based on the EXTEND-IA TNK trials NCT02388061, NCT03340493). The aim is to determine the optimal dose of intravenous dornase alfa (recombinant human DNase 1) with sufficient promise to take forward in a seamless phase 2b/3 design.

Recruiting12 enrollment criteria

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