Biomarkers in Samples From Patients With B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
LeukemiaRATIONALE: Studying samples of tissue from patients with cancer in the laboratory may help doctors identify and learn more about biomarkers related to cancer. PURPOSE: This research study is studying biomarkers in samples from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia enrolled on ECOG-2993 clinical trial.

Metabolic Syndrome in Young Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Remission
FatigueLeukemia1 moreRATIONALE: Gathering information about metabolic syndrome from young patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia may help doctors learn more about the disease. PURPOSE: This phase I trial is studying the metabolic syndrome in young patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission.

Urban Environmental Exposures and Childhood Cancer
Brain CancerAcute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaThe Environmental Protection Agency has recognized that organophosphorus pesticides require close regulation and continued monitoring for human health effects and some (e.g chlorpyrifos) have been phased-out from the consumer market due to the special risk that it posed for children. There is growing evidence in support of the association between pesticide exposure and childhood leukemia. Studies of pesticides and their association with childhood cancer have been limited by study designs, self-reporting and lack of biological measurements. While several large studies in California found little evidence of an association between agricultural pesticide use and childhood leukemia, these results are in contrast with the associations observed with household exposures to pesticides. The real association may depend on timing of exposure, type of pesticide, dose and pathway of exposure. Furthermore, some persons may be more susceptible to the effects of specific pesticides due to inherited mutations in their detoxification pathways. We are conducting a pilot study to test the hypothesis that environmental exposure to pesticides in pregnancy or during the neonatal period, together with genetic susceptibility may lead to childhood ALL or brain cancer. The study is a multicenter, case-control study, based on collaboration between clinical researchers and basic science research to evaluate the risk for childhood cancer in relation to measured levels of pesticides (and their metabolites) and genetic polymorphisms. Biomarkers will be used to examine the risks of chronic low-dose exposures, and to characterize relationships between specific pesticides, childhood cancer and genetic susceptibility. Hypothesis: Interaction between environmental factors (pesticides) and maternal or child genetic polymorphisms may lead to childhood cancer.

Compassionate Use of Erwinase For Pediatric Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Or Non Hodgkins...
Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaNon Hodgkins LymphomaThis is a compassionate use protocol for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who have developed hypersensitivity or intolerance to E. coli L-asparaginase and/or PEG-L-asparaginase.

PEG-Asparaginase Associated Pancreatitis, Hepatotoxicity and Hyperlipidemia in Children With ALL...
Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaPancreatitisThe purpose of this study is to create a model enabling us to predict pancreatitis, hyperlipidemia and hepatotoxicity during treatment with PEG-Asparaginase in children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

DNA Analysis of Tissue From Patients With T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
LeukemiaRATIONALE: Studying samples of tissue from patients with cancer in the laboratory may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in DNA and identify biomarkers related to cancer. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is looking at tissue samples from patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Studying DNA in Blood and Bone Marrow Samples From Young Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia...
LeukemiaRATIONALE: Studying samples of blood and bone marrow from patients with cancer in the laboratory may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in DNA and identify biomarkers related to cancer. It may also help doctors predict how well patients will respond to treatment. PURPOSE: This research study is looking at DNA in blood and bone marrow samples from young patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Evaluate the Hematological Remission Rates and Survival Among Chinese Adult Patients With B-precursor...
B-precursor Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaAlthough the response rate by first-line treatment has been improved, most adult patients with relapsed or refractory ALL will eventually relapse with poor outcomes regardless of treatments. To further understand current status of the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory ALL in China, the study retrospectively collected diagnosis and treatment data from ALL patients in 14 centers in China. Primary objective: to estimate the proportion of patients in overall response rate (ORR) for early relapsed or primary refractory Philadelphia chromosome negative (Ph-) B-precursor ALL patients following salvage treatment (i.e., proportion of patients in hematological complete remission [CR] and CR with partial recovery of blood cells [CRh*]); Secondary objectives included: to estimate the proportion of patients in CR, CRh* and CRi(CR/CRh*/CRi) and the duration of CR/CRh*/CRi, overall survival, duration of CR/CRh*and the proportion of patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AlloHSCT) for early relapsed/primary refractory Ph-B-precursor ALL patients following salvage treatment; Exploratory objectives included: to estimate the efficacy in late relapsed Ph- B-precursor ALL (first remission duration > 12 months) patients and in Ph+ B-precursor ALL patients and specific subgroup patients following salvage treatment.

Low GI Diet in Children and Adolescents With ALL
Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaPediatric2 moreThe study aims to determine the feasibility of a 6-month low glycemic dietary intervention in children and adolescents undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

A Study of Patients Who Received Inotuzumab Ozogamicin for B-cell ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)...
Adult Relapsed/Refractory B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaThe purpose of the study was to understand the effectiveness and safety of the study medicine called Inotuzumab ozogamicin (InO) in patients with B-cell ALL in whom the disease occurred again after the last treatment. This retrospective Study enroll adult patients who: were CD22 positive (a molecule in the body that stops the over activity of the immune system) Received only InO for the treatment of B-cell ALL that occurred again after the last treatment were Philadelphia chromosome positive (which occurs because of changes in genes) failed treatment with at least one Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (type of medicine that blocks the action of enzymes called tyrosine kinases which takes care of many cell functions, such as cell growth and division). The patient data except their personal details are collected from a hospital based electronic medical record in India. In this study the effectiveness and safety of InO will be studied after it was released to the market. To do that, the study aims to gather details of B-cell ALL patients from 7 -10 hospitals across India: in whom the disease occurred again or those who never showed any improvement to earlier treatments now being treated with InO alone Around 55 patients who have taken InO are likely to be enrolled in the study. Then by using a statistical model and with all the information gathered, the safety and effectiveness of InO will be decided.