Trial of GVHD Prophylasxis With PTCy or Thymoglobulin in Unrelated SCT
LeukemiaChronic Myeloid6 morePurpose There is a growing evidence of high efficacy of post-transplantation cyclophocphomide (PTCy)-based GVHD prophylaxis in haploidentical and matched related and unrelated bone marrow transplantation. There is limitted, but growing data on safety and efficacy of this prophylaxis in unrelated and peripheral blood stem cell transplantations. Use of PTCy in chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms and myelodisplatic syndrome is of particular interest. On the one hand, PTCy could reduce the incidence of chronic GVHD and long-term bormidity. On the other hand, there is a concern, that PTCy can increase the incidence of graft failures in this group of patients. Currently published data indicate that low-dose Thymoglobulin-based prophylaxis is the most promissing compatitor in terms of acute and chronic GVHD control. So there is a rationale to randomize Thymoglobulin and PTCy as GVHD prophilaxis. Pre-transplant assesment of moratlity (PAM)-index will be used as the strata for randomization, as it is the paramter that takes into account the most important factors effecting survival. The conditioning regimen and the other two components of GVHD prophylaxis (mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus) will be identical in the two arms of the study.

Pioglityazone and Imatinib for CML Patients
LeukemiaMyeloid1 moreThis project is a Phase II clinical trial that aims at evaluating efficacy and tolerance of the combination of pioglitazone (Actos®) and imatinib mesylate (STI571, CGP57148, Gleevec®) in patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) in stable major molecular response (i.e. a BCRABL/ABL ratio assessed by RTQ-PCR equal to or lower than 0.1% according to the European Leukemia Net recommendations) after at least 2 years of therapy with imatinib. Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec®) is the gold standard for the treatment of CML in chronic phase (O Brian et al. 2003, Druker et al. 2006). Despite a high efficacy of the drug, CML is not eradicated by imatinib alone in almost any of the patients. Treatment discontinuation in patients treated by imatinib and in complete molecular remission for more than 2 years yield molecular relapses within 6 months in half of the patients,indicating the persistence of CML progenitor cells. STAT5 expression is required for CML stem cell engraftment and expansion in mouse models. STAT5 is the target of the dysregulated activity of BCR-ABL in CML. Recently, Stephane Prost et al. demonstrated that PPAR-γ is a negative regulator of STAT5A and STAT5B gene expression. Data obtained suggest that PPAR-γ agonists may have potential therapeutic value in reversing myeloproliferative disorders. On the basis of our preclinical studies, we went ahead and administered pioglitazone to one patient who suffered from both diabetes type II and CML with residual disease after continuous treatment with Gleevec. The amount of BCR-ABL transcript detected by QPCR decreased dramatically during the first 3 months of combined (Gleevec + ACTOS) therapy to become undetectable thereafter until 9 months post-treatment, the latest time point assessed. This striking anecdotal result now forms the rationale for filing this formal Phase II clinical trial application.

Tacrolimus, Bortezomib, & Thymoglobulin in Preventing Low Toxicity GVHD in Donor Blood Stem Cell...
Acute LeukemiaChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia11 moreThis phase II trial studies how well tacrolimus, bortezomib, and anti-thymocyte globulin (thymoglobulin) work in preventing low toxicity graft versus host disease (GVHD) in patients with blood cancer who are undergoing donor stem cell transplant. Tacrolimus and anti-thymocyte globulin may reduce the risk of the recipient's body rejecting the transplant by suppressing the recipient's immune system. Giving bortezomib after the transplant may help prevent GVHD by stopping the donor's cells from attacking the recipient. Giving tacrolimus, bortezomib, and anti-thymocyte globulin may be a better way to prevent low toxicity GVHD in patients with blood cancer undergoing donor stem cell transplant.

A Study of Continued Treatment Among Participants Who Have Responded to Peginterferon Alfa-2a (Pegasys®)...
Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaMalignant Melanoma1 moreThis open label extension study will give an opportunity to the participants that have responded to the treatment with Pegylated-Interferon Alfa-2a (Pegasys) or Recombinant Interferon Alfa-2a (Roferon-A®) in prior clinical studies NO15753 (NCT00003542) for Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC), NO15764 (NCT number not available) and NO16006 (NCT02736721) for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML), and NO16007 (NCT number not available) for Malignant Melanoma (MM).

Phase I/II Trial of Early Infusion of Rapidly-generated Multivirus Specific T Cells (MVST) to Prevent...
Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaCML (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia)3 moreAllogeneic hematopoetic stem cell transplantation (SCT) is frequently complicated by life threatening viral reactivation. Conventional antiviral therapy is suboptimal for cytomegalovirus (CMV), adenovirus (AdV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and nonexistent for BK virus (BKV). An alternative approach to prevent viral reactivation is to infuse virus-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTL) prepared from the donor early after SCT. Such multivirus-specific CTL cells (MVST) have been successfully used in a number of centers to prevent or treat CMV, Ad and EBV. Activity of BKV-reactive cells has not been studied. Multi virus-specific T cells (MVST) are donor lymphocytes that are highly enriched for viral antigens and expanded in vitro before infusion into the transplant recipient. Viral reactivation is a particular problem inT cell depleted SCT. Median time to CMV reactivation is estimated as 28 days post T-depleted transplant, but infusion of MVST within the immediate post-SCT period has not been previously studied. This protocol will be the first of a planned series of cellular therapies to be layered on our existing T lymphocyte depleted transplant platform protocol 13-H-0144. The aim of this study is to determine the safety and efficacy of very early infusion of MVST directed against the four most common viruses causing complications after T-depleted SCT. GMP-grade allogeneic MVST from the stem cell donor will be generated using monocyte-derived donor dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with overlapping peptide libraries of immunodominant antigens from CMV, EBV, Ad, and BKV and expanded in IL-7 and IL-15 followed by IL-2 for 10-14 days. A fraction of the routine donor leukapheresis for lymphocytes obtained prior to stem cell mobilization will be used to generate the MVST cells. MVST passing release criteria will be cryopreserved ready for infusion post SCT. Eligible subjects on NHLBI protocol 13-H-0144 will receive a single early infusion of MVST within 30 days (target day +14, range 0-30 days) post SCT. Phase I safety monitoring will continue for 6 weeks. Viral reactivation (CMV, EBV, Ad, BK) will be monitored by PCR by serial blood sampling. The only antiviral prophylaxis given will be acyclovir to prevent herpes simplex and varicella zoster reactivation. Subjects with rising PCR exceeding threshold for treatment, or those with clinically overt viral disease will receive conventional antiviral treatment. Patients developing acute GVHD will receive standard treatment with systemic steroids. These patients are eligible for reinfusion of MVST when steroids are tapered. The clinical trial is designed as a single institution, open label, non-randomized Phase I/II trial of MVST in transplant recipients, designed as 3-cohort dose escalation Phase I followed by a 20 subject extension Phase II at the maximum tolerated dose of cells. Safety will be monitored continuously for a period of 6 weeks post T cell transfer. The primary safety endpoint will be the occurrence of dose limiting toxicity, defined as the occurrence of Grade IV GVHD or any other SAE that is deemed to be at least probably or definitely related to the investigational product. The primary efficacy endpoint for the phase II will be the proportion of CMV reactivation requiring treatment at day 100 post transplant. Secondary endpoints are technical feasibility of MSVT manufacture, patterns of virus reactivation by PCR, and clinical disease from EBV, Ad, BK, day 100 non-relapse mortality.

A Study of Dasatinib as First-line Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia...
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia - Chronic PhaseThe purpose of this multicenter,open, prospective and single arm study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of domestic dasatinib in the first-line treatment of newly diagnosed CML-CP.

Natural Killer Cells Before and After Donor Stem Cell Transplant in Treating Patients With Acute...
Accelerated Phase Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaBCR-ABL1 Positive10 moreThis phase I/II studies the side effects and best dose of natural killer cells before and after donor stem cell transplant and to see how well they work in treating patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, or chronic myelogenous leukemia. Giving chemotherapy with or without total body irradiation before a donor peripheral blood stem cell or bone marrow transplant helps stop the growth of cancer cells. It may also stop the patient's immune system from rejecting the donor's stem cells. When the healthy stem cells and natural killer cells from a donor are infused into the patient they may help the patient's bone marrow make stem cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

WT1 TCR Gene Therapy for Leukaemia: A Phase I/II Safety and Toxicity Study
Acute Myeloid LeukaemiaChronic Myeloid LeukaemiaWT1 TCR gene therapy is a new treatment for acute myeloid leukaemia and chronic myeloid leukaemia. Patient's white blood cells (T cells) are modified to specifically fight the leukaemia cells by transferring a gene into the T cells, which allows them to recognize fragments of a protein called WT1. This protein is present on the surface of leukaemia cells at very high levels. The gene transferred to the T cells enables them to make a new T cell receptor (TCR), which will allow them to attack leukaemia cells with high levels of WT1 on their surface. Using this form of gene therapy the investigators can convert some of the patient's immune system's own T cells into T cells that the investigators hope will be much more effective at recognizing and killing leukaemia cells.

Interventional Study to Improve Adherence to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia...
LeukemiaMyelogenous3 moreAdherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitors is associated with improved outcomes in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Hence, improved adherence might improve CML patients' prognosis. Decreased adherence is a common problem in such patients, with non-adherence in up to 30% of patients in several studies. Recently, an emphasis has been placed on improving patient's adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in these patients. However, there is no prospective high-quality evidence showing that adherence can be improved in these patients. Therefore, the investigators hypothesize that adherence-encouraging interventions improve adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia patients.

Reduced-Intensity Conditioning Before Donor Stem Cell Transplant in Treating Patients With High-Risk...
Acute Myeloid Leukemia With FLT3/ITD MutationAcute Myeloid Leukemia With Gene Mutations21 moreThis phase II trial studies reduced-intensity conditioning before donor stem cell transplant in treating patients with high-risk hematologic malignancies. Giving low-doses of chemotherapy and total-body irradiation before a donor stem cell transplant helps stop the growth of cancer cells. It may also stop the patient's immune system from rejecting the donor's stem cells. The donated stem cells may replace the patient's immune cells and help destroy any remaining cancer cells (graft-versus-tumor effect). Giving an infusion of the donor's T cells (donor lymphocyte infusion) before the transplant may help increase this effect.