LEONIDAS: Quality of Life Study in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaThe broad goal of this study is to investigate if differences exist (and in which areas and of what magnitude) in QoL and symptoms of patients with CML being treated with first line therapy with dasatinib versus those receiving first line therapy with imatinib. Also, an additional objective is to characterize medication-taking behavior associated with imatinib or dasatinib.

Front-line Treatment of BCR-ABL+ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) With Dasatinib
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaThe GIMEMA CML Working Party promotes a multicentric, observational, non company sponsored, prospective study of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) patients treated frontline with dasatinib. Patients will be followed for 5 years. This study will help the definition of guidelines for the treatment of CML patients in early phases. The primary objective of the study is to describe, in the clinical practice, the rate of events leading to permanent discontinuation after 2 years of treatment with dasatinib as frontline therapy in newly diagnosed CML patients.

Dasatinib in Newly Diagnosed Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Japan
LeukemiaMyelogenous5 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of Dasatinib as the first line therapy for patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase in Japan.

National Observatory of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Adolescent and Young Adults Treated With Tyrosine...
LeukemiaMyelogenous2 moreThe median age of onset of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in chronic phase PC is about 60 years. However CML affects all age groups including 18-25 year olds, called adult-young adolescents (AJA). In France, there is no record of CML and especially not for this particular population, only a European Register of CML in children up to 18 years has been set up under the coordination of Professor "Frederic Millot", pediatrics, CHU Poitiers. Malignancies diagnosed in this population usually have characteristics, evolution, therapeutic strategies with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are a real therapeutic revolution with an overall survival very significantly augmented but at present only a minority of patients may one day consider a final judgment of treatment. AJA are the most exposed patients to the complications, the socio-economic repercussions, professional and personal of a very long-term treatment. But there is little data in the literature concerning this population. Two studies show that diagnosis of CML presents with poor prognostic factors (high skoal), the observed responses are poorer compared to older patients but it is accompanied difference in survival in all cases with a decline of about 70 mois. However, these studies have focused solely on the patients included in the study receiving optimized treatment is not the standard treatment at the time. It is clearly demonstrated that the inclusion in a study brings a benefit to the patient. However, the majority of AJA are not included in a study. The investigators therefore want to describe the AYA population of CML in France and compare the evolution of patients included or not in a protocol. The investigators also want to investigate specific issues of the age of these patients as the reproductive desire. Indeed, while it does not seem to be any risk of teratogenicity for men treated with ITK, this risk is clearly established for women and requires specific supported. Another important point is that of the quality of life. The state of physical and mental health and his feelings, physical activity and its limitations and well-being was assessed by the SF-3612 questionnaire. The results of this analysis were compared with those already obtained for the general population (not representative of Italian adults with cancer sample) and adjusted for sex, age, geographic region, marital status and education level . There seems to be young people and women who express a feeling more pejorative. This does not only covers the frequency of side effects but also on physical activity and well-being. the affected population will be noted that that is particularly involved in the social, professional and in the development of his personal life. The impact of treatment on quality of life must be considered under penalty of seeing the difficulties of compliance. But several studies have demonstrated the negative impact of poor adherence in response to treatments .

Registration of Children With CML and Treatment With Imatinib
Myeloid LeukemiaChronicNewly diagnosed pediatric patients (age < 19 years) with bcr-abl-positive CML will be treated with imatinib. Serial monitoring of treatment response is performed in one month intervals during the first three months of treatment and in three months intervals thereafter. Patients with non-response, poor response (either molecular, cytogenetic, or hematologic non-/poor response) or progress of the disease while under imatinib treatment will stop imatinib and undergo stem cell transplantation. All responders to imatinib treatment with an HLA matched donor will undergo stem cell transplantation not later than 2 years after diagnosis.

The Hong Kong CML Registry
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaChronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a malignant disorder of the haematopoietic system. It is characterized by the chromosomal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22, resulting in the formation of the Philadelphia chromosome which contains the BCRABL1 fusion gene. The projected prevalence of CML is rising steadily, due to the significantly improved survival of CML patients and that the incidence rate increases with age. The efficacious yet costly tyrosine kinase inhibitors pose a significant financial burden to both patients and the health care system, while they carry their own side effects and long-term risks. This study aims to set up a local disease registry of CML to improve the knowledge concerning this disease, including epidemiology,characteristics and treatment outcome of CML in Hong Kong,as well as long-term safety and toxicities of therapeutic agents.

Evaluating True PCR-negative Rate of Frontline Dasatinib in Early Chronic Phase CML for Therapeutic...
Chronic Myelocytic LeukemiaThis study is designed to confirm the efficacy of dasatinib 100mg once daily in producing a complete molecular response and to prove a possibility of "Operational Cure" in CMR patients.

Cessation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Patients With Chronic-phase Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia...
LeukemiaMyelogenous1 moreSince the debut of imatinib, the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor(TKI), more than two decades ago, the prognosis of patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) has continued to improve. It has been shown that life expectancy of CML patients is approaching that of the general population nowadays. Currently, indefinite use of TKIs in patients with chronic-phase CML who achieve optimal response remains the standard practice. Nevertheless, the concepts of "treatment-free remission" and "functional" cure have been hotly discussed in recent years. A number of major international clinical trials have demonstrated that about 40-60% of CML patients who previously enjoyed deep molecular response on TKI manage to stay free from molecular relapse after cessation of TKI therapy. Local experience of TKI cessation is lacking. This study aims to recruit patients diagnosed with CML, chronic phase who are treated with TKIs and remain in stable deep molecular response for at least two years. It is planned to stop TKI in these patients with regular monitoring, and determine their outcomes.

Imatinib Response in Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) in Function of Abl Polymorphisms...
LeukemiaMyeloid1 moreThe main objective of this study is to evaluate the existence of a relationship between the presence of certain abl polymorphisms (or haplotypes) upon CML diagnosis and the occurrence of primary resistance to the treatment of CML by imatinib.

Cell Cycle Regulatory Gene Study in Patients With Myeloproliferative Disorders
Myeloproliferative DisordersPolycythemia Vera3 moreThis study involves observing the level of cell cycle regulatory gene in patients with myeloproliferative disorders(MPD). These disorders include polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), myelofibrosis (MF) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The abnormal blood and/or bone marrow cells, or materials derived from these abnormal cells, like DNA, RNA, protein or plasma will be used in laboratory studies. Cell cycle regulatory protein such as cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases(Cdks) and Cdk inhibitors(CKIs) play indispensable roles in processes such as transcription, metabolism and stem cell self-renewal. MPD are a group of diseases characterized by abnormally increased proliferation of erythroid, megakaryocytic, or granulocytic cells. The pathogenesis was still unclear. Detecting the level of cell cycle regulatory protein will be useful to look for the possible role in MPD and better understand the cause of MPD.