The Effects of Neuraminidase Inhibitor Oseltamivir in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure
Heart FailureHeart failure (HF) is a complex syndrome with increasing incidence and high rates of mortality and hospitalization. Although inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), β-blockers and aldosterone-receptor blockers have improved the treatment of heart failure, mortality of HF remains unacceptably high. Recently, we identified a key metabolite N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) increased in the plasma of patients with heart failure. Also, elevated plasma Neu5Ac, independent of other traditional risk factors, is associated with poor prognosis in patients with HF in long-term follow up. Neu5Ac levels, the most common sialic acid in mammals, generated from sialylated glycoconjugates by neuraminidase. Neu5Ac and its regulatory enzyme neuraminidase play a key role in heart failure. We found neuraminidase inhibitor could reduce Neu5Ac levels and improve heart failure in mice model, providing opportunity for a novel therapeutic strategy in HF. Neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir is also an old anti-influenza drug. Using oseltamivir may be a new therapeutic strategy in heart failure. Based on above information, we designed the randomized, open-label, blank-controlled study in patients with chronic HF to receive either oseltamivir or placebo, in addition to standard HF therapy to Identify the effect of oseltamivir on serum Neu5Ac level in patients with heart failure and assess the clinic outcomes of level in patients with heart failure using oseltamivir.

ExplorATory Study oF the EdWards Transcatheter Atrial Shunt System (AlT FloW Germany)
Heart FailureThe Exploratory Study of the Edwards Transcatheter Atrial Shunt System is a multi-center, prospective, exploratory study to evaluate initial clinical safety, device functionality, and effectiveness of the Edwards Transcatheter Atrial Shunt System.

Efficacy and Safety of Qishenyiqi Dripping Pills for Treating Chronic Heart Failure With Reduced...
Chronic Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection FractionThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety and the best effective dose of Qishen Yiqi Drop Pills in the treatment of chronic heart failure with decreased ejection fraction of CHD (Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome).

A Study of Vericiguat (MK-1242) in Participants With Chronic Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection...
Chronic Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection FractionThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of vericiguat in participants with chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), specifically those with symptomatic chronic HFrEF who have not had a recent hospitalization for heart failure or need for outpatient intravenous (IV) diuretics. The primary hypothesis is that vericiguat is superior to placebo in reducing the risk of cardiovascular death or heart failure hospitalization.

Hemodynamic Effects of Chronic Ketosis.
Heart FailureHeart Failure (HF) is a major public health issue because the disease affects 1-2% of the Western population and the lifetime risk of HF is 20%. Despite major improvements in the management and care of patients with HF, the 1-year mortality in patients with HF is 13% and >50% of HF patients are admitted during a 2.5 year period. Furthermore, patients with HF have markedly decreased physical capacity and quality of life. Thus, there is a need for new treatment modalities in this group of patients. We have shown, using positron emission tomography, that ketone body infusion reduces myocardial glucose uptake and increases myocardial blood flow in healthy subjects. Data from another study conducted by our group show a 40% increase in cardiac output during infusion of 3-OHB in patients with HF and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (HFrEF). Presently there are no data on the clinical cardiovascular effects of long-term oral ketone-supplementation in patients with chronic HF. In this study we aim to investigate the effect of 14 days modulation of circulating ketone body levels on cardiac function and exercise capacity in patients with HFrEF.

Metabolic Effects of Chronic Ketosis (KETO-CHF Metabolic)
Heart FailureHeart Failure (HF) is a major public health issue because the disease affects 1-2% of the Western population and the lifetime risk of HF is 20%. Despite major improvements in the management and care of patients with HF, the 1-year mortality in patients with HF is 13% and >50% of HF patients are admitted during a 2.5 year period. Furthermore, patients with HF have markedly decreased physical capacity and quality of life. Thus, there is a need for new treatment modalities in this group of patients. It is well established that patients with heart failure have metabolic disturbances, including disturbed glucose metabolism with increasing insulin resistance, increased lipolysis, and disturbances in skeletal muscle homeostasis. Presently there are no data on the clinical metabolic effects of long-term oral ketone-supplementation in patients with chronic HF. In this study we aim to investigate the effect of 14 days modulation of circulating ketone body levels on endogenous protein, glucose, and fatty acid metabolism in patients with HFrEF.

ERTU-SODIUM: Study on the Effects of Ertugliflozin on Sodium Storage, Interstitial Volume, and Plasma...
Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection FractionCongestionThe overall hypothesis is that treatment with the SGLT2 inhibitor Ertugliflozin induces a differential regulation in interstitial fluid vs plasma volume, with more reduction of the volume from the interstitial fluid than from the circulating plasma volume, which results in Ertugliflozin inducing more potent congestion relief with minimal impact on blood volume and organ perfusion. Ertugliflozin reduces the levels of sodium and water from the skin and the interstitial tissue (which improves tissue congestion).

sPERMIdine supplemenTation on Metabolic, Neuronal and Cardiovascular Response to Exercise TRAINING...
Heart FailureDiastolicThis study explores whether spermidine supplementation improves the metabolic, neurological-cognitive and cardiovascular response to structured exercise training in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. The investigators aim to show that a faster adaptation to exercise may improve long term adherence to a more active lifestyle.

Comparison Between Endogenous and Exogenous Ketosis in Patients With Non-ischemic Chronic Heart...
Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection FractionKetosisThis randomized controlled trial will evaluate the effect of a ketogenic diet and/or exogenous administration of ketone bodies vs conventional diet on the ejection fraction of patients with non-ischemic chronic heart failure, measuring MRI biomarkers.

Incretin and Treatment With Inhibition of Sodium-glucose Cotransporter-2 Combination Insights Into...
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusThis study aims to provide essential mechanistic insights into natriuretic and hemodynamic effects of SGLT2i and GLP-1RA agents in T2D patients. Ultimately, by obtaining physiological data in T2D patients without HF, our aims are to gain insight into how the use of this combined therapy may be used in T2D with HF in future work.