Pembrolizumab in Treating Participants With Leukoplakia
ErythroleukoplakiaLeukoplakia1 moreThis phase II pilot trial studies how well pembrolizumab works in treating leukoplakia. Monoclonal antibodies, such as pembrolizumab, may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread.

Identification of Oral Lesions Through an Autofluorescence System
Oral LeukoplakiaAutofluorescence5 moreThe aim of the study will be to evaluate the efficacy of a tissue autofluorescence detection system as an aid to clinical screening in identifying lesions of the oral mucosa. The screening process will be performed by 3 clinicians with a different level of experience. Sensitivity and specificity tests will be conducted.

Metformin for the Prevention of Oral Cancer in Patients With Oral Leukoplakia or Erythroplakia
ErythroplakiaOral LeukoplakiaThis phase IIb trial tests whether metformin works in preventing oral cancer in patients with oral leukoplakia (white patches) or erythroplakia (red patches). Metformin is in a class of drugs called biguanides. Metformin helps to control the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It decreases the amount of glucose patients absorb from food and the amount of glucose made by the liver. Metformin also increases the body's response to insulin, a natural substance that controls the amount of glucose in the blood. This trial may help researchers determine if metformin can stop changes in the mouth that are related to pre-cancer growths in the mouth.

Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders: Comparison Between Surgical Treatment and Wait and See Approach...
LeukoplakiaOralThis research protocol is comparing the effectiveness of surgical excision to the "wait and see" approach for the management of oral leukoplakia and erythroleukoplakia in prevention of oral squamous cell carcinoma onset.

Prediction of Malignant Transformation of Oral Leukoplakia Using a MAGE-A-based Immunoscore
Oral LeukoplakiaOral Leukoplakia of Tongue2 moreOral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) is among the most common malignancies worldwide. Early detection and prevention of OSCC is thought to have the highest potential to reduce morbidity and mortality. In prevention, the main focus is on precancerous lesions, especially oral leukoplakia (OLP), as up to 67% of OSCC arise on the basis of OLP. The determination of the transformation risk of OLP by histological determination of the degree of dysplasia is unreliable. A promising marker for the timely development of a OSCC is the detection of antigens of the MAGE-A gene family. The special feature of MAGE-A is that they can be detected in 93% of all OSCC and in approx. 85% of OLP that transform to OSCC. The detection of MAGE-A could also indicate changes in the immunological environment that occur prior to malignant OLP transformation and could be used for immunotherapies. Aim of this study is to investigate MAGE-A as a predictive marker for the malignant transformation of OLP in the setting of a prospective, multicenter study and to establish it as a diagnostic parameter in addition to classical histology. In addition, the association of MAGE-A expression with the occurrence of immunological changes in OLP will be investigated in order to evaluate the possibility of minimally invasive immunotherapy of OLP. The study is intended to include 500 biopsies of non-selected patients with OLP from university institutions and private practices. The follow-up should be at least 3 years, whereby it is examined whether an OSCC on the basis of the original OLP developed. After three years, an interim evaluation of the results with statistical evaluation will be carried out. In order to ensure that the course of the disease is monitored for at least three years for all OLPs, an extension of the monitoring period to 5 years is planned. The study could establish a routine diagnostic parameter to supplement the histo-morphological diagnosis of OLP and evaluate the possibility of immunotherapy of OLP.

Metformin Hydrochloride in Preventing Oral Cancer in Patients With an Oral Premalignant Lesion
ErythroplakiaHyperplasia2 moreThis phase IIa trial studies how well metformin hydrochloride works in preventing oral cancer in patients with an oral premalignant lesion (oral leukoplakia or erythroplakia). Oral premalignant lesions look like red or whitish plaques or lesions in the mouth that do not rub off and can be associated with a higher risk of cancer. Metformin hydrochloride may help prevent oral cancer from forming in patients with an oral premalignant lesion.

Safety and Efficacy of Nivolumab in Treating Oral Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia
LeukoplakiaOralThis research study is studying an immunotherapy drug, as a possible treatment for oral proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (OPVL).

Widefield Fluorescence and Reflectance Imaging Systems and Oral Tissue Samples in Monitoring Participants...
ErythroplakiaFanconi Anemia6 moreThis clinical trial studies widefield fluorescence and reflectance imaging, fluorescence spectroscopy, and tissue samples in regularly examining (monitoring) participants at risk for developing oral cancer. All tissue and cells are made of tiny particles. Some of these particles give off small amounts of light. This light is called fluorescence. Fluorescent imaging use instruments that shine different wavelengths (colors) of light in the mouth taking fluorescence pictures through a portable head light or by taking fluorescent and reflectance pictures through a dental microscope using a digital camera. Fluorescent spectroscopy uses a small probe placed gently against the lining of the mouth and the tissue is exposed to small amounts of fluorescent light that is then collected with a special camera and a computer to be analyzed. Checking mouth tissue samples under a microscope may also help detect abnormal cells. Diagnostic procedures, such as fluorescence and reflectance imaging, fluorescence spectroscopy imaging, and tissue samples, may help doctors detect pre-cancer or early cancer when it may be easier to treat.

Biomarkers for Oral Cancer
Lichen PlanusOral Leukoplakia1 moreThe purpose is to determine the extent of genetic damage in oral mucosal lesions ascertained in the study, whether specific genotypes are associated with genetic damage observed in the oral mucosal lesions, whether the extent of genetic damage changes over time, and what factors (e.g. smoking) contribute to those changes. Genetic damage indicators will include among others DNA adduct formation, particularly related to tobacco smoke carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydocarbons. The genotypes of interest will be focused on these affecting carcinogen metabolism, (e.g., (CYP family), but may also include those related to growth factors, cell cycle control, and DNA repair. Microsatellite instability is another key indicator of damage that we plan to examine. This study was undertaken due to the paucity of data on the types of oral lesions seen in general dental practice and the limited knowledge of the natural history of these lesions. Persons were enrolled who had red and/or white oral lesions identified at 6 Dental Clinics at VA Medical Centers. The VA Centers involved were: Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Durham, NC; San Francisco, CA; Danville, IL; and San Antonio, TX. When a dentist found a red or white lesions in the course of routine outpatient examinations and care, obvious causes such as denture frictional lesions could be ruled out, and the normal standard of care for the lesion was biopsy, the patient was considered for enrollment into the study. The study was described to the patient, the consent for was signed, the patient received an intraoral examination to identify and characterize the oral lesions, the lesions were photographed, an oral epithelial cell sample was taken from the site and from the rest of the oral mucosa, and the patient was interviewed using a standard questionnaire that requested information about sociodemograhic, medical, and lifestyle factors, particularly tobacco and alcohol use all as part of the study protocol, and the patient received a biopsy as part of normal care. The biopsy report was obtained as was a small piece of the biopsy material that was not needed for patient diagnostic purposes. The subjects returned every 4-6 months for reassessment of the lesion or to determine that the lesion had not returned. The patients completed a questionnaire at each of these visits so that lifestyle factors such as tobacco and alcohol use could be reassessed. Also oral epithelial cell scrapings were obtained at each of these visits. This study is particularly valuable because longitudinal data was collected and because the data were collected over time using standard procedures.

Pioglitazone for Oral Premalignant Lesions
Oral LeukoplakiaThe goal of this clinical research study is to learn how Actos (pioglitazone) may affect oral premalignant lesions (OPLs) and/or the risk of mouth cancer. The safety of this drug will also be studied.