Randomized Controlled Trial of Early Intensive Leg Exercise to Improve Walking in Children With...
Spastic DiplegiaPeriventricular LeukomalaciaThis is a randomized controlled trial, comparing 3 months of intensive leg exercise to standard physiotherapy care for the improvement of gross motor function in young children with spastic diplegia.

Spinal Stimulation and Mobility Devices
Cerebral PalsyStroke3 moreThis research study will combine non-invasive spinal stimulation with mobility devices to examine the acute impact of the individual and combined effects of these innovative techniques on mobility in children with cerebral palsy.

A Study to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of UC-MSCs in Pediatric Patients With Cerebral Palsy...
Cerebral PalsyPeriventricular LeukomalaciaUDI-001 is administered to pediatric patients with cerebral palsy attributed to periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) multiple times to investigate its safety and efficacy.

Sonographic QUantification of Venous Circulation In the Preterm Brain
Prematurity; ExtremeCerebral Circulatory Failure2 moreThe aim of the study is to develop an accessible, reproducible ultrasound tool for objective clinical measurement of brain circulation in preterm infants in order to identify infants being at risk for preterm brain injury at an early stage. In the future, the results of this study might be useful to select those infants for early interventions aimed at preventing brain injury. In this study we will identify the normative values of the internal cerebral vein velocity in a reference cohort of stable preterm infants. This stable group of preterm infants is defined as all preterm infants with a birth weight appropriate for gestational age, and without major complications (such as a severe intracranial hemorrhage, severe hemodynamical instability, birth asphyxia) or major congenital malformations. In this group we will identify subgroups based on moments of clinical instability (sepsis, temporary hypotension, NEC, need for invasive respiratory support) or based on outcome parameters (IVH, PVL, developmental outcomes)

Evaluation of Long-Term Gait Development in Infants With Neonatal Encephalopathy Using Infant Treadmill...
Hypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyPeriventricular Leukomalacia6 moreThere have been many studies on the use of running training in older children to improve gait development in children with cerebral palsy. The aim of our study was to conduct early treadmill training in infants who were highly suspected of cerebral palsy and to follow up on their long-term gait development.

Evaluation of Long-term Neurodevelopment in Neonatal Encephalopathy by Infant Treadmill
Hypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyPeriventricular Leukomalacia6 moreThere is no international application of infant running stimulation system to evaluate the brain injury in children with various stages of nerve and motor development in a large sample of studies. The study of neonatal brain injury is only limited to intraventricular hemorrhage(IVH),periventricular leukomalacia(PVL), Down's syndrome(DS), premature birth of these four conditions, and the number of samples in the single digits, there is no representative of the disease population. Therefore, from the newborn to the infant development of the critical period, the investigator will refer to the previous treadmill parameters set on the research results, optimize the application of neonatal treadmill. The study hypothesized that neonatal treadmill stimulation with brain-injured children could improve his / her staggered gait characteristics and long-term nerve development through large sample data. It is important to preserve and analyze the gait characteristics and the changes of nerve development in every stage of growth and development of neonates with brain injury so as to provide clinical evidence for rehabilitation intervention. It is of great significance to judge whether this technique can be used in the early stage of brain injury in neonates.

Inhaled Nitric Oxide and Neuroprotection in Premature Infants
PrematurityBronchopulmonary Dysplasia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether inhaled nitric oxide improves the neurological outcome for premature infants.

Prediction of Brain Injury in Premature Infants
Intraventricular HemorrhagePeriventricular Leukomalacia2 moreExtremely low birth weight (ELBW), birth weight less than or equal to 1000 g, infants are at high risk for developing brain injury in the first week of life. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) are the most common injuries in this group of infants. Their incidence is inversely proportional to gestational age (GA) and birth weight (BW). These lesions are associated with neurodevelopmental delay, poor cognitive performance, visual and hearing impairment, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy; and instability of systemic hemodynamics during transition from intra- to extra-uterine life and during the early neonatal period is believed to be at their genesis. While the incidence of ultrasound- diagnosed cystic PVL has decreased dramatically over the last 2 decades, diffuse PVL detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is still prevalent in survivors of neonatal intensive care. Moreover, PVL, even when non-cystic, is associated with decreased cortical complexity and brain volume and eventual neurocognitive impairment. Currently, clinicians lack the tools to detect changes in cerebral perfusion prior to irreversible injury. Unfortunately, the incidence of brain injury in ELBW infants has remained relatively stable. Once translated to the bedside, the goal of this research is to develop a monitoring system that will allow researchers to identify infants most at risk for IVH and PVL and in the future, intervention studies will be initiated to use the changes in cerebral perfusion to direct hemodynamic management. The purpose of this study is to first understand the physiology of brain injury and then to eventually impact the outcomes in this high-risk group of infants by assessing the ability of the diastolic closing margin (DCM), a non-invasive estimate of brain perfusion pressure, to predict hemorrhagic and ischemic brain injury in ELBW infants. The information collected for this study will help develop algorithms or monitoring plans that will maintain the appropriate brain perfusion pressure and thereby, prevent severe brain injury.

Antibiotic "Dysbiosis" in Preterm Infants
EnterocolitisNecrotizing6 moreProlonged antibiotic use in preterm neonates has significant consequences on the developing intestinal microbiome, metabolome and host response, predisposing the neonate to various major morbidities, including necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), late-onset sepsis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and mortality. The hypothesis is that early and prolonged antibiotic use in preterm neonates has significant consequences on the developing intestinal microbiome, metabolome and host response, predisposing the neonate to various major morbidities. It is possible that the effect of this widespread antibiotic use outweighs the potential benefits. This study will randomize preterm infants born at less than 33 weeks gestation to either pre-emptive antibiotics or no-pre-emptive antibiotics. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the risks and benefits of current practice to determine optimal levels of antibiotic use that protects the babies from infection with minimal effect on the microbiome and subsequent adverse outcomes related to overuse of antibiotics.

Telerehabilitation of Working Memory in Children With Periventricular Leukomalacia and Bilateral...
Periventricular LeukomalaciaPeriventricular Leukomalacia (PVL) is a white matter lesion surrounding the lateral ventricles of the brain occurring in the prenatal period, associated with a disorder of movement and posture, known as bilateral cerebral palsy. Children with PVL and bilateral cerebral palsy have spared verbal abilities, as measured by verbal Intelligence Quotient (verbal IQ) tests, while non-verbal intelligence and especially visuo-perceptual and visuo-spatial abilities are impaired. In addition some studies underline the impact of PVL also on executive function, especially in terms of working memory and in the ability to inhibit distraction. Working Memory is the ability to retain and manipulate information for brief periods of time. It is important in several complex cognitive functions, such as academic learning and in planning and organizing daily life activities. School-based activities, indeed, such as math and reading depend on a student's ability to pay attention to several instructions or information and to hold and integrate them in their mind. Recent behavioural and neurofunctional studies describes the effect of an evidence-based and computer-based training on working memory, the Cogmed Working MemoryTraining. Functional MRI show increase in parietal and prefrontal activity after this training, while the behavioural data demonstrate the generalization of this effect also on cognitive functions not directly trained, as attention, inhibition, learning and non-verbal reasoning. Cogmed Working MemoryTraining (RoboMemo®, CogMed-Cognitive Medical Systems, Stockholm, Sweden) is an online treatment comprising a number of visuo-spatial and verbal exercises that vary automatically depending on the individual child's performance in any given task. The training period is intensive and includes 25 home session for five weeks, 30-45 minutes each day. A Cogmed-trained coach monitors training progress and participants' commitment daily. Only one ongoing study has used the CogMed training in children with cerebral palsy, but without investigating the correlation between behavioural findings with neurofunctional data. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of the working memory training with CogMed on trained and not directly trained cognitive abilities and on the changes in cortical electrophysiological reorganization during the sleep after training. The sleep analysis will be focused in particular on the slow waves activity [frequency range of 1-4.5 Hz] and on the sleep spindle [frequency range of 12-14Hz], which reflect the depth of sleep and are related to memory processes, learning and brain plasticity. The results of this project will shed light on the mechanisms of neuroplasticity, by enhancing knowledge on the neuropsychological effects of a specific working memory training and on the neurophysiological underpinnings of these behavioural effects in a clinical population of children with congenital brain lesions, as PVL.