Study of Predictive Immunological Parameters of Molecular Complete Remission in Patients With Chronic...
Chronic LeukemiaThe investigators recently identified promiscuous HLA-DR-derived epitopes from the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) called universal cancer peptides (UCP), to study tumor-specific CD4+ T cell responses. The aim of this prospective preliminary study is to evaluate the presence of UCP-specific Th1 responses in patients in complete remission of CML two years after end of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKi) treatments.

Glivec in Pediatric Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaIt is a phase 4 study, not randomised and multicentric. Within 2 months after the diagnosis, the patients daily receive imatinib by oral way during at least 1 year (260mg/m² once a day), i.e. until the cytogenetic analysis. Beyond 1 year of treatment, if a haematological relapse or a loss of the cytogenetic response is observed, the nature of the treatment suggested to the patient is left with the appreciation of the investigator. Later on, discontinuation of imatinib is discussed if a molecular remission (negative RT-PCR) is obtained and maintained for at least 2 years.

Use of SV40 Vectors to Treat Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaChronic myeloid leukemia is a serious disease which is characterized by progression from relatively quiescent stages of the disease to an aggressive phase. Although now there is highly successful medical therapy known as Gleevec (Imatinib), the treatment is not always successful and patients do develop resistance. Those patients have limited treatment options. We are developing a gene therapy model of treatment for this disease using pseudoviral particles to insert molecules of genetic material which would not allow the harmful genes causing the leukemia to function.

The Collection of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and Marrow Progenitor Cells From Normal Volunteers...
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaHealthy2 moreAllogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a curative treatment for patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and other lymphoid/hematologic malignancies but is available as a treatment option to only a minority of patients. Autologous BMT, coupled with high dose chemotherapy, is a treatment open to more patients and is a promising strategy for the treatment of advanced solid malignancies. However, the development of potentially curative marrow transplant alternatives requires an ability to provide a nonmalignant hematopoietic stem cell population. In addition, the generation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), and the determination of whether or not such HSC repopulate all of the cell lineage subtypes following reinfusion are critical to understanding the biology and immunological consequences of stem cell transplantation. An increased understanding of the kinetics of HSC and lymphocyte repopulation post-BMT and the identification of donor cell populations that mediate a graft versus leukemia (GVL) effect or graft versus host (GVHD) is critical to therapeutic efficacy. In order to address these currently unmet objectives, normal volunteers and volunteers with malignancies will undergo venipuncture and bone marrow aspiration with or without prior [6,6-(2)H(2)] or [U-(13)C(9)]-glucose, infusion to provide cell populations which will then be utilized for specific pre-clinical studies aimed at developing new therapeutic alternatives for patients with CML and other lymphoid/hematologic malignancies. An infusion of [6,6-(2)H(2)] or [U-(13)C(9)]-glucose prior to bone marrow and/or leukocyte harvest, in some volunteers, will allow direct examination of the genesis and biology of stem cells and leukocyte subpopulations. [6,6-(2)H(2)] or [U-(13)C(9)]-glucose, are nonradioactive, stable isotopes of glucose which will label dividing cells during the time of administration and is chemically identical to glucose, with no adverse side effects other than those known for glucose.

Nilotinib for Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in First Line and Any Subsequent Line
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaThis was a non-interventional observational study within the routine chronic myeloid leukemia treatment practice; no further tests were required apart from the assessments routinely performed for Chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with nilotinib.

Comorbidity Burden and Use of Concomitant Medications at CML Diagnosis
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaThe aim of the retrospective study was to further characterize the prevalence of comorbid conditions as well as the use of concomitant medications in newly diagnosed CML patients in a real-world setting. Hematologists from ten Polish hematological tertiary care centers were asked to analyze medical records for all consecutive CML patients diagnosed with chronic phase CML between January 1st 2005 and December 31st 2014.

Treating Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) in Chronic Phase (CP) With Dasatinib
Myeloid LeukemiaChronic1 moreCML requires ongoing treatment and assessment of treatment milestones in order to manage the disease properly. Dasatinib is approved for the treatment of newly diagnosed PH+ CP-CML and CML in chronic or accelerated phase or blast crisis in patients resistant or intolerant to prior therapies including Imatinib. Although Imatinib has demonstrated unprecedented efficacy in clinical trials, mostly in chronic phase CML, there is lack of published data on how CML is managed in real-life clinical practice settings. Therefore this non-interventional study is designed to collect real-life data on CML-treatment with Dasatinib in clinical routine with respect to first and second line treatment and/or switch setting (within 1st line or from 1st line TKI to 2nd line Dasatinib). Emphasis lies on health care provided in registered doctor's practices as here most of CML patients who are not involved in clinical trials are treated.

Infection Prophylaxis and Management in Treating Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection in Patients With...
Hematopoietic/Lymphoid CancerAccelerated Phase Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia155 moreRATIONALE: Infection prophylaxis and management may help prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection caused by a stem cell transplant. PURPOSE:This clinical trial studies infection prophylaxis and management in treating cytomegalovirus infection in patients with hematologic malignancies previously treated with donor stem cell transplant.

Study of Cemivil® (Imatinib) in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients in Jordan
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaChronic PhaseThis study assessed the efficacy and safety of generic imatinib in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in Jordan. It was a multicenter, non-interventional, open-label, prospective study combined with retrospective data collection from files of patients with a diagnosis of Ph+ CML, treated with Cemivil (imatinib), where no visits or intervention(s) additional to the daily practice were performed

Long Term Therapy With Imatinib: Development of Late Side Effects and Compliance to Treatment
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaNewly DiagnosedImatinib has revolutionised the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). The first clinical trials were conducted in 1998 in patients with advanced disease, and by 2002 imatinib was established as the standard therapy for all patients including those recently diagnosed. In spite of overwhelming evidence about its efficacy we still need to gain more knowledge about issues related to long term treatment with imatinib such as why some patients respond better than others, the development of side effects and the quality of life.